2005 Summerish Movies


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Apr 16, 2002
Reaction score
Somewhere Wild,Wonderful and Wicked

Definitely going to be there on opening day~! May 19th

June 15th

And lots of remakes..
I think I'll wait til it's out on dvd

June 29th

"Pink Panther" uhh with Steve Martin as Clouseau...hmmms


"Herbie" the Lovebug
"The Longest Yard"
"The HoneyMooners"
"The Bad News Bears"

Methinks Movie makers need new ideas~!

Looks Cute :)
KenpoTess said:
Yeppers.. that they are

and gawd.. "The Duke's of Hazzard" with.. *cough* Jessica Simpon .....................
Oh palleeeezzz! Say it ain't so.

*[runs for the razor blades]
I wonder how "Herbie the Love Bug, Fully Loaded" will stack up to the original? Very interesting...

"dukes of hazard" remake... oh the humanity... :disgust:

The film industry really is :deadhorse
Originality? I think it is gone for now...

Reality tv was original... but stupid... and it still has legions of followers.

Now imagine an idea that was both original AND good :D

Actually I think a lot of it comes from taking an idea that works and beating it till there is nothing left to get out of it. Anyone remember Fawlty Towers? One of the best comedy shows ever... There was 2 seasons for a total of 12 episodes.

Can't do that now, if it is making money clone it and continue it till the well runs dry, then try some spin offs.
Gemini said:
Oh palleeeezzz! Say it ain't so.

*[runs for the razor blades]
My God, the Daisy Dukes are alive and well. Is that reason to sit thru the whole movie though, doesn't star jonny knoxvill?
Make fun of the Dukes if you will, but Willie Nelson will be a fine Uncle Jesse.
KenpoTess said:

Definitely going to be there on opening day~! May 19th

June 15th

And lots of remakes..
I think I'll wait til it's out on dvd

June 29th

"Pink Panther" uhh with Steve Martin as Clouseau...hmmms


"Herbie" the Lovebug
"The Longest Yard"
"The HoneyMooners"
"The Bad News Bears"

Methinks Movie makers need new ideas~!

Looks Cute :)[/QUOTE Ms. Tess I agree with you 100%. Ever since they made movie versions of The Beverly Hillbillies and The Brady Bunch, I knew this just the beginning. With all due respect to Steve Martin, he is definately not right for this part, or any actor for that matter. I've seen the original Pink Panther movies and laughed my butt off. Peter Sellers is the only actor to play that role in my opinion.......Don't ever get me started with The Honeymooners. One of my all time favorite sitcoms. Believe me, Cedric The "Entertainer" is no Jackie Gleason. I don't care if the cast of the remake was white, black, brown, green or blue, this show shouldn't be tampered with. I can only hope that this one will be a a box office bomb. Batman Begins could be the movie of the Summer. Looks real good and hopefully will erase the memories of the 2 previous stinkers by that director Joel whats his face.....In a recent poll on who make a fresher Daisy Duke, Jessica Simpson had 70% to Catherine Bach's 30%. Now I know the end is near. All the best, Steve
The only lesson learned is that movie goers keep going to these horrible movies and thus encouraging these upgrades. Only once in a blue moon will the movie be as good or better than the televison series (i.e. Addams Family).
Mainly it's the writers and then it's the producers who read the script and say "hmm, not bad at all..." then turn it over to directors who might be thinking... ya'know I remember this when I was a kid... I know I can do better...


There are thousands upon hundreds of thousands of books out there on the shelves... thousands of them are international best sellers... there's not any writers out there who'd want to take on the challenge of adapting probably a VERY original story???

Dunno why they want to revamp the television series into a two hour long movie for? What's next?? Mork and Mindy, Happy Days, All in The Family, The Jeffersons, Sanford and Son? Friends, Seinfeld, Family Ties, etc. etc. etc. a whole myriad of materials to draw from so they don't tax their brains for want of something totally original...
Well, look at the bright side. It makes it that much easier to spend the time in the dojang. Sure not gonna miss anything outside of it this summer. :)
Gemini said:
Well, look at the bright side. It makes it that much easier to spend the time in the dojang. Sure not gonna miss anything outside of it this summer. :)
Ya, I'll be underground most of the summer... :D to each their own eh?
MACaver said:
Ya, I'll be underground most of the summer... :D to each their own eh?
In place of ground hog day we have MACaver day:uhyeah:... we could make this into a movie.... it would be much better than some of the garbage out anymore?
KenpoTess said:
Yeppers.. that they are

and gawd.. "The Duke's of Hazzard" with.. *cough* Jessica Simpon .....................

No thats " The Dukes of Hazzard" with... *Hmmm* Jessica Simpson..........
She is cute but she isn't allowed to talk please don't let her talk or act or o'h never mind just take her picture and send it to me she is still cute not as cute as Mrs. Tess but still cute.


Rick Wade said:
No thats " The Dukes of Hazzard" with... *Hmmm* Jessica Simpson..........
She is cute but she isn't allowed to talk please don't let her talk or act or o'h never mind just take her picture and send it to me she is still cute not as cute as Mrs. Tess but still cute.


I think that's all Simpson has going for her as she definately can't sing. If she acts like she sings, this movie is doomed. Then again she wasn't chosen for her acting talents, what little if any there are. All the best, Steve
Rick Wade said:
Totally agree with you I can't even name one song she sings
Same here but she does slaughter and I do mean slaughter Berlin's "Take My Breath Away". A good song shot to hell! I wonder if she and B. Spears came from the same mold as they both sound like finger nails on a blackboard. Regards, Steve

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