As per my suspended account and the wave that followed.

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As per my suspended account and the wave that followed.

I had a chance to read some of the posts that followed my suspension.
And in reading them found some interesting comments by both moderators and people I sometimes have conflicting views with.

Some of the people that I had previously had conflicting views with surprised me when they stood up for me and I respect them for voicing their true feelings even after our past disagreements.
I respect and appreciate that. It took integrity and took real character to put aside our differences and make some of the statements I read.
I also saw others that kept the same chip on their shoulders and pretty much said “good ridence”.

Needless to say I was rather shocked to find myself suspended before the real culprit in the whole affair was.
Especially since Bob Hubbard, our Head Admin. Gave me his “word” not once but twice that he would give Mike Sensei/Shurite the boot if he had made 2 accounts.
Since Mike Sensei/Shurite is only “suspended” and not given the boot I can see how much Hubbards word is worth.
Hubbard claims he could not keep his word because martial talk is not run that way.
Why say it if you can’t do it?
I quote Hubbard’s email to me on the issue:

“If Shurite/MikeSensei can be proven to be the same individual, they will be

I'll look into it ASAP. If thats the case, hes gone. You've got my
word on that.”

“I have personally investigated this entire situation and found your claims
of duplicate accounts, etc to be with merit. I do not deny or argue the
'setup', nor the fact that you were 'baited'.”

Since Mike Sensei/Shurite is only “suspended” and not given the boot I can see how much Hubbard’s word is worth.
Where I come from not to mention the dojo I train in a man’s word is his bond.
It not only reflects upon his character but his honor.
I have noticed the Marine Corps. has many sayings. One that I like best is “Lead by example”, so I say to you Hubbard: “Lead by example”.

I also found Mike Sensei/Shurite’s act despicable for a martial artist and especially so for a “teacher”. He is small potatoes in my book.

I feel my suspension was mostly due to a single moderator.
Cuthlu is the one who sent me an email and put me on “notice” and told me point blankly via email that if I responded in any fashion to his “warning” I would be “suspended” and that I should just “deal with it”.
Rather Gestapoesque I thought.

I am wondering if Cuthulu’s belligerent attitude towards me comes from my questioning his styles somewhat dubious lineage in the Karate Section?
Naaaaaaaaaah couldn’t be.

I have also noticed certain members, like Hubbard’s friend and teacher ACE, get LOTS of leeway when it comes to what they can post and how far they can insult other members.

After witnessing first hand the extant of MT’s system, or lack of, for dealing with situations that arise I propose that MT revamp it’s Admin/Moderating criteria to be more impartial.
I mean after all the prosecuting attorney doesn’t get to be the judge too, does he?

Someone called me a “heavy weight” or “heavy hitter” on one of these threads while I was away.
The only reason why I know anything is because when I was in Catholic school I learned to shut my cake hole when someone smarter was talking and listen carefully and when they turned on their fire hose of knowledge I was lucky enough to get a small sip of it.
That is the only reason I have the small amount of knowledge of things martial and otherwise.

Since I started on MT I have been “lectured” by Cyber Sensei on elements of the Japanese language and culture by folks that have neither been to the country nor speak it’s language............a place that I have lived and worked for 15 years using the language daily.
I have had other people make various claims to ranks, lineages and associations that were supposedly connected to Japan that simply did/do not exist.
Read others claims to certain martial points that were nothing but pure fiction.

Am I interested in posting on MT anymore??…………..not really.

You can’t discuss Religion, Politics, or Martial Arts without someone getting their feathers ruffled………………
I hope they don't ban your *** over this post. :D

Seriously, how the admin reacts will demonstrate their level of integrity.
Hmmmm.......interesting post. Not sure whether that was your final goodbye or just a little bit of rant. But anyways.....although I agree with a lot of the things said in that post and I have come to notice a lot of the things mentioned. I think with the matter of people getting there feathers in a what? I think it more comes down to knowing when you shut your mouth and not getting yourself agitated. If someone says something and Cant or more importantly WONT back it up then allow it and leave them to whoever else. If your argueing with someone over something when you know your right then just leave it and then whoever wants to know the truth can PM you. If your leaving then See ya, thanks for all the interesting posts and info's.....But I for one hope you can learn to just leave things and stay around to enlighten the newbies with your knowledge :asian:
I believe that this boards administrators have said everything we are on this matter previously. The issues that were raised previously are being addressed internally.

Robert may do as he wishes. If he chooses not to post here any more, then he will be missed. In any event, I wish him well.

I understand his feelings.

But.....I think he'll be back. He's a teacher and that's what we do on this board. One way or another and ruffled feathers or not. I know I've ruffled some people but hopefully, I've helped others to learn something.

His experience and knowledge is extremely valuable.
Well I for one hope he comes back. Love him or hate him he has a lot to offer :asian:
Couldn't care either way. If he wants to go, then go. If he wants to stay then stay. Either way he'll whine about like we all do when we feel wronged.
Originally posted by GouRonin
Either way he'll whine about like we all do when we feel wronged.

Not whining, just relating some interesting facts that were not made available to the public and relaying my disappointment in the overall lack of “stones” displayed by Hubbard.
Originally posted by yilisifu
I understand his feelings.

But.....I think he'll be back. He's a teacher and that's what we do on this board. One way or another and ruffled feathers or not. I know I've ruffled some people but hopefully, I've helped others to learn something.

His experience and knowledge is extremely valuable.

At this point in time I don’t plan on contributing much, outside of this thread and maybe one other anyway.
Most of the topics seem to fall into one of a few categories.

1)They become a debate on which art is better.
2)Someone makes some absolutely ridiculous claim to rank/title, technique or lineage. Most of which sounds as if it came from some rag like Black Belt or it’s equivalent but is sadly taken to be true and genuine. Then when questioned on a rudimentary level about such claims balk at answering them but continue to request we respect them as “true” martial artists. Sorry, liars and fakes don’t get respect from me and never will.
3)Some of the topics don’t seem as if they come from people that truly study and try to understand the arts but more like some punk that has spent too much time playing video games or watched too much Mortal Kombat.

What I would like to see………something along the lines of an on line version of The Asian Journal of Martial Arts instead of the Jerry Springer Show meets Black Belt Magazine type format of most Boards.
Perhaps we could have section only for people over say, 35 years old? Or maybe MT members that have been training for more than 15 years?

By having a forum open only to adults or mature students of the arts, we might just get some interesting conversations going?
Of course if people like Sensei Mike are allowed in, I doubt that will ever happen. He proved how it's possible to grow older without ever growing up.

If you've seen some of the comments written on some boards by people well over 35 you'd realise that your suggestion is not a panacea.
Originally posted by Mike Clarke
Perhaps we could have section only for people over say, 35 years old? Or maybe MT members that have been training for more than 15 years?


Nice. I'm 34, and have trained for 7 years. So I would certainly not be allowed on this dream team board. Doesn't matter- when it comes to the more info-laden threads on Kenpo history, Okinawan history, in-depth discusion on EPAK techniques, and Bujikan vs. other schools of Taijutsu, I read, but rarely post. This is the info I need, and do not have. I read AJMA, and I appreciate RSK's extensive knowlege of Japanese culture and Okinawan history.

If you want a board with only discussions that hit topics you mentioned, there are many less-experenced who would not be able to participate whatsoever. So here we have both.

You don't like a topic? Hey don't read it. Here, as IRL, there is a community/social aspect to MA. True, let's keep it reasonable. (IE in the locker room or in general threads made for that purpose). As for the Uber-Sensei with the amazing secret knowlege tree in his own backyard, eh- I think there are many here with an operational BS radar even if they (we) don't have the knowlege base to engage in a debate with them.

So there is my 2 cents.

Originally posted by RyuShiKan
Not whining, just relating some interesting facts that were not made available to the public and relaying my disappointment in the overall lack of “stones” displayed by Hubbard.

Sure as hell sounded like whining to me.

But hey, to each their own.

I know that there are alot of frauds and fakes in the arts .I guess there always has been.But what of those that arnt frauds or fakes that have branched off or started teaching there own style or at least a combination of the styles theyve learnt.I have seen a continuing chain of them people being bashed on message boards even when they didnt make outrages claims of linage or secret teachings.And in my oppion this is wrong.If you dont agree with what they have to say then thats your right.Its even your right to say you disagree but that dosnt mean people should turn it into a smash and bash.Theres to much of traditional stylist saying oh its crap if its modern or relativly unknown.And to many modern stylist saying its crap if its tradional or very old linage.Wether its a thousand yrs or one day old if its effective and it works it has a place.Its only knowledge how you use it or how its taught is what makes it good or bad.Not wether its old or new.every art was new at some stage in history.Alot of good martial artist wont respond to rough questions simply because in alot od cases even if they give the right answer someone is there to bash them.So rather than argue meaningless on some message board they choose not to get to deeply drawn up in the bashings.

Just my two cents worth .......
What I would like to see………something along the lines of an on line version of The Asian Journal of Martial Arts instead of the Jerry Springer Show meets Black Belt Magazine type format of most Boards.

If Robert or anyone else for that matter would like to contribute a high end article, please do so. If there is concern that it will degenerate into a 'romper room' thread, then perhaps it could be subbmited as a stand-alone article for inclusion in our library (See the Call for Papers announcement)

Regarding special sections by age, etc, too much work trying to verify, and the kids are going to lie anyway. I dont feel like requiring 'Adult Check' to get access here.

Originally posted by SteelShadow
I know that there are alot of frauds and fakes in the arts .I guess there always has been.But what of those that arnt frauds or fakes that have branched off or started teaching there own style or at least a combination of the styles theyve learnt.I have seen a continuing chain of them people being bashed on message boards even when they didnt make outrages claims of linage or secret teachings.And in my oppion this is wrong.If you dont agree with what they have to say then thats your right.Its even your right to say you disagree but that dosnt mean people should turn it into a smash and bash.Theres to much of traditional stylist saying oh its crap if its modern or relativly unknown.And to many modern stylist saying its crap if its tradional or very old linage.Wether its a thousand yrs or one day old if its effective and it works it has a place.Its only knowledge how you use it or how its taught is what makes it good or bad.Not wether its old or new.every art was new at some stage in history.Alot of good martial artist wont respond to rough questions simply because in alot od cases even if they give the right answer someone is there to bash them.So rather than argue meaningless on some message board they choose not to get to deeply drawn up in the bashings.

Just my two cents worth .......

I'm not a fan of the modern vs. traditional stuff either. But I'd
rather see someone like Ryushikan using FACTS, vs. seeing the
MMA'ers come in with their INCESSANT wild claims, and
First of all, to say that RSK is here to whine is pure BS.

Secondly, those who got bashed are those who made unsubstantiated claims or ludicurous assertion. They deserve to be bashed. The admin should give RSK a medal for maintaining the quality of the board.

RSK could just sit on his *** and talks nice to every JoeBlow and be lavished with praise and admiration for his vast and in depth knowledge. Mr Nice guy and YES man, are a dime a dozen, in this world. Everybody knows NOT to rock the boat and to play nice. The result is crooks and charlatans running amok.

The thanks RSK got for all his trouble in confronting "fraudsters", is a bunch of BS lecture on how to behave. :rolleyes: Sheeze! This reminds me of the useless impotent UN.

I sure hope RSK would not be discouraged from contributing.
Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
First of all, to say that RSK is here to whine is pure BS.

Secondly, those who got bashed are those who made unsubstantiated claims or ludicurous assertion. They deserve to be bashed. The admin should give RSK a medal for maintaining the quality of the board.

RSK could just sit on his *** and talks nice to every JoeBlow and be lavished with praise and admiration for his vast and in depth knowledge. Mr Nice guy and YES man, are a dime a dozen, in this world. Everybody knows NOT to rock the boat and to play nice. The result is crooks and charlatans running amok.

The thanks RSK got for all his trouble in confronting "fraudsters", is a bunch of BS lecture on how to behave. :rolleyes: Sheeze! This reminds me of the useless impotent UN.

I sure hope RSK would not be discouraged from contributing.

Your just looking to piss people off aint ya :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
:rolleyes: What's the matter? The truth hurts, kid?

MOB, ignore the jab. He is just trying to instigate a response from you.
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