5-year-old boy pins fox to ground to defend his brother


MT Mentor
Apr 23, 2003
Reaction score
Interesting story! I hope his parents plan on putting him in Judo or Jujutsu some day! He has a skill already....

KINGSTOWN, North Carolina (AP) -- A 5-year-old boy grabbed a rabid fox by the neck and pinned it to the ground during a family cookout, protecting six other children until his stepfather could kill the animal.

Link to article below:


- Ceicei
Hats off to the boy! Unfortunately, he was bitten by the rabid animal. I hope his treatment is effective.
Brave kid.
Rabies vaccinations/treatment is better these days than before. So he should be okay. As long as it's treated as soon as possible (read: immediately).
The old Pasteur treatment, as I understand, involved not just one round of excruciatingly painful injections that had to be delivered deep into the abdomen (for reasons I never found out), but two such rounds. Apparently, as MA_C suggests, the newer treatments are far superior, and not nearly so painful. Still, it's a bad deal if you have to have it....

I can't think of enough good things to say about this child... he has the sign of greatness on him, IMO. Ferocity of will is probably the most important quality required for success in life, and he has enough for six or eight ordinary folk.
That was a great find, CeiCei! Definitely took a lot of guts for the little boy- 5 years old? Wow!
Most impressive......
I know a great many adults, full of machismo, who would have balked at doing what this young man did. I fully agree that he has the mark of potential greatness about him.
Was listening to a news report on the way home from work that said that the instance of rabies in the county just north of us is up ten times what it has been in the past few years. Anyone else having this problem in their area?
Dude, you know that kid is gonna get a cool nick name out of it :)

seriously though, that had to take guts.