considering taekwondo

TX_BB said:
Taekwondo is taekwondo, there is no magical powers confered to you when you earn your black belt.

You mean I'm NOT getting a cape with my black belt?... :)

Tae Kwon!
Nope no Black Cape, no water wings, they just let you into the deep end of the pool. I wish I could get these smiley things to work.

Happy trails
TX_BB said:
Taekwondo is taekwondo, there is no magical powers confered to you when you earn your black belt.
Darn! You mean I won't be able to fly around the dojang when I get my BB? :ultracool All this work for nutin'..... :)
I hear a lot of TKD bashing these days from a lot other arts. My experience with TKD was not so good, it was my first experience with a martial art, and it turned out to be a McDojo. Of course, I never learned TKD, I learned what would keep most parents happy, that and competing just about every other month so the douche bag that taught the class could fill his dojang up with very nice looking trophies--an excellent marketing scheme to the ill informed consumer. But again, this wasnt tkd, it was the instructor's own version, one that had more business principles than actual self defense. I left TKD roughly 17 yrs ago for Kenpo, but I have a good friend of mine who practices TKD with an excellent teacher and he can fight very well. There are people out there that will promise you a black belt in about 2-3 yrs even 1 yr in just about any system, and there are those that care about the system. My advice to you is dont worry so much about your shodan, and worry on whether you are actually learning the true art of tkd or any system you choose for that matter. Best of luck in your training.
Well I would have to dis-agree anybody that get a BB in six months is a complete moron in my humble opion. A BB is more than a guy able to kick a person and a bag they must understand there applications of forms and each and every step of there journey, the journey for some is competing at tournament with rules, in real life its a journey of instinct and knowledge. I'm not saying you can't learn everything but to understand everything is a complete journey. I hope the original poster takes the right path of his MA career and learns the lesson and the benefits of real MA.
terryl965 said:
Well I would have to dis-agree anybody that get a BB in six months is a complete moron in my humble opion. A BB is more than a guy able to kick a person and a bag they must understand there applications of forms and each and every step of there journey, the journey for some is competing at tournament with rules, in real life its a journey of instinct and knowledge. I'm not saying you can't learn everything but to understand everything is a complete journey. I hope the original poster takes the right path of his MA career and learns the lesson and the benefits of real MA.
I guess I must be a super moron since my first and second Dan's were granted by GM Cho. I better stop working with kids and stick to being a blind referee. See you when I get back from Anaheim.
TX_BB said:
I guess I must be a super moron since my first and second Dan's were granted by GM Cho. I better stop working with kids and stick to being a blind referee. See you when I get back from Anaheim.
TX BB you know what I mean you my friend have been in MA almost as long as me and you are no Moron, you understand your application and you worked hard for your BB why the hostilities about my post, it just my opion that it takes time to fully understand every application. Have a wonderful trip and you are not a blind ref. either so keep your eye on those Cali. kids and I'll see you when you get back. ALOHA
crysis said:
ok so ive had no prior martial arts training...hardly any knowledge of martial arts either... but i was walking around in my garage today and saw the red dangling thing from the garage door. in my head i thought i could so kick that. i did... heres a vid. keep in mind this thing is about as high as my head

(no martial arts training....only lots of jet li movies.) **right click and save as**

with that in mind, how fast do you think it could take me to work my way to black belt given i have some ability?

also, i live in the riverside area of california (near UCR)
i havent found any good taekwondo schools that i like so if you guys know of any, feel free to post.
I say that you take TKD. Take the traditional arts so you can defend yourself and at the same time showing those "thugs" that " hey im crazy"
Also my advice is to work hard, patience, and perseverance. Don't disappoint us.

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