Cars That Are Cop Magnets?

The first blast of warm Spring weather up here will bring all the jerks to the roadways..The ones that will be pulled over are the ones speeding no matter what their car looks like...They want to attract attentions hence the 40" rims and earth shaking sound system...Out of those we grab better than 1/2 will have no driving privledges..Out of that 1/2 every 3rd person will have an active warrant..
On the one hand you say this:

..The ones that will be pulled over are the ones speeding no matter what their car looks like..

Then, immediately afterword, you say this:

...They want to attract attentions hence the 40" rims and earth shaking sound system...

Which seem to be in conflict to me......otherwise, I'm with you-I hate the earth shaking sound system.....though I do laugh when they pull up next to me or behind me, because they are going to be sooooo deaf...
On the one hand you say this:

Then, immediately afterword, you say this:

Which seem to be in conflict to me......otherwise, I'm with you-I hate the earth shaking sound system.....though I do laugh when they pull up next to me or behind me, because they are going to be sooooo deaf...

Yeah that does read like conflicting statements...If someone is rolling by in one of them tricked out cars it will attract my attention..I will only radar them if they appear to be speeding..
I'm with you-I hate the earth shaking sound system.....though I do laugh when they pull up next to me or behind me, because they are going to be sooooo deaf...

Pulled down a mouthy female once in her Mamma's car..She proceeded to tell me that its not loud because it factory installed...
I drive an '06 Mustang GT. Black, tinted windows, and no plate on the front. Tinted windows and no front plate are illegal here. I like to drive fast, and I admit to deafness at times because I love music and my stereo is kick ***. I've never been pulled over.

My last car was a fire engine red Honda Accord Coupe, VTEC, spoiler, nice stereo. I drove fast. I never got pulled over.

I should knock on wood. Now that I've said this I'm gonna get stopped. lol
Smoothly spoken, gentlemen (I'll add a third card to that hand if I may?).
It can be a bit funny what "gets" some cops vs others.

Speed on a straight-a-way wont tick me off as much as the speeder weaving in and out of traffic, cutting people off. People in souped up cars peeling away from a stop light will almost always get a ticket from me while equipment violations like lights blown out will typically just get a warning.

Never let me catch you a second time though....
I don't do much traffic enforcement any more, but I have very little tolerance for reckless driving. It's been my experience that individuals who have "performance" cars like to play with them...

When we see vehicles with overly-tinted windows, we think, "what is junior doing in there that he doesn't want anyone to see?"
Not wishing to hi-jack this excellent thread but just wanted to add a new wrinkle..OK LEO's..How about motorcycles??? Does any particular model or style get your undivided attention??
Not wishing to hi-jack this excellent thread but just wanted to add a new wrinkle..OK LEO's..How about motorcycles??? Does any particular model or style get your undivided attention??

I'm not an LEO, but I can say that 20 or more years ago, a Harley got a lot of attention, as did any kind of custom "chopper." That's not so true anymore, I think, though some probably get a little extra attention because they believe" loud pipes save lives," and some are trying to live up to the "bad to the bone" image, and just asking for (rather than "looking for") trouble.
I'm not an LEO, but I can say that 20 or more years ago, a Harley got a lot of attention, as did any kind of custom "chopper." That's not so true anymore, I think, though some probably get a little extra attention because they believe" loud pipes save lives," and some are trying to live up to the "bad to the bone" image, and just asking for (rather than "looking for") trouble.

Loud pipes do save lives and I am living proof...Those idiots on the crotch rockets usually attract my attention....
It can be a bit funny what "gets" some cops vs others.

Speed on a straight-a-way wont tick me off as much as the speeder weaving in and out of traffic, cutting people off. People in souped up cars peeling away from a stop light will almost always get a ticket from me while equipment violations like lights blown out will typically just get a warning.

Never let me catch you a second time though....

An observation from this out-of-towner and his wife that maybe Bob Hubbard can comment on..The posted speed limits in NY appear to be suggestions and not the observed laws..