

Senior Master
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
does anyone other then me think there should be a forum for the discussion of Chi? i don't want to start an argument over whether or not it exists. thats like argueing over whether or not god exists. there is no truelly good wayto say (sorry if that offends anyone).
off topic. what are some other ways of expressing chi. like ki (japan), mana (hawaii, though also a few games).

Sweet Brighit Bless your Blade,

There's probably a forum for it somewhere, but it isnt a MA in and of itself so it probably shouldnt get a whole forum here. If you want to talk about it try posting a topic in a forum for a MA that uses it (not trying to sound like a jerk or anything, its just that it would probably get more attention there).

By other ways of expressing it do you mean names for it?
hongkongfooey said:
Try the Dragon Ball Z forum. I here Dillman hangs out there.

DUDE!!! :lool:

But seriously...Dillman probably dosn't hang out there...Those are my old stomping grounds...I used be in DBZ heavily...Its one of the reasons I started Training, not because I want to turn into a Super Sayian, it because I like the emotion in it, and Goku's never ending fighting spirit.
I was wondering about maybe holding discussion on energy in the philosophy section?
Just started a topic on chi in the Philosophy and Spirituality in the Arts forum.
yes i meant other names for chi. and i will later (if some other people seem to care) start anouther thread with a poll for giving chi a forum/subforum or what ever would be accetable.

Sweet Brighit Bless your Blade,

o.k. i guess it's a start. so are you for or against there being a chi/biomechanics forum/subforum

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