Board Games


Black Belt
Apr 11, 2004
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Who here plays board games? I've decided you're never too old to play them, be it a classic like monopoly or a monster like Axis & Allies.

I'm personally into Settlers of Catan at the moment, an excellent game of trade and cunning. It's so great to implement things you read about in books like The Prince and the Art of War into real life!
Risk, SFB, Axis & Allies, Chess, Klin Zha, Shogun are semi regulars. :)
Risk, Monopoly (straight rules), othello, occasionally Stratego and Battleship (for nostalgic sake).

Been more into $5.00 buy in Texas Hold 'Em games than anything else... heh...
The fantastic four monopoly game it's like the old version but my kids like to play with me and that is always fun.

Bob, how long does a game of A&A take you?
My game of choice has always been Risk, but with a house full of kids, I don't get to play much. Well, actually, never is more accurate.

We go through games in streaks. A few weeks of Texas hold 'em, then on to Yatzee, Monopoly junior, then scrabble. Once in a while, my 12 year old will humor me with a game of chess, but that's rare. At least we're past the dreaded "Blues Clues" and the like.....
Loki said:
Bob, how long does a game of A&A take you?
Last game was a solid afternoon. Haven't played in several months though. :(
Only if you can count Warhammer 40k as a board game.

I love to play chess, though I don't get to play too often, I hate playing online, dunno why, probably because of the 2D board. Scrabble is another favorite of mine... I just can't spell for beans
Board games are fun with the right people! :D

I am particularly fond of Monopoly. Don't get to play it very often, can't seem to find the time.
I personally abhor all board games...maybe because I always lose!

My brother is getting married in the spring and they are trying to figure out how to incorporate board games into the reception...heaven help us.

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