'Course You have Mr. Smith

where is his email?

I am feeling the urge to throw a 'triple dog dare' his way.

When will you be mad enough to start running for office?

I am thinking that could force him into unemployment a 3rd time....

seems like the people are not to crazy about his back peddle...
I'm curious, what's unemployment like over there? He says he wants to "incentivize" people to go to work but are they're actually jobs for them?
Thanks to the destruction of our manufacturing base and the loss of the once Nationalised Utilities and Services {cheers, Maggie, good job :tdown:}, the employment opportunities over here are dire. The semi-skilled/skilled manual jobs in heavy industry are gone and what is left are service sector pseudo-jobs (call centres, fast food etc). The government has been cooking the unemployment books for so long no one really knows how bad things are anymore.

I shall dig up some current figures for you ... back in a bit.
The government has been cooking the unemployment books for so long no one really knows how bad things are anymore.

I shall dig up some current figures for you ... back in a bit.

They’ve been doing the same thing over here. The way they “define” unemployed is misleading but many don’t bother to actually look up this definition and as a result think the unemployment is lower than it actually is.

A more “telling” estimate, I’ve found, is to look at actual employment numbers as a ratio to those of working age who aren’t disabled.

Doing so in the States shows that “real unemployment” is closer to 15-20% instead of the professed 8%.
Here's the 'friendly' face of the numbers from the BBC (essentially reporting the governments 'line') http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10604117

A little nibbling around the edges from the TUC (via Huffington again, sorry :eek:) http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/01/22/tuc-self-employed-figures_n_2526838.html

Some light cast on one of the ways in which the true figures are massaged downwards http://johnnyvoid.wordpress.com/2012/08/26/how-the-dwp-manufactures-falling-unemployment-figures/

Even the Daily Fail has something sympathetic to say on the matter (which is a shock diversion from their usual approach) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...er-25-hours-week-amid-struggle-time-jobs.html