A Republican switches sides.

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free

Three local teachers got tickets to the Bush rally, passed all the security checkpoints and scrutiny and got in. They never created or caused a disturbance, and they were perfectly peaceful members of the audience waiting to hear Bush speak. But before they got to hear Bush, they were expelled from the rally by Bush rally staff who objected to the words printed on the T-shirts they were wearing.

No, the words on the T-shirts the ladies were wearing did not disparage Bush, nor did they suggest support for Kerry or any other candidate. The words did not condemn or support the war in Iraq, nor did they slam any Administration policy. No, the T-shirts the three women wore showed an American flag, and under it the words, "Protect Our Civil Liberties". That was all -- I kid you not.

That was it. That was the last straw for me. That was the defining moment I'll never forget. That was my epiphany.
Welcome to this somewhat-brighter side of the Force.

Of course, now you'll have even more reason to wince at all the dumb-*** things Democrats do.
I've been here a long time. Sometimes, someone must argue the opposing side of an arguement. It forces all of those involved to justify and expand on their positions. If we all agreed, the majority of the information would not have been brought out.

And, to be honest, I see no real differences between the Dems and the Reps. It's like argueing over who is right, Catholics or Episcopalians. Shades of difference, with a real difference a lightyear away.
Kaith Rustaz said:
I see no real differences between the Dems and the Reps
As long as we remember that this particular election isn't about the Dems and the Reps. It's about Bush v Kerry.
As long as we remember that this particular election isn't about the Dems and the Reps. It's about Bush v Kerry.

Yup. I agree.

If this were 2000, I would agree that there isn't a whole helluva lotta difference between the two candidates --- or the parties, for that matter.

But, right here, right now?? Oh, yeah. Big differences. Important differences.

I attribute it to the neocons that have infested the Republican party.
Me too. I also attribute it to the socialists on the left. Too many extremes; not enough moderation.
I also attribute it to the socialists on the left.

The difference is that those "socialists" are on the fringes of the Democratic party, and have had very little (if any) discernable influence. By contrast, the neoconservatives are the guys deciding policy for not only the Republican party, but the country as a whole.

It is a sad, sad state of affairs when the extremists of a political party have complete authority.
Check this link out. Go to some of the links they have on it. It takes some time to load with dailup but look at it.

Anti Bush Campaign 2004

The people who make it into a war between republicans and democrats are not anything but bigets for their party. If you do not look at the issues and such then you are not doing your job. Like some have said here before. It is not Dem Vs. Rep but Kerry vs Bush. (Nader and Badnarik are in there but will never have a chance. Badnarik won't even be on the ticket probably)
Oh i thought i would point this out. Something I saw the other day. Just an observation but interesting none the less.

When travelling down the road I look at the signs for each canidate. The houses of wealthy people seem to have Bush-Cheney. The houses of middle class and poor people seem to have Kerry-Edwards. This really doesn't tell you much but hey it tells you a little.

I also noticed that the Kerry-Edwards sign have both guys names in the same hieght of letters and same emphasis. Bush-Cheney, well its all about Bush on those posters and signs. Cheney has little letters and such. Might not be the same in all areas but that what I've seen. Just another small insugnificant notice again.
Badnarik is on 48 state ballots as well as DC's.
Nader is on only 39 I believe.
Speaking as one of those "socialists on the Left," let me assure folks that John Kerry's platform and politics don't BEGIN to do the things I'd like to see done, because I think they're fair and because I think they're necessary.

And speaking as one of those socialists on the left, let me point out that agitating for peace, for a fairer distribution of wealth, for equal work for equal pay, for reasonable environmental laws and protections, etc., is a helluva far cry from what the Ashcrofts, Tom De Lays, Pat Robertsons, Phyllis Schaflys, and the rest of these clowns are militating for--a world in which contraception and abortion are outlawed, in which there are no environmental laws at all, a world in which their version of fundamentalist Protestantism is pretty much mandatory and being gay is illegal, a world in which we leave the UN and take over the world, a world in which the wealthy can do whatever they want, and if you think this is exaggeration, get on their websites and read their explicit statements.

And speaking as one of those socialists on the Left, y'all might want to take a little peek some time at the Scandinavian countries, which have been pretty much socialist for decades, and which, it just so happens, work a helluva lot better than this country has in decades.

Meanwhile, back on the ranch, the Democratic Party platform just happens to be a helluva lot better than the other Party's. But it sure isn't everything I'd like to see; not even close.
Oh, dear Buddha. I think I'm actually in agreement with Robertson!! :idea:

Eh. Partially, anyway.
Not to worry; it'll pass. Lemme see if I can help--oh yes, invoking "dear Buddha," is a projection of Western sky-godisme onto an Eastern conceptualization, a sort of spiritual fetishization.

Whew. That was close, eh?
Ok, everyone, you know the rules. Noone can agree with Robert.
3 lashes of the cat for everyone. :)
BlueDragon1981 said:
When travelling down the road I look at the signs for each canidate. The houses of wealthy people seem to have Bush-Cheney.
Funny you should mention this. I went to PA today with America Coming Together and canvassed door-to-door. We noticed the exact opposite. The nicer the car in the driveway, the more likely the voter was for Kerry. If there was a busted up pick-up or POS in the driveway, GUARANTEED Bush supporter. Go figure.

BTW, just in the past week I've noticed people referring to Dems and "MoveOn.org people" as "socialists." I wonder where this came from. I heard Al Franken's resident dittohead, Marc Luther say that, and he's a Limbaugh devotee. Is that where it originated? I know LOTS of Dems and MoveOn.org people--no socialists, ZERO.
Not to worry; it'll pass. Lemme see if I can help--oh yes, invoking "dear Buddha," is a projection of Western sky-godisme onto an Eastern conceptualization, a sort of spiritual fetishization.

Which is I why I do so very, very intentionally. :uhyeah:

BTW, just in the past week I've noticed people referring to Dems and "MoveOn.org people" as "socialists." I wonder where this came from. I heard Al Franken's resident dittohead, Marc Luther say that, and he's a Limbaugh devotee. Is that where it originated? I know LOTS of Dems and MoveOn.org people--no socialists, ZERO.

*shrugs* Xequat was the one that brought up the "socialists in the Democratic party" bit. You'd have to ask him. Personally, I can't think of a single mainstream Democrat that is a socialist.

Some have said they note no real difference between the candidates?

Are you serious?

Kerry: Articulate. Bush: Can't rub a noun and a verb together without a disaster.

Kerry: Decorated Vietnam vet. Bush: Served in N.G. to get out of duty.

Kerry: Pro-stem cell research. Bush: Restricts stem cell research.

Kerry: Pro-choice. Bush: Pro-life.

Kerry: Against death penalty. Bush: Seems to revel in it.

Kerry: For taxing the rich. Bush: Cut taxes for the rich.

Kerry: Favors purchasing drugs from Canada. Bush: Made it illegal to do so.

Kerry: Openly against "assault weapons." Bush: Waffled on the issue but let the ban pass.

Anybody want to add to this list?



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