Bruises behaving strangely


Black Belt
Nov 12, 2014
Reaction score
I'll preface this by saying that I will be more than happy to consult my doc if this is indeed strange but I wanted to draw on other folks' experience first. The last two sparring sessions ( one three weeks ago, the other one week ago) I clashed shins pretty hard with my partners. Both times right under the knee but on opposite legs. Next day: big egg, bruise etc no big deal . Put on some jow, primary swelling goes down, then, four days later the lower part of my shin that didn't get hit hurts like hell and my ankle is turning all shades of purple. It's like the bruise migrates. Anyone else experience this?
its normal to my knowledge. where do you think the blood is going to go...gravity it goes down.
I'll preface this by saying that I will be more than happy to consult my doc if this is indeed strange but I wanted to draw on other folks' experience first. The last two sparring sessions ( one three weeks ago, the other one week ago) I clashed shins pretty hard with my partners. Both times right under the knee but on opposite legs. Next day: big egg, bruise etc no big deal . Put on some jow, primary swelling goes down, then, four days later the lower part of my shin that didn't get hit hurts like hell and my ankle is turning all shades of purple. It's like the bruise migrates. Anyone else experience this?
I'm thinking that you may have clashed your shins harder than you think but you didn't take notice because the you were only feeling the pain that was close to your knee. Sometimes I clash shins and I don't think it's was hard enough to cause bruising and then a few days later the tenderness starts to sink in. To be honest most of the times I don't realize how bad I was injured until a few days later. I always feel the big injuries but there are other injuries that fly under the radar and don't pop up until later.

I kind of get a kick out of it because 2 days later I'm thinking "OK who hit me?" as I try to figure out I got the bruise / injury and from who.
Thanks fellows. I guess as of late I have been blocking kicks more with the legs than I used to, hence the bruises that are fairly new to me. Glad to hear it doesn't seem that unusual....doesn't make it suck any less though
the bruse will go where the swelling goes. Like black eyes when you break a nose.
It's not uncommon for the swelling to end up down there. As has been said, gravity pulled it down. There's not much room near your shin for the fluid to pool, so it settled where it had room. You'll probably get some pain where the bruising has settled too, if you haven't already. That's from the chemical mediators in the inflammation; it doesn't mean you injured that area too.
It's not uncommon for the swelling to end up down there. As has been said, gravity pulled it down. There's not much room near your shin for the fluid to pool, so it settled where it had room. You'll probably get some pain where the bruising has settled too, if you haven't already. That's from the chemical mediators in the inflammation; it doesn't mean you injured that area too.

that would explain why that area also feels a bit warm to the touch.....inflammation
just to add,, as any doctor will tell you keep your feet raised when possible to allow the blood to disperse in other areas.
Have you tried rubbing a little dirt into it?
