Black Friday

Bob Hubbard said:
I know which Walmart Tom's refering to. I refuse to shop there, the majority of the staff and the clientel are too neanderthal like for my tastes. I was there once when there was a stabbing at the bus stop next to it.

I refuse to shop after Nov 20th. I do food shopping, when needed (usually stock up in early Nov to get me through to Feb) and minimize other trips. Theres a 24hr super Walmart 25 min from me that I'll be hitting at 2AM when I need stuff this season. Too many crazys out there.
I lived on the East Coast for a few months in 98. There is just a general hostility you don't see out here in the west. For instance, I noticed that couples made no bones about screaming at eachother in the grocery store. Out here that is just not done; maybe in LA but not here.
Thankfully I was spared the horror of having to work black friday. I work at Best Buy and they neglected to schedule me, and I wasn't about to say anything. They planned on starting to sell stuff in the line around the store at 3 am. Thankfully I'm not in that mess. I am tempted to drive past to point and laugh because its been raining since 12 last night. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


(dont mind me I just hate my job)
My wife got to the store at opening at 5AM (a Best Buy, I think!) find a line around the block. Some people had slept out since 10PM the night before! She tried a second store that opened at 6AM, with similar luck, and came home empty-handed. :(
See arinsador that proves the point I tried to make with some customers earlier this week. The were going to come back on friday because they knew there would be a huge sale, they wouldnt listen to me when i told them the line would be distrubingly long. Their option was pay a little bit more now with no line... or come back and face a mob.

The best buy I work at is slated to make over 800,000 dollars today alone. 60% of which is expected by noon.

Anyway I'm very sorry to hear about your wive's experience, something like that can really leave you frustrated.
arnisador said:
My wife got to the store at opening at 5AM (a Best Buy, I think!) find a line around the block. Some people had slept out since 10PM the night before! She tried a second store that opened at 6AM, with similar luck, and came home empty-handed. :(
Your wife had the right idea. It's a shame it didn't work for her. It just never ceases to amaze me. Maybe I've just gotten too old, but I can't comprehend wanting something that bad that I'm going to stand in line from the night before.

My wife usually finishes her Christmas shopping by early November. Every year we just (thankfully and with not a little amusement) watch this from the sidelines. If it's a super duper must have never before experienced new item, we'll get it just after Christmas when everything is returned and discounted. Did I mention I REALLY hate crowds? :)
Thanks dubljay! It was her first time ever getting up early to shop on Black Friday, and she is definitely discouraged.
I'm shopping online. Everyone on my list is getting a Gmail account. :)
Gemini said:
Your wife had the right idea. It's a shame it didn't work for her. It just never ceases to amaze me. Maybe I've just gotten too old, but I can't comprehend wanting something that bad that I'm going to stand in line from the night before.

These were some exceptional deals, but yeah...I've always thought the same, even with concerts.
Black Friday. What a way to start the Christmas season. Of course that it isn't really the start anymore since I saw decorations up after Halloween. :rolleyes:

I can't stand the grasping greedy avarice of this day so I just avoid going out...spend time with my family instead. My daughter and I played ninja in our house dojo. :) :ninja: :ninja:


ps - I always wonder, since I don't have any credit cards, just how much of the "black" on black friday is due to credit.
I listened to family members yesterday going on about how early they were going to get up for this store or that.. good grief.. I just don't get it..
I know you can get some great deals out there.. but it's sure not my cuppa tea..
I used to work retail and Black Friday was the worst damn day I ever worked in my life. I friggin' hated it, man. Then I tried to shop on my break - what a joke.

I'll go to bed early and get up at 2am to shop at K-Mart, thankyouverymuch.
Tgace said:
I used to work a uniformed off-duty security detail there. The money they paid was great but I think I got into more fights and foot chases working there than I did on the street.

I hear ya..I still work a shopping center that only hires coppers..I make more arrests than when on duty, and it's usually AOW arrests..I will never understand people..If I had a warrant on me the LAST thing I'd do is start a ruckus at a store and then give the responding cops a ration of s***..
Drac said:
I hear ya..I still work a shopping center that only hires coppers..I make more arrests than when on duty, and it's usually AOW arrests..I will never understand people..If I had a warrant on me the LAST thing I'd do is start a ruckus at a store and then give the responding cops a ration of s***..

People dont like to hear it but Im sure you understand...many times (not ALL...but many) you can get an accurate "read" on people from the first impression.

I also always noticed that many times a person who blatantly does something "just because they want to"; like blatantly blowing a red light, to cutting in line, to just being rude *** ***** always seem to have had many more contacts with the police than others. But somehow its always us "hassling" them. Like we just pick out random people to screw with.
Tgace said:
I also always noticed that many times a person who blatantly does something "just because they want to"; like blatantly blowing a red light, to cutting in line, to just being rude *** ***** always seem to have had many more contacts with the police than others. But somehow its always us "hassling" them. Like we just pick out random people to screw with.

Gospel truth there..
arnisador said:
What's AOW? Do you mean they're wanted for something else and there's a warrant out for their arrest already?

Yes, AOW is an Arrest On Warrant..

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