Common annoying mistakes


Master of Blades

What annoying mistakes do non-martial artist make ABOUT martial arts that really annoys you? I think the most common one for me is people mistaking the White Crane Stance for the Mantis one or possibly when people make a comment like "Kicks are better then punches". That stuff really pisses me off!
The one annoying thing that keeps happening is that someone will be talking to me about another Martial Arts person and expect me to make a degradeing comment about the person, his school,or system. If I like a person or not I'm not about to down grade him to someone I hardly know or anyone that I don't know verry well.
It's a respect thing, for a fellow practictioner, even if he dose not know crap. I will not discuss it with outsiders.

It's a respect thing, for a fellow practictioner, even if he dose not know crap. I will not discuss it with outsiders.

I totally agree. I get so sick and tired of hearing someone badmouth someone that they know little or nothing about. This is one of the rules of our dojo-that you don't knock another competitor, no matter what you personally think of his skills. If his skills are less than outstanding, it is going to be apparent without me saying a thing.
This may not be the worst, but it was the first to come to mind. I was sitting with friends, and someone mentioned that I was "into Martial Arts" the people sitting around then started a discussion that "all martial artists love to fight."

I was suprised at how uneducated this people were about the study of Martial Arts, and the spirit in which they are studied.

Oh well.
Hey all...

well here's my fave one... get it all the time..
As SOON as someone finds out im studying a MA.. they immediatley ask... ARE YOU A BLACK BELT??? uggg.. i hate that one.. its like the most annoying thing someone can ask me... they never ask what rank or level am i at... sigh.. oh well.. Can't go around roundhouse kickin em can I ??? :shrug:
I'll agree that the total misconception of what the arts are about and the many reasons we study, is a pain in the backside. We all study for our own reasons and they are many indeed.
Good thoughts DWright
That when you tell someone you do martial arts or karate. The first thing out of their mouths is "You do Tae Kwon Do". Just like to smack them, do Osoto gari throw and get the mount and say does that feel like Tae Kwon Do to you.
Never assume
Bob :asian: :D
martial arts comes in many styles.. i hate when ppl assume martial arts is karate and kung fu. then they say "teach me some moves"

they assume that my stance is the one from "Karate Kid", when its just hands up
Originally posted by hand2handCombat

martial arts comes in many styles.. i hate when ppl assume martial arts is karate and kung fu. then they say "teach me some moves"
That is my pet peeve too. I have to confess though, I used to be one of those uneducated in MA people who thought all martial arts were called Karate or Kung Fu or Tae Kwon Do. :eek: Soon after I started Aikido, I began to realize the vastness of the MA world and how different the styles and arts are! But now it really bugs me when other people keep calling Aikido "Karate" (Karate is a wonderful art and I have nothing against it. I just wish people understood how the arts are different. Especially since Aikido is SO different from Karate from what I've seen and done!).

It also bugs me when people ask me what belt I am. In my system, there is only white and black belt so when I tell them I'm a white belt, they give me "that look ". :rolleyes:

Robyn :asian:
I'm pretty new to MA, so I haven't really run into anything that particularly bugs me. I can understand the ones posted here though, like mistaking one art for another (even if told what it is) and being asked if you're a black belt. A few of the people I've talked to about my training have asked what level I'm at, but I don't think anyone's asked if I'm a black belt. If asked about levels, I tell them that I'm studying a traditional Chinese martial art and they don't use a belt ranking system. I should just tell them I am a black belt since that's the color of the belt I have, huh? ;) (Our teacher explained color didn't matter for the above reason, then told us all to get black because it doesn't get as obviously dirty as quickly. :) ) I'm sure that if people insisted on calling my art something it wasn't, espcially after I told them what it was, it would bug me, too. I can't recall getting that from the people I've talked to though. As a sort of aside, I do like having a forum like this where everyone studies MA (or at least has an intelligent understanding of them) to talk to. And with all the different arts represented, it gives a variety of viewpoints which is always helpful.
I get annoyed when people see "Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story" and take it for fact. I get them back by pointing out each and every mistake, exaggeration, or plain piece of B.S. as it occurs.


I'm with Eraser. I get that all the time. Someone at work asked me if I was a black belt, and I happened to stop by in my uniform with my green belt on! Duurrrrr, no I'm not a black belt ..... can't you tell ?????? Go figure.
kinda odd.. I havn't realy ran into any assumptions like those listed.. my freinds just seem to know when they don't know what they are talking about :p
I hate when people say things like, " I wouldn't want to be trapped in a dark alley with you then!" (insert laugh here)

I always ask "Why? Were you thinking of attacking me?"

I used to get my friends asking me to show them something and I would always explain something interesting. Now I when people ask me something I just do something very painful to them so they never ask again.
hehehe, I can imagine

gou's freind: "hey show me a move"

gou: *right hook to left tricep*
...yelling "Who won the race?" and then when they say, "Huh?" You yell, "CHARLIE HORSE!" and punch them right in the quad of the leg.

Oh that's always fun....ah the memories...
personaly I like to go with the thai kick or the side kick..
While the thai kick is good the punch allows you to use a dragon's head knuckle or a phoenix's eye which is much smaller and much more painful as it's localized.
The most annoying thing that bothers me is after someone who finds out I'm a martial artist, they come back with something like this "Cool, so does my uncle. He has a 8th degree black belt in tkd." or "Are you any good?". I dont even bother with the first comment but on the second comment, I usually reply that I'm better then some and not as good as others.
I have had people I don't know very well ask that second one and I usualy reply "not realy". It ends the conversation.

I prefer a thai kick because you get more than enough force to compensate for the increased area and you can hit higher up on the thigh, also I like knee spikes. no one ever seems to expect those, especialy when you faint a punch :p

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