Can you do this?

This is a very good test to see if you will start to have the hunchback problem or not.

Can you do this?


I injured my right shoulder in a motorbike accident many years ago so I'm a little asymmetric, but...

Right elbow up - yes, and can get the grip onto my wrist.

Left elbow up - yes, can match her grip but no further.

Sitting like that though, I can't seem to get my right buttock to touch the ground o_O

Edit: I'll maybe try to get a pic later ;)
@pdg!!! How ya been bro? Long time no see :)

In terms of can I do this, used to do it perfectly in high school, nowadays I can do it with a bit of finger grip when I have the right elbow up, but when I try with the left elbow up, I can only touch the fingers.
@pdg!!! How ya been bro? Long time no see :)

I could write an essay about how bad I've been this year so far (nearly half way through it...) but the abridged version...

Around Xmas time something arrived (maybe something like a cold? Can't properly remember) and went downhill from there. January and February passed pretty much under a blanket except for the rare times I managed to force myself to do anything.

I quickly got really irritable so rather than get really invested in pointless arguments (that I probably started) I decided to pretty much walk away from the internet for a while.

Docs couldn't/can't find anything, which gives me nothing to blame.

Now I think I'm on an upward trend, so fingers crossed I'm getting sorted - but it's slow and annoying.
I could write an essay about how bad I've been this year so far (nearly half way through it...) but the abridged version...

Around Xmas time something arrived (maybe something like a cold? Can't properly remember) and went downhill from there. January and February passed pretty much under a blanket except for the rare times I managed to force myself to do anything.

I quickly got really irritable so rather than get really invested in pointless arguments (that I probably started) I decided to pretty much walk away from the internet for a while.

Docs couldn't/can't find anything, which gives me nothing to blame.

Now I think I'm on an upward trend, so fingers crossed I'm getting sorted - but it's slow and annoying.

Hang in there, brother. And take care of yourself. All good thoughts coming your way.
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I could write an essay about how bad I've been this year so far (nearly half way through it...) but the abridged version...

Around Xmas time something arrived (maybe something like a cold? Can't properly remember) and went downhill from there. January and February passed pretty much under a blanket except for the rare times I managed to force myself to do anything.

I quickly got really irritable so rather than get really invested in pointless arguments (that I probably started) I decided to pretty much walk away from the internet for a while.

Docs couldn't/can't find anything, which gives me nothing to blame.

Now I think I'm on an upward trend, so fingers crossed I'm getting sorted - but it's slow and annoying.
Sorry to hear you had the mystery flu (what I call anything that's nasty and doesn't get a diagnosis). I hope things continue to improve, man.
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I could write an essay about how bad I've been this year so far (nearly half way through it...) but the abridged version...

Around Xmas time something arrived (maybe something like a cold? Can't properly remember) and went downhill from there. January and February passed pretty much under a blanket except for the rare times I managed to force myself to do anything.

I quickly got really irritable so rather than get really invested in pointless arguments (that I probably started) I decided to pretty much walk away from the internet for a while.

Docs couldn't/can't find anything, which gives me nothing to blame.

Now I think I'm on an upward trend, so fingers crossed I'm getting sorted - but it's slow and annoying.
Oh wow... so sorry to hear that.. I truly hope you're on the mend. Yeah I can relate for sure... take good care of yourself, great to hear from you
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Cheers guys. I'll stop dragging it down now...

In other news - do you have any idea how difficult it is to take a photo of yourself, from distance behind, while both hands are being used???
Cheers guys. I'll stop dragging it down now...

In other news - do you have any idea how difficult it is to take a photo of yourself, from distance behind, while both hands are being used???
Can't say I'd ever pondered that until just now.
We were playing Trivial Pursuit (that dates me!) with the neighbors a long while back. The question was ... Who played Quasimodo in the 1956 movie "The Hunchback of Notre Dame". In answer, our neighbor Debbie said "I have no idea as I've never been a college football fan!" o_O
Trivial Pursuit trivia. The game was invented by some folks working at the Montreal Gazette. My old friend Derek Ramsey was the first guy to invest in the game. He cashed in a savings bond to invest $1000.00. He had offered another friend to go 50/50 on the investment, but Johnny couldn't come up with the $500.00. Derek got rich, Johnny didn't.
Trivial Pursuit trivia. The game was invented by some folks working at the Montreal Gazette. My old friend Derek Ramsey was the first guy to invest in the game. He cashed in a savings bond to invest $1000.00. He had offered another friend to go 50/50 on the investment, but Johnny couldn't come up with the $500.00. Derek got rich, Johnny didn't.

In the nineties, I bought twenty grand worth of stock in a new company. Within eighteen months a buddy asked me if I had been following the stock. I hadn't. It had increased dramatically so I cashed it in, even after taxes it was a nice little score.

In case you guys have never noticed, I'm one of the more stupid F's around here. A friend of mine recently did the math, just to bust my chops. That stock would be worth north of thirteen million right now and it's still growing......Amazon.

Ya, I'm that stupid.
In the nineties, I bought twenty grand worth of stock in a new company. Within eighteen months a buddy asked me if I had been following the stock. I hadn't. It had increased dramatically so I cashed it in, even after taxes it was a nice little score.

In case you guys have never noticed, I'm one of the more stupid F's around here. A friend of mine recently did the math, just to bust my chops. That stock would be worth north of thirteen million right now and it's still growing......Amazon.

Ya, I'm that stupid.
I think it was Aristotle Onassis that said buying low was easy, knowing when to sell was the hard part.

(My memory for this stuff is crap, so it could be someone entirely different.)
Cheers guys. I'll stop dragging it down now...

In other news - do you have any idea how difficult it is to take a photo of yourself, from distance behind, while both hands are being used???
Put the camera on a tripod or other stable surface. A table will do too. Set a timer on the camera.

Not difficult at all :)
Put the camera on a tripod or other stable surface. A table will do too. Set a timer on the camera.

Not difficult at all :)

It's difficult (well, convoluted) when you add the steps I'd need to do though...

I rarely use a computer, and almost never on forums - I think all except two of my posts here have been on my phone.

Step one would be learning how my phone camera actually works with timers and stuff... I'm sure it does all that but I've never bothered looking (my canon gets used for real pictures).

Step two would be trying to hold the thing steady.

I know I can hook my DSLR to my phone, but that would mean making a lead (DSLR doesn't have bt or WiFi).

I'll get someone else to hold it ;)
It's difficult (well, convoluted) when you add the steps I'd need to do though...

I rarely use a computer, and almost never on forums - I think all except two of my posts here have been on my phone.

Step one would be learning how my phone camera actually works with timers and stuff... I'm sure it does all that but I've never bothered looking (my canon gets used for real pictures).

Step two would be trying to hold the thing steady.

I know I can hook my DSLR to my phone, but that would mean making a lead (DSLR doesn't have bt or WiFi).

I'll get someone else to hold it ;)
Your DSLR should definitely have a timer. Both of my Canons do.

I just wanted to talk about actual cameras for a second there :)
Your DSLR should definitely have a timer. Both of my Canons do.

I just wanted to talk about actual cameras for a second there :)

Oh yes, the DSLR does all that plus has remotes and stuff - I could set up a backdrop with lighting and all sorts.

Doesn't help with getting the pic onto the phone though...

Yes, I could use the pc to post it, but I'm not sure I could bring myself to not do a bunch of post on a pic from that camera ;) (I only shoot raw with it, so some processing is always required anyway.)
when i was in high school i could clasp the opposing wrists with either hand. these days I can only interlace my fingers.