A veteran journalist on media bias


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
First, there was the Trayvon Martin boondoggle a few months ago.
Then yesterday, evidence of some creative editing regarding Mitt Romney’s visit to a Wawa in Pennsylvania.
Today, we have Andrea Mitchell’s spectacularly lame followup to “criticism of the Romney clip edit” — which amounted to Ms. Mitchell saying, with a sigh and a frown, “Oh, bother. Fine. Here’s what we left out.” She failed to acknowledge what the “criticism” entailed; she neglected to point out how the editing misrepresented the event being covered; and she offered nothing resembling an apology or an admission of responsibility for something that was, as a matter of fact, irresponsible.


Senior Master
Aug 7, 2010
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Kansas City MO
He is absolutely right. Media is dropping the ball. However, it isn't just the networks you don't like, Billi. Fox has been guilty of this as well. For instance, they recently released a clip of President Obama seemingly saying his hands were tied by the immigration laws and there was nothing he could legally do. Go just beyond where they cut off his repsonse to the question and you see he said that he did have the choice of orderong the DOJ to selectively enforce immigration laws, putting some enforcements as higher priority. Now the point is not if you agree with the president or not. The point is Fox News did some creative editing of thier own, but many on the right who are very loud in condeming other networks are suspiciously silent. Seems if it is wrong, then it is wrong and it should be denounced no matter who is doing it. At least Andrea Mitchell made it right, even if not with the desired degree chastisement Mr Greg thinks she should have shown.


Jul 31, 2003
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They only "make it right" when they get caught. I wouldn't put much stock in that.

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Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA
They all do it. At some point, and I can't tell you when, the news media became less about reporting what happened and more about who was doing the reporting. Editorial and opinion pieces in papers once were in well defined sections, though, of course, there was always an editorial approach or tilt in the stories covered, sources interviewed, and even how some stories were presented. That was known and open. Now -- every aspect of the news media seems to be about presenting one point of view over another. Facts? Almost optional. Neutrality or an opposing point of view? Only if it'll make good TV.


Master of Arts
Dec 24, 2003
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They all do it. At some point, and I can't tell you when, the news media became less about reporting what happened and more about who was doing the reporting. Editorial and opinion pieces in papers once were in well defined sections, though, of course, there was always an editorial approach or tilt in the stories covered, sources interviewed, and even how some stories were presented. That was known and open. Now -- every aspect of the news media seems to be about presenting one point of view over another. Facts? Almost optional. Neutrality or an opposing point of view? Only if it'll make good TV.

It started to happen with the proliferation of news deliverers. When you r choice was the newspaper and 3 networks, news more more in-depth, better balanced. The anchors were often seasoned journalists. As more options opened, they started to cater more and more to a specific audience to gain share. And as one becomes more biased, it is normal for others to do the same, some to the other side.


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
When you only had 3 networks and the New York Times it was far easier to hide their liberal bias and favoritism toward the democrat party. Now, their hold on the political narrative has been lost and people who actually hold conservative views are getting their point of view out, without liberal filters...here is the truth about the biggest media myth of the past...Walter Kronkite...


The terrible truth is that Walter Cronkite symbolized liberal media bias and used that bias with disastrous consequences for our nation and the world. His latest cause was world government and the destruction of American sovereignty.
We found out after his retirement that he was not only a liberal, which was evident from his broadcasts, but a one-worlder. In appearances before the World Federalist Association, which favors world government financed by global taxes, he called for the U.S. to renounce “some of its sovereignty” and pass a series of United Nations treaties-many of which are now being pushed in the Senate by President Barack Obama. Cronkite called for an “international Liberty Bell.”
He called for Senate ratification of the Treaty to Ban Land Mines, the Law of the Sea Treaty, the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, the Convention to Eliminate All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Most important, he said, we should sign and ratify the Treaty for a Permanent International Criminal Court, which would violate U.S. constitutional rights by enabling foreign judges to prosecute American citizens and imprison them in foreign jails. Cronkite was determined to use the U.N. and its treaties to inhibit the ability of the U.S. to act in its own national security interests.

When only one side of a political argument is getting fair coverage bias is hard to see. Now that it has been exposed, it amazes people who actually look at it now.

In 1988, seven years after his retirement as anchorman of the CBS Evening News, Cronkite addressed a left-wing People for the American Way conference and denounced President Reagan for the “unilateral” military actions in Grenada, when the U.S. military evicted a communist gang, and Libya, when Reagan ordered a military strike in retaliation for the acts of terrorism against Americans. Cronkite despised Reagan’s peace-through-strength policies and said that the smartest president he ever met was Jimmy Carter.
Later, Cronkite denounced Operation Iraqi Freedom and attacked the Bush administration for its “arrogance.”

Extreme political views like Kronkite's were easily hidden when there wasn't any competition or opposite voices in the media. Now, with Fox, talk radio, and the internet, especially Breitbart and the other new media, it is harder to hide left wing political bias, as NBC, CNN, the Washington Post, and the New York times are finding out, as their ratings and money slowly dry up.

To tell you the truth, I don't mind political bias, we all have it. The problem comes in when people who claim to be "objective," media types and journalists, but are really just as partisan in the stories they cover and how they cover the opposite side of the political spectrum. If they admitted their bias, it would be fine. They just play this game that they are pure and objective and they pretend that they don't cover the different political parties differently.

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