2nd Dan test today


Jim Tindell

Today we had a 2nd Dan promotion test. I did everything perfect, all of the breaks were good... until the last one.

Twin front kicks + 2 board punch... all have to be broken before you land.

I hit the punch wrong, and broke my hand. Now I have to wait for it to heal until I can finish the break. :(
Congratulations on doing most of your test with success, but sorry about the broken hand. Hope your hand mends well.

Before you get your 2nd Dan, do you have to wait until your hand heals so you can finish that break?

- Ceicei
Yes. It's not like I failed the test or something like that... I just didn't really finish.

Typing is weird. My hand doesn't really hurt that much, I just can't extend my fingers fully.
I poppped two ribs at my 2nd dan test and I had to finish the test when they healed. So, I empathize. Hang in there...or if your really feeling ballsy, do the split kick and train the other hand in the next couple of weeks...;)

Just kidding


Congratulations on making it as far as you have!

Congrats on the rest of your test and I feel your pain. This past Feburary I was testing for 3rd dan after five years as a 2nd dan. The day before I tested I ripped some of of the muscle from the bone in my right leg. I tried to test the next day, but ended up failing. This October is when I will get a chance to finally retest.

Just remember to hang in there and train the rest of your body while you wait for your hand to heal. That way when your hand is ok, you won't be too far behind from getting back to where you were before the injury. The wait is the hardest part, but remember that if you push it you will have to wait even longer!
I feel your pain. I tested for high red last saturday (the 9th) and I nearly broke my hand. Then I did a tourny yesterday and screwed up my elbow (both breaking attemps and both on the same side).

As far as I know, I pasted my test (I won't know till next week). I sparred with my bad hand afterwards, so I don't know.

So I wish you a lot of luck :)
Jim congrats and you'll be back in a month not to long of a wait.
Congrats, man...that's a tough break and I am not looking forward to it....

How was your guys' summer camp?
My second dan test that I took was hell.To start off I had to do patterns,starting off with four direction punch to gaebaek.However, after each pattern I had to perform 20 push ups with no break.So in total I had to do 280 pushups plus the movements in the patterns.I also had to do every 1 step,2 step,3 step as well as self defense techniques for each rank.I had to spar 1 person for a total of 2 minutes as well as 2 people for 1 minute.Finally,I had to perform breaking.For leg power breaking I choose to do a 3 board side kick and for hand power breaking I choose a 2 1/2 knife hand strike.In total I had to perform 4 specialty breaks which consist of twin high kick,split kick,split kick then turning kick,and finally low section flying side kick and followed by high section flying side kick.There were more stuff I had to perform but thats all that stuck out in my head.:flame:
Good try at your testing and I wish you luck on your retest.

question how long have you been in tkd because you mentioned in your post 5 years as a second degree going on third but in your profile it says 12 years in the tkd.:idunno:
question how long have you been in tkd because you mentioned in your post 5 years as a second degree going on third but in your profile it says 12 years in the tkd.:idunno:
That is correct. I was a color belt for 5 years, a 1st degree for 2 years, and a 2nd degree for 5 years. The ATA ranking system is a bit deceptive. We do not consider 4th degree a "Master". To become a Master, you have to be at least 6th degree, then train and earn that title. From 3rd degee to 6th degree Master, It will take me about 20 more years of consistant training. So if I was to want to become a "Master" in TKD, I will have had about 32-35 years in the art.
Shu2jack said:
Congrats on the rest of your test and I feel your pain. This past Feburary I was testing for 3rd dan after five years as a 2nd dan. The day before I tested I ripped some of of the muscle from the bone in my right leg. I tried to test the next day, but ended up failing. This October is when I will get a chance to finally retest.

Just remember to hang in there and train the rest of your body while you wait for your hand to heal. That way when your hand is ok, you won't be too far behind from getting back to where you were before the injury. The wait is the hardest part, but remember that if you push it you will have to wait even longer!
why the hell did you test for 3rd Dan with ripped muscles?
Sorry about the hand, Jim.

Heal up and get 'er done. We're rootin' for ya.
Congrats on testing for 2nd. My test was injury plagued too with a bad knee. But hopefully your hand will heal soon, take care of it! I probably would do what upnorth said, train your other hand. I had to do that any way since my right wrist isn't good. Good luck! TW
why the hell did you test for 3rd Dan with ripped muscles?
1) I didn't know the full extent of the injury and did not think that it was as serious as it actually was.

2) Imagine you have been training for a long time to enter the olympics and you are finally there. A few days before you are to compete you get hurt. Do you decide to simply quit or do you push yourself within reason to accomplish what you set your heart out to do? I would rather push myself and lose horribly then to not do it at all and always wonder.
Congratulations on a good test Jim! I am sure the hand will heal quickly, but am equally sure to you it will feel like an eternity.

Shu2jack said:
1) I didn't know the full extent of the injury and did not think that it was as serious as it actually was.

2) Imagine you have been training for a long time to enter the olympics and you are finally there. A few days before you are to compete you get hurt. Do you decide to simply quit or do you push yourself within reason to accomplish what you set your heart out to do? I would rather push myself and lose horribly then to not do it at all and always wonder.
i see your point, but the Olympics are every 4 years and gradings are usually every 6 months so the two are very different.

I meant no offence but 3rd Dan test is hard and I would rather wait than risk not passing. I pulled (minor pull) my hamstring 4 weeks before my 2nd Dan and I couldnt even contemplate kicking for the first week which is why I was surprised that you carried on with the grading. A muscle tear is serious and you would not be able to kick.

Anyway good luck in October
I see your point, but the Olympics are every 4 years and gradings are usually every 6 months so the two are very different.
A dream is still a dream and a goal is still a goal, no matter how big or small or what it is compared to.

I meant no offence but 3rd Dan test is hard and I would rather wait than risk not passing. I pulled (minor pull) my hamstring 4 weeks before my 2nd Dan and I couldnt even contemplate kicking for the first week which is why I was surprised that you carried on with the grading. A muscle tear is serious and you would not be able to kick.
Pain-killers. Really good ones that were prescribed to me. Also, I have always had a high tolerance for pain due to injury. Also, the type of tear I have does not call for surgery usually. Only 1 of 5 sports medicine doctors mentioned surgery and that is only because I am an athlete. Normally they just leave the leg as is because most people can walk around fine and are able to do physical activities after serveral months of healing. Basically I was told that I can still compete after I heal, that I can not injure it any further from training, and that my leg will last, but expect my endurance, speed, strength, etc. to be diminished in my leg.

So basically, yes, I was able to tension kick with a combination of mental fortitude, pain killers, 30 minutes of streching, and my class mates telling me to "stop acting hurt :p ".

muscle tear is serious and you would not be able to kick.
That is why I failed :p Apparently making all my kicks 5 second tension kicks instead of kicking quickly is not an acceptable way to do a form. That and I couldn't break my boards with kicking techniques.
I just did my 2nd dan test a couple months ago, and it was tough. Much harder than 1st dan for sure. This time though I was ready to uh... rap n' roll...:asian:

Anyway, maybe cuz I have a few more years training under my belt, and I was training quite a bit before the test and I just wanted to reach for the next rung on the ladder, I really went at it. I paced myself during this long *** test. I did go all out, hard core, and push it when I had to, but, then I rested when I could catch a breath.

It was during the set ups for all of the parts of the tests such as the one steps, basics hand techs, self-defense techs, poomse, the breakings,sparring and the oral board grillling from the testing masters on the board, etc., that I tried to recoup. When my other fellow BB candidates were doing their thing I was resting getting ready for my turn to step up...

I can say I had a much better experience this time around then when I went for 1st Black. I segmented this 2nd dan test. Afterwards, I wasn't all beat up and black and bruised like I was after the 1st dan test. Must be the prep for the test... uh... Yeah!!!

If I can teach my fellow TKD practitioners anything, it's just be prepared.

BTW, I passed...
