bin laden died, obama...played cards...


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
Im not on either team I voted 3rd party in 2012

The rise of a viable third party might make them have to change their tune but might just make them join together long enough to beat it back and keep the two-party system for themselves.


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
Quoting breitbart. Hah. You are hilarious

See that's the doesn't pretend to have no bias...unlike ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, the BBC, and Breitbart people acknowledge they are conservative or libertarian in their political views. The "journalists" of the government/democrat media claim to be objective when it is obvious they have a built in bias that effects their reporting.
The average American, watching the evening news doesn't know that the guy reporting the news will cover liberals and their agenda differently than conservatives and their issues. also, when you go to are going there knowing their point of view.


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
See, here you have CBS downplaying the card playing story, defending Obama, where if this had been a republican, especially Bush, they would not have made these excuses and would have portrayed him in the worst light possible.

When Reggie Love, President Obama's ex-assistant, revealed in an interview that the president left the Situation Room during the bin Laden raid to play 15 games of Spades with Love and a few others, the revelation threatened the White House's carefully crafted mythology surrounding that night. Thursday morning, though, it was Norah O'Donnell and Charlie Rose of CBS News to the rescue of that mythology.

ter broadcasting video of Love's comments on CBS This Morning, co-hosts O'Donnell and Rose immediately dropped every pretense of being objective journalists to spin the news and pre-empt critics:

O'DONNELL: That video from the event was just posted online this week. 15 games of spade (sic) – it was a long raid that was cared out. It took a long way – that operation. And clearly, the President, I think, needed to take a break. But I think some people are going to take that headline out of context today.

CHARLIE ROSE: I take out of that – I want the President to do whatever he needs to do to clear his mind, so he can make the most effective decision he can.

O'DONNELL: Right. That was clearly a tension-filled day.

The image America was given of the bin Laden raid was burned in our minds with a White House photo that showed Obama intensely watching the operation unfold. Love's revelation undermines that. Now we know Obama couldn’t or didn't want to deal with the pressure and, for at least part of the operation, had to let off some steam with 15 card games.
I personally don't find the news all that undermining to the president, but it does alter you perception of a president on-the-scene and taking charge.

Does anyone seriously believe that these same "journalists" would have said the same thing in defense of Bush?


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Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA
The rise of a viable third party might make them have to change their tune but might just make them join together long enough to beat it back and keep the two-party system for themselves.

The way things work right now, the main parties have a stranglehold on the debates and other media access during the election cycle. In the last election, 4 theoretically viable candidates were denied access to debates and a lot of there attention. I describe them as theoretically viable because they were on the ballot in enough states to win enough of the electoral college and be elected... but if they're not given a fair shake... how can they be elected?


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
The way things work right now, the main parties have a stranglehold on the debates and other media access during the election cycle. In the last election, 4 theoretically viable candidates were denied access to debates and a lot of there attention. I describe them as theoretically viable because they were on the ballot in enough states to win enough of the electoral college and be elected... but if they're not given a fair shake... how can they be elected?

Gary Johnson was saying some things that should have been part of the national conversation this past time around. It's a loss to public discourse. But they've written the two-party system so strongly into the law that there's not much you can do.


El Oso de Dios!
Lifetime Supporting Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Where the hills have eyes.,and it's HOT!
100 or more out of...8,926....

That's 100 threads started by the OP-I don't think Bob has enough bandwidth to search for all the posts made about Obama...:lfao:


We bombed Hiroshima at 8:15 in the morning. 8:15 AM in Japan is 9:15 PM in Washington, D.C.

We bombed Nagaskaki at 11:01 in the morning. 11:01 in Japan is 1:01 AM in Washington, D.C.

By all accounts, Harry Truman-a notorious "early to bed, early to rise" midwesterner-was fast asleep when we dropped both A-bombs-what was, arguably, the most momentous military decision in U.S. history.

Of course, he gave the order, and was likely awakened as soon as word reached Washington, but he had no reason to be awake awaiting word, any more than Obama did while the raid was going on.

In fact, some might paint him as a cool customer for being able to kill some time playing cards,allowing those he had given a job to to do their jobs, rather than micro-managing to disaster, like Jimmy Carter did with the failed attempt to rescue U.S. Embassy personnel in Iran back in '79.......just sayin'....

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