Az. Gov And Immigration

C'mon, Cryo know how to do a simple Google search. Get your facts straight.

Back your truck up man... not MY facts... this is what was posted HERE in THIS thread and no one denied it, thats why the **** I asked. TWICE. I didn't go out looking for data... since no one challenged that statement, I took it as true.
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Because they broke the law to get here its not fair to all the millions of people that did cone here legally. Reform the law for everyone in the future send the law breakers back and make them reapply the legal way and close the borders to make it harder for more illegals to enter

If the 8 and 10 year-old's who came here with their parents 10 years ago broke the law, then fine them $100; reform "the law" so that they may formalize their U.S. citizenship; let them get on with their American lives; and move on.
If the 8 and 10 year-old's who came here with their parents 10 years ago broke the law, then fine them $100; reform "the law" so that they may formalize their U.S. citizenship; let them get on with their American lives; and move on.
Why my mom came here legally when she was 3 her parents did it the right way. If your here illegally go hone and reapply its simple it does not matter how or y you came here the why is irrelevant the fact your here is a crime
Back your truck up man... not MY facts... this is what was posted HERE in THIS thread and no one denied it, thats why the **** I asked. TWICE. I didn't go out looking for data... since no one challenged that statement, I took it as true.

Dear Lord! You accept what people post here without question?!? ...Not such a good idea. I hope you don't accept what you hear on the news so readily ...even if it sounds good to you, especially if it sounds good. :wink2:

BTW I'm not getting all high and mighty. I probably screw up my facts as much as anybody. So it pays to check things out.
Dear Lord! You accept what people post here without question?!? ...Not such a good idea. I hope you don't accept what you hear on the news so readily ...even if it sounds good to you, especially if it sounds good. :wink2:

BTW I'm not getting all high and mighty. I probably screw up my facts as much as anybody. So it pays to check things out.

Thats ok, I want to Apologise I went back and re-read the post and I misread it in the first place. It said People 31 and younger WHO came here as children, I read it as People 31 and younger came here as children, implying to me that they were being excused as children as old as 31, because I missed the WHO.
Why my mom came here legally when she was 3 her parents did it the right way. If your here illegally go hone and reapply its simple it does not matter how or y you came here the why is irrelevant the fact your here is a crime

If your parents brought you to the U.S. as a child, and you were raised here; went to school here; lived your life from childhood to adult here; then this IS your home. It is now YOUR America. :)
If your parents brought you to the U.S. as a child, and you were raised here; went to school here; lived your life from childhood to adult here; then this IS your home. It is now YOUR America. :)

Sorry but your not an American. NOT until you follow the rules and become a citizen. I dont care how heartwarming the story is illegal is illegal.
Change the rules so they can become legal residents.

Why how about we make them follow the rules we already have? We dont change the laws because so many people are speeding. We dont change the laws because every friday night there are millions of drunk drivers on the roads so lets make it legal. We didnt change the laws for the already millions of legal immigrants that became citizens they figured out how to do it the right way.
A drunk-driving law is intended to reduce the fatality rate of going out for a drive on Friday night. More or less, they work, and you cannot be a drunken driver without deliverately choosing to drink and drive. Immigration law is supposed to keep people out of the country... for little explicable purpose. These people did not choose to come here and make this country their home, that choice was made for them. Then you expect them to throw themselves out - in a fashion that basically ensures they will never return.

The rules are patently unjust, and not functioning to their purpose, whatever the hell that might be. (The only one I can think of is to keep people that haven't paid into the scraps of safety net from drawing from it.) Fix them so they serve a purpose, and fix them so they aren't used as a weapon against whatever group is the "Other" this week.
Change the rules so they can become legal residents.

It's not about the law with these people. It's about keeping "Mexicans" marginalized and hoping that they'll go back to "Mexico" (I use quotes because these people could care less if the immigrants are Mexican or Salvadoreno).

While they say NO, leave the law as is ... they would dam sure welcome new laws that made it easier to obtain a CCW permit.
By the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." The only way that will change is by constitutional amendment. The people we are talking about here came with their parents as children. If they are born here, then they are citizens.

Yes, this has been pointed out to me in other threads as well. Too bad when this was written, it didn't take into consideration illegal entry into a state. *shrug*
For actual driving knowledge and ability purposes, I'm with you.

IMHO, a State ID would be a better choice, if they're just going to give hand outs.
Actually a lot of us Arizonans, including a lot of conservative Republican businessmen, would regret it if that happened "for reals". The local economy would take a huge hit. Like most border states, Arizona has always benefited from a limited number of illegals, in agricultural work, hard manual labor and the service industries, especially hotels and restaurants. That's why for decades folks here in the Sunbelt border states treated illegal immigration as no big deal ...until things started to get out of control in the '90s. Too many illegals came in, wages fell, resources got stretched thin, then the politicians started pumping the issue for their own benefit. You know... posturing, finger pointing, scape-goating, playing on peoples fears, trying to ride the wave of hysteria to certain re-election, without ever solving the problem.

Personally, I'd like to see some real, long-term immigration reform that both controls the borders and gives illegals a realistic path to earn legal status. That's why I support the "Dream Act" in principle. As a high school teacher in a school with a large number of Latinos, I see these kids every day. I never know exactly who is legal and who isn't, and I don't ask. But often even the legal kids, mostly citizens born here have a sibling, parent, or close relative who is not legal. And there is no way these folks can legalize their status.

Rather than see families ripped apart or hiding in fear, I'd like to see a real path by which illegals could do "what's right" and earn a legal status. Everybody keeps saying that they have "no objection to people coming here legally." So why are they against any reform that might make it possible for folks to legalize their status? After all, that's what the "Dream Act" is an attempt to do.

I agree. I'm not against reform, though it may seem that way, as long as its done right. No shady stuff, everything on the up and up. Get 1 plan into play and everyone adheres to exceptions.
It's not about the law with these people. It's about keeping "Mexicans" marginalized and hoping that they'll go back to "Mexico" (I use quotes because these people could care less if the immigrants are Mexican or Salvadoreno).
Nice display of racism...
Although, you are correct in that we couldn't care less where the illegals came from, the fact that they are illegal is enough to want them gone.
I agree. I'm not against reform, though it may seem that way, as long as its done right. No shady stuff, everything on the up and up. Get 1 plan into play and everyone adheres to exceptions.

Reform has to include repealing the inconsistent policies that allow Cubans to gain citizenship (without going through the current procedures), while Central Americans are determined "illegal".
A drunk-driving law is intended to reduce the fatality rate of going out for a drive on Friday night. More or less, they work, and you cannot be a drunken driver without deliverately choosing to drink and drive. Immigration law is supposed to keep people out of the country... for little explicable purpose. These people did not choose to come here and make this country their home, that choice was made for them. Then you expect them to throw themselves out - in a fashion that basically ensures they will never return.

The rules are patently unjust, and not functioning to their purpose, whatever the hell that might be. (The only one I can think of is to keep people that haven't paid into the scraps of safety net from drawing from it.) Fix them so they serve a purpose, and fix them so they aren't used as a weapon against whatever group is the "Other" this week.

So we should only enforce laws that you like?
So we should only enforce laws that you like?

I don't think he's saying that. More like: "fix an unworkable, unjust and inconsistently applied set of laws to make them more just, consistent and workable".

...Of course getting people to agree on how to do that is another matter.
I don't think he's saying that. More like: "fix an unworkable, unjust and inconsistently applied set of laws to make them more just, consistent and workable".

...Of course getting people to agree on how to do that is another matter.

We have millions of people that came here the legal way so how is it not workable? Follow the rules just because your parents made you do it is no excuse once your 18 your an adult. Take care of the problem the right way. Go back to your native land and file paperwork to come back the legal way. I could see changing the rules of nobody could figure out how to come here legally but thats not the case people do it every day.
We have millions of people that came here the legal way so how is it not workable? Follow the rules just because your parents made you do it is no excuse once your 18 your an adult. Take care of the problem the right way. Go back to your native land and file paperwork to come back the legal way. I could see changing the rules of nobody could figure out how to come here legally but thats not the case people do it every day.

Let's, for the moment, assume that "millions ... came here the legal way". In order for them to do so, they would have been adults who came to the U.S. under advice of and consent to our immigration laws.

Please tell me how it is that children who came with their parents could possess such advice and consent with respect to our immigration laws?

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