DF: Resume and Demo reel request

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Resume and Demo reel request
By Crutch - 11-09-2008 01:11 AM
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums


Guro Denny asked that this be posted to the internet!

Woof All:

My name is Marc "Crafty Dog" Denny. Some of you may know me as "the Guiding
Force" of "the Dog Brothers" and/or the Head Instructor of Dog Brothers
Martial Arts. Dog Brothers Inc. Martial Arts . Today I speak as Dog Brothers Inc.

I have been asked by a well established Producer with a good track record in
doing athletically oriented television series for major networks to help
develop a television show based upon stick and other weaponry fights, so I
am looking for fighters. For the right men, this could be a very special
opportunity to build a career doing something you love.

For now I need to leave out the actual concept for the show. Know that it
will be interesting and quite distinctive from shows like The Ultimate
Fighter, Fight Quest, and others of their ilk. Trust me-- we will be
outside the box in many ways!

Although much of the fighting will be similar to our "Dog Brother Real
Contact Stickfighting" (see the fight clips at
Dog Brothers Inc. Martial Arts to get an idea) because
these fights will be professional there will be some important differences.

If you would like to be considered, we need to see the following-- all
submissions become the property of Dog Brothers Inc.:

1) a one page resume. The resume should include the following:
a) age, height, weight, citizenship, languages, website/mypage/etc. if
b) martial arts background: systems, styles, teachers, fighting
experience, competitive athletic background etc.
c) contact info

2) Photos: a) Head Shot
b) Full Body shot. Not to worry if you are not body

3) The ideal candidate will be capable in as many of the following areas as
possible, but it is understood that no one will be capable in all areas.
Demonstrate as many or as few of the following as you wish. Know that if
you suck at it, you are better leaving it out altogether!

a) Double stick
b) Single stick
c) Staff
d) knife
e) emptyhand skills: MMA or otherwise
f) gun skills (pistol, rifle, paintball)
g) other (e.g. sword and shield, whip, nunchaku, fencing, etc)
h) footage that indicates your strength and conditioning level.

These skills should be presented both solo and against a partner/opponent.
If you have fight footage please include it. MAKE CLEAR WHICH FIGHTER IS YOU
(e.g. title on screen "I am fighter in blue shorts")

ATTENTION: It is easy to develop a bit of diarrhea of the ego in assembling
such a demo disc. KNOW THAT the people who will be watching this (e.g. me)
are well seasoned in these things and do not need to see a lot to size up
your movement and skills. While some flash is fine (indeed it helps sell on
TV) remember that we are looking for fighters.

Know that if you run on too long, you run the chance of the viewer just
deciding to click on to the next candidate. Remember, we will be looking
at a lot of these. While the footage need not be shot professionally, it
should be easy to watch and hear.

4) Talk to the camera: head/upper body shot, with good clear audio. We
want to get a sense of why you do martial arts, what your philosophy is,
why you want to do this, something interesting about yourself etc. We want
to get a sense of your personality, so JUST BE YOURSELF.
Unconventional/colorful is OK. So too is conventional/serious. JUST BE

Please send your resume and Demo Reel/Disc to

Marc "Crafty Dog" Denny
Attention: TV Project
703 Pier Ave #664
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

The Adventure begins!
Marc "Crafty Dog" Denny


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