black belts


Senior Master
Aug 14, 2013
Reaction score
Let me explain it for you. These guys are all crazy, don't listen to them.

1st Dan - knows nothing but how to find the changing room. But he knows he knows nothing. The best black belt.
2nd Dan - knows nothing but thinks he knows something. Gets beat up in class a lot by brown belts.
3rd Dan - Entitled to be addressed as 'sensei'. Gains 50 pounds, buys a new gi.
4th Dan - Opens dojo, fails, goes back to original dojo. Buys sports car.
5th Dan - Opens dojo, succeeds. Takes students to tournaments, ignores rules against coaching from sidelines. Thinks he can still spar. He cannot.
6th Dan - Goes to tournaments and stands around talking with other high Dan ranks. Has run belt sander over black belt so that it's so frayed it is barely holding together.
7th Dan - Might actually know something, but isn't talking. Gets red-and-white panel belt, which curiously is still called a black belt. Starts to add titles like Shihan, Doshi, Big Kahuna, Mostacholli, etc. to actual Dan rank.
8th Dan - Writes a bad book full of bad advice that only students buy and no one reads. Affects a slight Asian accent even if not Asian.
9th Dan - Has a string of dojos, others teach for him. Goes to Hall of Fame banquets that he pays to attend. Trophy wife.
10th Dan - Dies. People talk nice about him.

So, if I were to go by your list, I would want to get to 1st Dan and stop there.


Senior Master
Aug 14, 2013
Reaction score
Here's my list.
1st Dan -$500
2nd Dan - $1,000
3rd Dan - $2,000
4th Dan - $4,000
5th Dan - $8,500
6th Dan - $10,000
7th Dan - $15,000

Cash, Check, Credit Card

If that's how you want to do it than I would recommend just buying whatever belt(s) you want at stores or on the internet and it will be much less pricey. I would not recommend, however, to wear any belt you buy at a school where you didn't earn it or at a school that teaches a system that you did not earn the belt in. If you do you could end up like that guy who really embarrassed himself in front of an entire BJJ class when the instructor called him out for not having earned the black belt he was wearing.

Tames D

MTS Alumni
Apr 18, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Tames D Said:
Here's my list.
1st Dan -$500
2nd Dan - $1,000
3rd Dan - $2,000
4th Dan - $4,000
5th Dan - $8,500
6th Dan - $10,000
7th Dan - $15,000

Cash, Check, Credit Card

If that's how you want to do it than I would recommend just buying whatever belt(s) you want at stores or on the internet and it will be much less pricey. I would not recommend, however, to wear any belt you buy at a school where you didn't earn it or at a school that teaches a system that you did not earn the belt in. If you do you could end up like that guy who really embarrassed himself in front of an entire BJJ class when the instructor called him out for not having earned the black belt he was wearing.
I have a feeling you didn't understand my post...

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