Bar & Grill Combined Quizzes

Originally posted by Chronuss just keep makin' more and more quiz threads...:rofl:

Doh, I didn't make it.........I think Tess did. Who knows.
Originally posted by Chronuss
methinks there's no need for three...

Try telling that to the person who did it! :) I was happy with just one, right where I posted it......but noooooooo. hehehehe. The moderators have unending superpowers that they shall use against us. It's a conspiracy!!
Originally posted by edhead2000
The moderators have unending superpowers that they shall use against us.

...'specially those who don't have to abide by the thirty second rule...bah, I say.
Originally posted by Chronuss
...'specially those who don't have to abide by the thirty second rule...bah, I say.

Or those who can change our usernames!
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
It's definately looking that way. You 2 crack me up. I haven't had a good laugh in quite awhile.:p

Wow, So many compliments from you today. You're on a roll!!!
..I'd like to say that too...but...I'm not going to call him Neo...why would I do that...and who would call him Neo anyway...:confused:

I'm Playful Orlando!

What Orlando Bloom are you?


You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be[br]poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and[br]creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.[br]Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet[br]also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.

What Type of Soul Do You Have?

me thinks I'm just gonna stick a bunch of them into my Livejournal

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