

Orange Belt
Sep 27, 2004
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what is the difference in 6 harmonies mantis and 7 star mantis?
j_m said:
Don't take it as gospel... but you can read up on a few of the different mantis styles/systems here :


From what little I've seen of both... 6 Harmony seems a little "softer" and "stickier" to me. Not that 7 Star isn't soft and/or sticky ;) FWIW.
it tells me its history but like i cant find any videos of its use...that i dont have to buy...
I just moved a short walk from this school:

Northern mantis has interested me ever since a practitioner frustrated the heck out of me in a sparring match. But...I find it really suspicious that this guy teaches 5 different styles of mantis,
plus other arts. Is it usual for a mantis instructor to teach multiple styles of mantis? Do they fit well together?

Different ryu of Okinawan karate are really different...Uechi-ryu is hardly anything like Goju-ryu. I don't know if it's the same with mantis kung fu.
Thanks, I'm glad to have a recommendation! But, do those 5 systems really fit well together? Maybe I'm expecting bigger differences than I'll actually find, but it seems like they'd conflict.
Knowing nothing about Mantis styles... I have heard the term six harmonies before when talking about Liu He Ba Fa. In that, if I remember correctly, pertains to six joints that work together: wrist, elbow, shoulder, waist, knee, ankle. If you can coordinate all six joints at the same time (achieving peng as it is called in Tai Chi) you will strike as hard as your body can possibly strike, your bone strength determining the max power not your muscles.

My guess would be that six harmonies mantis is an internal based mantis system based on this idea or even based on Liu He Ba Fa itself. Some people claim that Tai Chi, Ba Gua, and Xing Yi are all three based from Liu He Ba Fa, so why not a mantis style too?
arnisador said:
Thanks, I'm glad to have a recommendation! But, do those 5 systems really fit well together? Maybe I'm expecting bigger differences than I'll actually find, but it seems like they'd conflict.
Mantis schools are pretty much "variation on a theme" with some exceptions. The differences with the Nothern schools are pretty AFAIK closely related but powers, stances, execution of techniques may be a little different.

Go for it.
Mr. Burroughs just did a seminar at my teachers 7* mantis school in Ohio. While I couldnt make it because of my crazy work schedule, everyone speaks highly of Mr. Burroughs.
mantisfgtr said:
Mr. Burroughs just did a seminar at my teachers 7* mantis school in Ohio. While I couldnt make it because of my crazy work schedule, everyone speaks highly of Mr. Burroughs.
I've heard nothing but good reports of Jake Burroghs as well. I frequently read his posts over on Emptyflower.com and he seems like a straight shooter and very open and friendly. I'm sure if you had any questions he would be more than happy to talk with you about them. His user name over there is Mantisboxer.

As far as teaching/learning several diff styles goes, typically all northern CMA systems have very similar foundations. If these "foundations" are mastered it is not really too difficult to train and be good at other different northern systems. There are some exceptions to this... but in general it holds true. And of course it depends on the practicioner ;)

If I can ever find any spare time to sit in front of my PC long enough I'll try to post up some clips of 6-Harmony Mantis. It's pretty easy to see the difference from other forms/styles of Mantis such as 7 Star. But don't hold your breath :rolleyes:

Yes, most mantis principles hold true throughout the different "styles". I dont know many mantis people who really try to learn many more than one of them, but that doesn't mean anything. We do both wah lum and 7* sets, so I guess my school could be considered like that. Most people who practice different "styles" of mantis are generally "style collectors" but I dont know much about Mr. Burroghs.

I dont personally know much about 6 harmonies, but if someone wanted to list some aspects or characteristics of it, I could at least help contrast or compare to 7*.


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