Black Belt


Blue Belt
May 19, 2005
Reaction score
Somewhere in USA
How long did it take you guys to reach BB? im wondering if my school is alittle fast, im going to be a black belt in a few months, and that will mean i've been in taekwondo for a year n a half, is that too soon?
Year and a half is pretty fast for most schools but you did mention several years of another art so your instructor may be taking that into account in your rate of promotion
It's quick but I was dedicated working 20-30 hours in class with my instructor and recieved my 1st in 1.5 years. I also worked hard in the gym 12-17 hours per week. Work, train and sleep that's about it. It seems that you've put in the work over the ten years prior to this day.
Laborn said:
How long did it take you guys to reach BB? im wondering if my school is alittle fast, im going to be a black belt in a few months, and that will mean i've been in taekwondo for a year n a half, is that too soon?
Yes-IMHO, a year n a half, is too soon.

The problem is many Korean martial art instructors (many TKD) in the 1960's-70's went abroad (particularly the US) to spread TKD.

Unfortunately, they compromised promotions with popularity. Many said instructors, "hurried" students to ranks in order to open up either "chain schools", or establish their name and TKD.

So the art of TKD suffers. Whereas in Korea and other countries, the emphasis is on art and not rank (hopefully in most cases)
I will sort of take the other side of things. It is not to soon if you understand that by gaining your BB you acknowledge that you now have learned the basics. The training really starts at the 1st Dan level. I have moved rapidly up the ranks in TKD, but I am also a Go-dan in Chito-ryu. This has allowed me to be sped up in my promotions. So it can be a not-so-bad thing as long as YOU understand that you have just reached the beginning of the road.

Laborn said:
Ahh finally, my BB testing is comming soon, i've been in taekwondo for about a year n a half, but i've been in martial arts for nearly 8 years, i've never had a BB before, I took karate for 6 years 2 dif instructers and they quit everytime I got close to a black belt. So im excited to finally see a black belt, in alittle over a month my instructer says i'll be able to test for my black belt

Why not a year and a half ?
Different arts have different requirements. I've heard of this trend in Olympic TKD schools, it took me 4.5 yrs of training in Kenpo to reach it, even when I did practice TKD it took 3 yrs.
cali_tkdbruin said:
IMHO, a year and a 1/2 to 1st dan sounds a bit rushed, that is unless you're training 8 hrs a day, 40 hrs a week like a regular job... :confused:

Hey, I agree with that.
You will find that many mixed martial arts students will advance quicker than the norm. I have said that about thing for years..

MartialMan just remember that Black Belt is more than just knowing the techniques. It is about attitude and Mental Attendance. If you bring these things from a different art and have the "Black Belt Mentality" it can be simpler for you to advance. The Only one that can answer your question is you...
"Do You feel You Earned This Rank?? Do You Feel you can do this rank Honor?? do you feel confident in your Ability and Attitude towards this promotion??? If you can answer Yes then you deserve it and wear it with Pride... I congratulate you for making it to the "Top 10%"

"Top 10%" It was told to me that... Approximately 10% of the Populace Join The Martial Arts... Of that 10%..10% make it to the upper ranks... Of That 10% ... 10% Make it to their Black Belt Test..... Of That 10% only 10% truly Pass..... Welcome to the "Top 10%"

10%? You mean 1 out of 10 become or make it to black belt?

Bruce-thanks for you continue posting. Find other threads to post as well.
I dont know about that, there are a ton of McDojo's out there that give people black belts just for showing up (trust me there are like 5 McDojo's very close to my house and not one school worth actually joining). Due to the McDojo effect, I am sure the number of bb's is a lot higher than 10%, truly earned however, prob a minority, I am sure you are right though, truly earned black belts are well within the minority.
Well all I can say is it took me 9 years in Okinawa Karate and another 9 to get to third dan in TKD and then I did not test until last x-mas for my 4th and I personally know TX BB and he is truely a BB he has all the tool of the trade and is a wonderful insrtuctor. Knowledge is from time to time excelled in one own ability's. He has put over twenty in the Art of tkd and is only a 2 nd dan and has more knowledge than alot of people I know. he did get his BB early but he trained for it all the time.

Terry Lee Stoker
Yes, it is very soon, I thought I was going fast because i've had years of martial arts experience, but thewn i sawe a kid who's my belt and moving just as fast as me, and it makes me mad cause he sucks, he sucks as a fighter, and he doesn't even try, he cries if he gets hurt practically, it makes me mad, but yeah I agree im moving way too fast...
I agree, 1 -1/2 is too fast unless you are devoting most of the hours in the day to it on a continuous basis. Or if you already know most of the basics and have previous conditioning from another martial art. We test for recommended black belt in 3-1/2 to 4 yrs. usually and then have to wait another six to 1st dan. We have mandatory waiting/training times to test for each belt. Gold, yellow and green is two months minimum, then it goes to 3-4 months each level (10). But for talented hard workers, he double promotes up to blue belt. Still, you have double material to learn in the next 3-4 months too. And we have to know ten forms well, self-defense etc. for 1st dan. The fastest a talented person could test for recommended would be 19 months and 25 months for 1st and I haven't seen anyone do it short of three years since I have been there and we have had some possibles. TW

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