A once-in-a-lifetime chance


Blue Belt
Dec 10, 2004
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Next year in November my class is going on a two week trip to Malasia and New Zeland to train with Master Queck and to train at the Nam Pai Chuan hall. Truly a once in a lifetime chance, I would be overwhelmed with honor to be spat on by master Queck let alone train under him. Problem is... I have an important term at school at the same time, I am 15 years old and will soon be doing GCSEs. Should I stay or should I go? Any advice for a torn boy?
I think you answered that question yourself by the "once in a lifetime" statement..Can you turn that paper in late without getting into serious trouble?? If yes then you have your answer..
Not to give you the wrong opinion, but this is just me I would dfinitely go.
But Martial Arts has always been first in my life, so really thats the question you need to ask yourself which is more important and would be a more valuable asset?

I wish you the best.

take care,
I agree with what's already been said. Try to go. I'm sure if you spoke with your teacher and explained the situation something could be worked out.