An ends to the means


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
When and where can all TKD'ers come together with one stategy for all the USAT members and help bring a common ground to the grass root program without hidden agenda's from the upper people in charge. What can we do as member voting is not an option we all know that, power is too great on one side of the table. Speaking out is not an option for all will not voice there beliefs in a forum where they can be heard? Boycott does not work for they are the only game in town if you have any Olympic dreams?
So what do we do?
terryl965 said:
When and where can all TKD'ers come together with one stategy for all the USAT members and help bring a common ground to the grass root program without hidden agenda's from the upper people in charge. What can we do as member voting is not an option we all know that, power is too great on one side of the table. Speaking out is not an option for all will not voice there beliefs in a forum where they can be heard? Boycott does not work for they are the only game in town if you have any Olympic dreams?
So what do we do?

I don't think there is a solution other than winning a gold medal and then changing things from the inside.

I think there is an AWFUL lot of talent out there that is simply NOT being tapped into because it doesn't fit into their preconceived idea of what Olympic TKD is.
zDom said:
I don't think there is a solution other than winning a gold medal and then changing things from the inside.

I think there is an AWFUL lot of talent out there that is simply NOT being tapped into because it doesn't fit into their preconceived idea of what Olympic TKD is.

I would agree with this statement so how do we get them to the limelight and show evrybody that there is more than just another org.
I think what you are kind of proposing is making yet another organization, which will try to be more fair to tkd practitioners and have less politics embedded in it. Unfortunately, the moment you make a new organization, politics and disagreements are inherent.

You did mention a grass roots approach. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone just dropped all memberships in all orgs and just trained without having to pay yearly fees and worrying about politics. There could be local and regional tournaments that would be open to any tkd person, regardless of which tkd group that came from and everyone would get along.

Of course, while we're at it, world peace would be nice too.



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