Choy Li Fut exercises



I'm considering taking Choy Li Fut lessons when I move in a month. I don't really want to wait that long before I can do anything. I have prior experience in the martial arts (shotokan). Is there anything I can do for the time being... aside from breathing exercises?
General conditioning, obviously; maybe work on your horse stance? Really, if it's just a month, patience is probably your best bet!

For the coming month, can you experiment with some other art in the area? Just pay for a month an try something out, for the experience?
Just wait... it'll be better to go in empty rather that with something & possibly incorrect.

If you have to something... work on loosening your back, shoulders & waist. Learn to relax. Also, continue breathing as it's good for you. Don't let your previous training in your head during practice.

CLF works ok with previous training, but works better with it out of your head since you don't have to unlearn or relearn things. You start fresh & new which is easier to deal with than changing things. Trust me on this. When I started CLF, I had to adjust things I've been doing for lots of years to fit CLF. It wasn't hard, but it was extra effort on my part.
clfsean said:
If you have to something... work on loosening your back, shoulders & waist. Learn to relax.

Yes, this is probably the biggest thing you will need to work on.
Any particular stretching exercises you would recommend? How often and to what intensity? BTW, thanks for the advice.
Nah... just general stretching by rotation, isotonic & isometric methods (normal methods). How often is like anything, the more the better to a point & your body will tell you the point. Intensity should be light to moderate & then back to light.

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