David Terrell vs. Cameron Earle (Vid)


Blue Belt
Aug 26, 2006
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
This is my video fotage of this somewhat famous match at grapplers quest. These are today two of the best American grapplers. A bit of a drawn out match with a beautiful ending. Ignor the chatter between my friend and I, it was still early in my training and I didn't know too much about the sport.

Aw man ... that was sweet. Nice win for Terrell against a bonafide stud. On the run from the law but still ....
Yeah, if only I knew what I was seeing at the time. I had been training for a little less than a year, and I competed earlier in the beginners division. I didn't know any of the "names" of grapplers back then, but I did know Terrell from seeing him fight at the IFC shows near Fresno, where I lived.

Anyway, it's cool to go back over your old footage and find gems like this.
I love that old school stuff with these world famous grapplers when they were early in their training. I have these cesar gracie videos where Terell is a new purple belt, its great.