All those going to the Homecoming

Guiseppe Betri

Yellow Belt
Mar 4, 2003
Reaction score
Austin, MN
Dun Ringill sent me a private message. He revealed his identity to me inside of that message. I suggest everyone use caution, this man is no slouch. He certainly deserves the utmost protocol and respect. My 20 years of Kenpo wisdom pale in comparison to the experiences this man has been through. Thank you and Salute.

Guiseppe Betri
Originally posted by Guiseppe Betri
Dun Ringill sent me a private message. He revealed his identity to me inside of that message. I suggest everyone use caution, this man is no slouch. He certainly deserves the utmost protocol and respect. My 20 years of Kenpo wisdom pale in comparison to the experiences this man has been through. Thank you and Salute.

Guiseppe Betri

Please Mr. Betri, do not lift the veil of mystery until the time is right. Timing is everything, SGM Parker taught me that.


Dun Ringill

I will not be posting anymore on the issue. I also wanted to thank you again for the communication last night, despite the lack of personal feel. The internet is wonderful and will have to suffice for the moment, however, I prefer face to face contact. I will e-mail you soon sir.

Guiseppe Betri
"He certainly deserves the utmost protocol and respect."

Look, I'm going to try to be as good as I can and make a point without targeting anything at Dun Ringall. I'm in the midst of trying to make peace there. But, your statement brings up another problem in the Martial arts world in general.

Having high rank and mucho respect in martial arts is not and should not be an automatic validation of bad behavior. In other words, having red on your belt doesn't mean you're free to be an ***. The libertarian in me says Question Authority, Question Everything! The classic liberal in me says we should all be accountable for our behavior and only our behavior. Class and status should not be mitigators. We should answer for what we do.

The conservative in me is small, cowering in a corner. ;)

As it is, we act like someone being a high mucky-much puts them beyond reproach. If we do enough of that, lo and behold, they are. All the time I hear people complain, "why are there such big egos in the higher ranks?"

Because we make it that way from the lower ranks.


P.S. Again, this is not a shot at Dun Ringall. That's a different issue. It's a shot at anyone who puts their "superiors" on a pedestal and then dutifully ignores the clay feet. Respect is vital, but should not be blind.
Time to get stretched out and prepare for the line. I hope to have a good attendance at my seminar. I usually do. It has been fun, now it is time for the unveiling. And I do have to answer one more question for kirk: The answer to your question is "yes" of course I'm not going to tell you what page.


Dun Ringill
I am sorry, regardless of rank or supposed seniority, I find it hard to respect someone that refuse to divulge his identity. Just as being a Martial Artist has accountability, so does life. If someone wishes to come here and remain anonymous, they are avoiding accountability and I have very little respect for that. I may come to respect this person in time, but for now, he/she has a major black mark against them.
Originally posted by Guiseppe Betri
Dun Ringill sent me a private message. He revealed his identity to me inside of that message. I suggest everyone use caution, this man is no slouch. He certainly deserves the utmost protocol and respect. My 20 years of Kenpo wisdom pale in comparison to the experiences this man has been through. Thank you and Salute.

Guiseppe Betri
It wasn't me was it? I've been accused of everything else.
Originally posted by Doc
It wasn't me was it? I've been accused of everything else.

Not this time Doc! It was Honorable Master Kung fu. He of 70s magazine fame who wore white boots and a white hooded mask. Remember? :lol: He couldn't reveal his identity lest his fellow Kung fu masters would be angry and punish him? But he would teach you the secrets of Kung fu in a booklet for $1.95 plus $1.00 Shipping and handling...

Non-event... And somehow, an object lesson to us all?

... :rolleyes: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by Sigung86
Not this time Doc! It was Honorable Master Kung fu. He of 70s magazine fame who wore white boots and a white hooded mask. Remember? :lol: He couldn't reveal his identity lest his fellow Kung fu masters would be angry and punish him? But he would teach you the secrets of Kung fu in a booklet for $1.95 plus $1.00 Shipping and handling...

Non-event... And somehow, an object lesson to us all?

... :rolleyes: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Yeah I remember him. I think he was over charging. Rumor has it, it ws really Bruce Tegner.
Speaking of ... I have an old magazine ad that I found that has Bruce Tegner's Mom in it... She was, apparently, a for real Jiu Jitsu Brown or Black Belt.
Originally posted by Sigung86
Speaking of ... I have an old magazine ad that I found that has Bruce Tegner's Mom in it... She was, apparently, a for real Jiu Jitsu Brown or Black Belt.
I never heard that one, but for sure, he was as phony as a 6 dollar bill. I remember at the first IKC in 63 Parker invited Tegner and everybody went off complaining. "How could you invite him?" they all said. "He's a phony."

Ed Parker reminded them that the public didn't know the difference, and cautioned, "How is anyone going to know how good you are, if they don't have anything to compare you to?" They all shut up and greeted Tegner with open arms, bcause they all then knew he would make them look really good.
Originally posted by Doc

Ed Parker reminded them that the public didn't know the difference, and cautioned, "How is anyone going to know how good you are, if they don't have anything to compare you to?"

Boy! Was He a smart man or what!?