A Great Loss


MTS Alumni
Aug 13, 2002
Reaction score
East Texas
I've never cross posted anything in two forums, but I thought this deserved it...

The US Kung Fu Exchange morns the loss of one of its own. Sifu Richard Feagin was killed in an automobile accident March 10, 2004. Sifu Feagin owned and operated three schools in Temple, Killeen, and Round Rock Texas. He is survived by his wife and two small children. Richard Feagin served his country as an air force pilot and was currently a reservists with the National Guard. This is a terrible loss to Kung Fu and Martial Arts in general. We will miss this great martial artists and wonderful sifu.

Sifu Feagin was a great teacher and a wonderful martial artist. Personally I will miss him and my condolences go out to his family and his current students. Funeral service will be held Saturday in Marlin, TX.

Man....that stinks...I feel bad for his Wife and kids and everyone he taught, too...that's gotta hurt!
My thoughts and prayers go out to the family of this man- always hard to hear about a loss......but especially about a sudden loss. I lost an instructor to a sudden cerebral hemorrhage back in my earlier days of training- it's hard on the students too- who often times become like family with our instructors.

God's Peace-
:asian: :karate:
Thank you guys for your well wishes, in the Kung Fu Exchange there are nine sifus all who studied under the same teacher. We get together and are like a huge national family. This is a great loss, I really feel for my kung fu brothers and sisters who are now without a sifu.

. . . .

great sorrow and many broken hearts will prevail to fight a stronger battle one day. rest in peace sir.

Very Respectfully

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