Criminals becoming younger and younger


MT Mentor
Apr 23, 2003
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This is the story of three young boys (aged 8 and 9 years old) who raped a 11 year old girl.

It appears society is changing so much. Where should the responsibility go with the boys in getting this idea of doing the crime? Parents? Media? If the boys were assaulted earlier themselves by pedophiles, that is a possibility.

Nevertheless, parents do have a great deal of culpability in not providing enough supervision and perhaps in the way of raising the boys.

Does any one have more detail to this story?

- Ceicei
Whether these boys are guilty or something else is going on, I don't know but it speaks to something I have been thinking about for a while now. The idea of responsibility. There are ideas and concepts put about now that simply should not be in general media. I refer to such things as exemplified by Saw and Hostel. What does this say about our society and community?

And we are beginning, I think, to see the results of all the psychobabble nonsense that keeps telling people they are not to blame for anything they do. Its society's fault, its the parent's fault, its the teacher's fault. Apparently the only person who is not to blame is the one who committed the act, what ever it might be.

In the news article some people were fretting over the age of the suspects, and it is disturbing, but it is also not surprising given they have probably been told their entire short lives that they are not responsible for any wrong doing they might have done. Responsibilty. No one is, it seems, being made aware of what it is and that it is an important part of maturity. Are we are breeding a generation of irresponsible, immature people?
Media, society it is always somebody else fault what about those boys are they not to blame for there action? I agree with everything that is on TV movies , videos are about sex violence and glorifying the gangster whole attitude. But somewhere it has to come down to the person no matter what the age is.
People having children who have no business doing so. 90% of the problem right there.

You mark my words--it isn't right, it shouldn't happen but you mark my words so in another generation you can say "Andy Moynihan called it"--another 20 years and you're gonna need permits to have kids.
Andy, you need a license to carry a weapon. You need a license to run a business. You need a license to drive a vehicle. Seems kinda silly not to have one for raising kids, don't it?

There is something horrible wrong in a situation where an 8 and 9 year old boy would even know HOW to rape someone, let alone that they actually did. It starts in the home, folks. When my son, age 7, screws up I take a personal hit. It's MY responsibility to raise him properly. To instill those things in his head that will allow him to not only survive in society but excell in it. Media, pop culture, psychobabble, political correctness all play a part but ultimately it's the parents that have to give the kids the right tools for life and the kids responsibility to use those tools to build a solid, stable life.
Andy, you need a license to carry a weapon. You need a license to run a business. You need a license to drive a vehicle. Seems kinda silly not to have one for raising kids, don't it?

There is something horrible wrong in a situation where an 8 and 9 year old boy would even know HOW to rape someone, let alone that they actually did. It starts in the home, folks. When my son, age 7, screws up I take a personal hit. It's MY responsibility to raise him properly. To instill those things in his head that will allow him to not only survive in society but excell in it. Media, pop culture, psychobabble, political correctness all play a part but ultimately it's the parents that have to give the kids the right tools for life and the kids responsibility to use those tools to build a solid, stable life.

People having children who have no business doing so. 90% of the problem right there.

You mark my words--it isn't right, it shouldn't happen but you mark my words so in another generation you can say "Andy Moynihan called it"--another 20 years and you're gonna need permits to have kids.

You know Andy, I had the same thought a couple of nights ago when I heard a news story of two people being arrested for starving their seven year old daughter to death. I just thought, "Some people just shouldn't be allowed to have children."

Its funny, here is Australia it is illegal for a gay couple to adopt children (probably bring 'em up gay or something like that), but a lesbian woman can just go and get in vitro service (there is a current case of a lesbian couple who got twins when they only wanted one child), and Johnny Psycho and Crazy Cindy can just have children. What's more, the state will pay child support to them. Its all very odd. I just wonder what sought of message is being sent.
This is the story of three young boys (aged 8 and 9 years old) who raped a 11 year old girl.

It appears society is changing so much. Where should the responsibility go with the boys in getting this idea of doing the crime? Parents? Media? If the boys were assaulted earlier themselves by pedophiles, that is a possibility.

From a psychological standpoint, rape is a very advanced sexual concept for a 8 and/or 9 year old boy. One or both of them would have had to have been introduced to this kind of behavior (via being assaulted by a pedophile) prior to the incident. You can take that to the bank.

Nevertheless, parents do have a great deal of culpability in not providing enough supervision and perhaps in the way of raising the boys.

While some attacks by pedophiles are unavoidable, many are avoidable if the parents actually do their job of protecting there children. And then there are the parents (who may or may not have been assaulted as children as well) who simply stick thier head in the sand because they can't deal with the situation emotionally. These parents need to seek help and take care of themselves, or else they can't really take care of thier children.
Andy, you need a license to carry a weapon. You need a license to run a business. You need a license to drive a vehicle. Seems kinda silly not to have one for raising kids, don't it?

There is something horrible wrong in a situation where an 8 and 9 year old boy would even know HOW to rape someone, let alone that they actually did. It starts in the home, folks. When my son, age 7, screws up I take a personal hit. It's MY responsibility to raise him properly. To instill those things in his head that will allow him to not only survive in society but excell in it. Media, pop culture, psychobabble, political correctness all play a part but ultimately it's the parents that have to give the kids the right tools for life and the kids responsibility to use those tools to build a solid, stable life.

This is a most excellent world view.
Saw this item earlier today and have been playing with a thought ever since. You know how some people ridicule parents for trying to "shield their children from the world"? Maybe the goal is actually to shield the world from their children. We're talking about some pretty powerful knowledge in the hands of a group whose sense of morality has not fully developed. I wonder how much of the crimes committed by kids today would have occurred if the possibility of the act hadn't been received from outside sources? Not throwing blame, just speculatin'.

"Every generation, civilization is invaded by millions of barbarians; we call them 'children'." - Hannah Arendt
The father of one of the suspects told WSB-TV Channel 2 Action News his son denies any rape happened.

"Word had got back to her parents what she did and she changed her story around and said she was raped," said Brandon LeBlanc. "That's when they took her to the hospital and get rape kit and that's why they interrogating all these boys on these charges."

Interpretation, definition. Four kids doing something naughty and they get caught because someone else told on them. One of the boys denies "forcing her" and the girl uses her sex and seemingly defenselessness (3 against one) and says she was raped to make her less of a willing participant?. It's all down to interpretation and definition. How they see it then I'm guessing. I dunno, the police and courts will have to settle the matter on the legal level.
Back at home is another matter altogether. What's going on that kids THIS young are knowledgeable enough to perperate these acts?
Ceicei may have got it right that the boys may themselves been victims of sexual abuse and are "acting out". Remember that sexual abuse does not always include physical violation/contact, it could be exposure (intentional or not) to inappropriate material for their ages. Same with the girl in this matter. The subject came up at a slumber party, oh sure talk of boys is the norm for girls around that age but (unless I'm mistaken... never attended an 11 yr. old's slumber party... not about to either) sex would be an "EWWWWW" subject rather than something of interest... but then again how would I know?
Either way it happened and as Steel Tiger & Terry mentioned question remains is who's to blame?
IMO for something like this it would have to be damned near everybody... including the kids. The kids get their share of the responsibility for doing the act although it should be fair to say they were most likely not fully aware of all the consequences, just that it was something "naughty/nasty/cool/fun" to do, and that they'd get in trouble if they got caught.
The parents get their share for (as mentioned) not providing adequate supervision and by that I mean supervising what their kids are exposed to on a daily basis. No parent can or wants to watch their child 24/7, but they can and should monitor their day to day activities by communication during "down time"... over dinner or before bed or when-ever. No third degree interrogation under a bare bulb in a darkened room with dad silhouetted in shadow standing by the open door holding his belt loosely while being hooked up to a lie detector. :)rolled eyes: )
But open honest communication free of fear or reprisals about what their day went and un-detailed touches of what their child and their friends talked about. Maybe the kids would not have said ANYTHING about it but a smart parent might've caught something inappropriate somewhere down the line.
Either way if, there were better parenting then perhaps this could've been avoided... perhaps not. There are no guarantees when it comes to raising children according to a Masters and Johnson's study I've read.
The media? Responsible? Well in some regards yes.
Yes parents should monitor what their children are exposed to via TV/internet/radio/games/etc. but again those producing said shows need to realize that their material can get into the young's minds. I rarely watch commercialized television these days because I just can't believe the stuff that is on there. Oh sure there are some excellent shows out there to be had but it's WHEN those shows are presented. Games now have age-appropriate warnings on them... but how many actually pay attention to them or how many times has a parent thought "...ehh, that's not TOO bad for my kid... they've seen worse..."

Andy might be correct that we may move into such a totaltarian society that one must get a license to conceive a child... almost like China but for different reasons.

So who is to blame? What can we do to prevent more stories like this from cropping up in the near/distant future?
People having children who have no business doing so. 90% of the problem right there.

You mark my words--it isn't right, it shouldn't happen but you mark my words so in another generation you can say "Andy Moynihan called it"--another 20 years and you're gonna need permits to have kids.

Amen Andy..With some of the crap I've dealt with in the last 20 years they should have that law in place NOW!!!!
Fortunately this is newsworthy precisely because it's rare. If you look at juvenile violent crime rates over the last forty years we're not doing badly. And we've been doing much better since the peak in the 1970s. Interesting to note, a lot of that looks to be due to the elimination of lead in gasoline. There's been a very strong correlation of reduction in blood lead levels and reduction in uncontrolled behavior. Not surprising considering what lead does to the brain.

Sometimes you get huge effects from little things.
What I'm curious about here is why everyone is admonishing the little boys and not the little girl? Oh that's right... the "r" word... Nevermind she admitted to telling her friends about it beforehand at a sleepover, then changing the story so she wouldn't get in trouble. Lets just castrate em now.. save the taxpayers dollars later... Oi...

I find it hard to believe that NO ONE here played "doctor" as a kid, or a bit of "I'll show you mine if you show me yours". Right, it was different back then... there wasn't the violent society taking their toll... K...

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