before you quote the "Washington Times..."



I was driving back from the mountains this afternoon, and heard on NPR an interesting piece about the well-known ultra-conservative paper, "The Washington Times."

The paper's owned by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who some of us rememember as a right-wing kook from the 1970s, back when he married a couple thousand people at a time, and taught that he personally was, "the Third Adam," after Adam and Jesus.

He subsequently became known for his ties to the Korean CIA, his financing of the dud movie, "Inchon," (a Douglas MacArthur paean, of all things), and generally being a nut-job.

I hadn't known that he was an early financier of Ollie North and Iran/Contra, but it figures. I also hadn't know that in 1997, he arranged a dinner at the Senate Office Building--that's our Senate, folks--at which a number of Republican Senators and Congressman, including Ronald Reagan, watched and gave speeches.

The evening ended with the Rev. Moon being crowned--yes, literally--"Saviour of the World."

Thanks for the heads-up. I encountered one of the Moonies selling lollipops in a parking lot back in the late 70's. Introduced myself as Reverend Williams of the Church of Satan, bought a lollipop, saying I was glad to support someone who worked for the same boss. The resulting look of glazed confusion on the Moonie's face was well worth the cost.
The evening ended with the Rev. Moon being crowned--yes, literally--"Saviour of the World."

Ow, my head hurts just thinking of this. What were all of our conservative Christian friends doing while this went on at the dinner?

Must find Aleve and lie down in dark room....
Feisty Mouse said:
What were all of our conservative Christian friends doing while this went on at the dinner?

Yup, pretty much what I was thinking. I guess its like all of those conservative christians bowing down to Molloch in the Bohemian Grove.
Randy Strausbaugh said:
Thanks for the heads-up. I encountered one of the Moonies selling lollipops in a parking lot back in the late 70's. Introduced myself as Reverend Williams of the Church of Satan, bought a lollipop, saying I was glad to support someone who worked for the same boss. The resulting look of glazed confusion on the Moonie's face was well worth the cost.
Interesting concept. And quick thinking. Wish I'd said that! *applause* KT

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