Black Striping on the dobok...

Me either....

I've worn the jacket from my judo gi a few times in class when I couldn't find my V-neck, forgot to wash it, or we were gonna be showing some throws or self defense in class.

I've been thinking of going back to the old style crossover, but the only place you find them is for tang soo do... Anybody have some recommendations on quality, but relatively inexpensive crossover doboks?
You should only tie the strings on the Gi top during "formal" occasions. The strings are not designed to work as a closure system (they are not strong enough). I was taught that if you move correctly your top will not open (also velcro up around the solar plexius area might be a help for the girls)
Big Nick,

The easiest rought is as follows:

-Buy the Dobok of your liking
-Buy a role of black ribbon (local fabric store)
-Take it to an alteration shop and have it striped to your instructors liking

This works well for me as we generally dont wear the same striping style as the Moo Duk Kwan/Tang Soo Do style doboks!

The Kai said:
You should only tie the strings on the Gi top during "formal" occasions. The strings are not designed to work as a closure system (they are not strong enough). I was taught that if you move correctly your top will not open (also velcro up around the solar plexius area might be a help for the girls)
Todd, your statement about the top not coming open is a new one on me (and internally inconsistent-not strong enough to keep the uniform closed when there would be no need for them if the uniform did not come open).

I have seen numerous photos of high-ranking karateka whose gi tops came undone. Heck, I've trained to the point where my cross-over top was coming open and my belt falling off. Sorry if this is off-topic...

I dunno. I'm pretty tall... and really skinny. All of the V-neck tops I've tried run very wide, so when I put my belt on, the top gets all bunched up above the belt as I move around. It looks stupid. If they had a not-so-wide top, I would get it.

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