

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jun 20, 2003
Reaction score
Cleveland, OH
Here's an interesting development that I recently read about. Looking for comments and thoughts. It is loosly related to self defense.

In the second largest rainforest in the world, the Congo, there has been poaching on national park land that has decimated endangered and general wildlife though out the park. The poachers come in from neiboring contries across ungarded borders and raid the park. They even go as far as to attack native villages in the park, looting, killing and raping. The natives are not civilized enough to defend against poachers with AKs.

Recently, a few privatly acting Americans have put money forward to arm and train the locals to repel the poachers, with the Congolese government's approval. Is this a good idea?

Not that they ever would (not enough money in it) but what if the US gov. asked for volunteer troops to send over there for jungle patrol duty protecting the park and the people inside. There are quite a few soldiers in the US that would love the opportunity to crawl around in the jungle for a fairly noble cause and get the combat time in. We used to spend large sums to send troops to a Central/South American camp for jungle training (Panama?). This could be just as good.

PS on the environmental side, the logging in Africa by European corporations have turned whole forests into wasteland. In the northern Congo alone there has been loss of forests about the size of New York state in less than 10 years.

I'm not much of a tree hugger and I don't think my views are generally very liberal, but this seems rediculous.
I agree that this sounds very rude. Everything on earth was put here for a reason not to be wasted by frivilous means. We need the trees to help with the air. With these type of people eventually they will take our natural resources away from us. Not cool.
I just thought it was extremely interesting that a motivated American with some (okay, a ton) of extra money could step forth and do something about it.
I remember seeing an episode of NIghtline (?? i think) last year that focused on this topic... a weathy American who was funding mercenaries to protect indigenous peoples and their environment... was a great story, and offered a lot of insight into the environmental crisis on the African continent, as well as the US government's attitude and lack of interest in protecting it. I also seem to recall the discussion about the legal issues the man has encountered because of his actions.
I hope they cover the topic again.
Originally posted by grimfang
I remember seeing an episode of NIghtline (?? i think) last year that focused on this topic... a weathy American who was funding mercenaries to protect indigenous peoples and their environment... was a great story, and offered a lot of insight into the environmental crisis on the African continent, as well as the US government's attitude and lack of interest in protecting it. I also seem to recall the discussion about the legal issues the man has encountered because of his actions.
I hope they cover the topic again.

Apparently he actually got permission from all the tribes in the park land and also got a written agreement from the elected Pres. of the Congolese Gov. to "shoot on sight" anyone caught poaching.
Originally posted by OULobo
... and also got a written agreement from the elected Pres. of the Congolese Gov. to "shoot on sight" anyone caught poaching.

Well good for them.:asian: At least they are doing something about it.
I don't believe you'd ever get the U.S. govt to send in troops even on a volunteer basis for something like this. However, I can almost guarantee that there are enough wannabe mercenaries in this country that you could field a small army for this sort of thing from the civilian population. Import "soldiers" from around the world, give them "national park ranger" credentials from the Congolese gov't and have at it. Next question is how long before the mercenaries become the problem? Maybe a strict screening policy for the soldiers would help. If anything is going to be done though I believe it will have to be done in the private sector because
(not enough money in it)
Originally posted by theletch1
I don't believe you'd ever get the U.S. govt to send in troops even on a volunteer basis for something like this. However, I can almost guarantee that there are enough wannabe mercenaries in this country that you could field a small army for this sort of thing from the civilian population. Import "soldiers" from around the world, give them "national park ranger" credentials from the Congolese gov't and have at it. Next question is how long before the mercenaries become the problem? Maybe a strict screening policy for the soldiers would help. If anything is going to be done though I believe it will have to be done in the private sector because

I just wonder how much public opinion would sway towards a politician if he adopted such a concept. I really don't see a negative. We wouldn't be sending troops, they would only go if they volunteered. Didn't Ross Perot pull something like this with his millions. I thought I once heard of him using his money to rescue some POWs with mercenaries.

I can see how a merc army may get out of hand, you never know when the poachers may offer more than the army sponsor. Still I'm more likely to buy a product from a guy who supports this kind of action. I also wonder how many activists would volunteer for such training and actually go out to the bush and shoot people. Its kind of a money where your mouth is concept.
Originally posted by OULobo
... I also wonder how many activists would volunteer for such training and actually go out to the bush and shoot people...

We will probably never actually know how many people out there would want to act out some weird kind of war games. I'd prefer when it's time die that I'm not going to get shot to death.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
We will probably never actually know how many people out there would want to act out some weird kind of war games. I'd prefer when it's time die that I'm not going to get shot to death.

Yeah, I always envisioned myself at the ripe old age of 90 going peacefully nestled betwixed the breasts of an 18yr old Hooters girl. :ladysman:
Yeah, I always envisioned myself at the ripe old age of 90 going peacefully nestled betwixed the breasts of an 18yr old Hooters girl

Hey. at 90 that would probably do it.... but what a way to go.:D

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