computerized first form


Purple Belt
Apr 19, 2008
Reaction score
essex england
hi guys

i remember a post i think by si-je that featured a computerised siu lim tau step by step. i wondered if it had the 3rd section.
i havent been shown it yet but am keen to start the work in earnest.

anyone know the link or any other vids that are slow enough for me to do my homework.

thanks again. x

Here you go champ this is from our lineage , go to this site and in the gallery section you will see our Sigung doing the various forms .

The video quality is not the best but they have had the sense to put him near a mirror so that you can have a view from the front and the side .
thanks for that. very similar to our form, will be a big help.

Be careful not to learn a first form that is different from your own - you might fail your next grading!!!

The dangers of learning froma book or video is that you might misinterperet what a person is doing. Your Sifu/Sihing should take you through it step by step and explain the movements as well.

Good luck

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