
  1. Ivan

    500 pushups daily

    I just finished my first day of attempting 500 pushups daily in one go. I have done 500 pushups in a day as a challenge multiple times in the past but I have always split them up throughout the day. Today is my first time attempting to do them all in one sitting. I managed to squeeze out 361...
  2. Ivan

    What attribute do you focus on with your strength and conditioning?

    I‘ve been curious about what attribute people focus on when dedicating themselves to martial arts when they go to the gym. Personally, I am focusing on building up my chest muscles, so hypertrophy, as my chest is too small and makes my physique look uneven. In a few months when it has grown a...
  3. K

    Spear Hand Strike Breaking

    I am planning on performing a spear hand strike in my next board breaking competition. The last time I performed this break, my fingernails shattered, and I bled a whole lot lol. In this competition, taping the fingers is not an option, but I'm trying to figure out how to keep myself from...
  4. D

    Body Durability or Toughening

    Despite your first thoughts this isn't about hitting yourself over and over again until you hate yourself. There are several kinds of body durability and toughness. In material science there is: yield strength (bending without breaking or deforming) compressive strength (crushing without...
  5. Ivan

    Knuckle conditioning in different martial arts

    Knuckle conditioning has been around for a long time, in various martial arts and has been used for a plethora of purposes. In styles of Kung Fu, knuckle conditioning was known as Iron Palm or Iron Fist. According to its page on Wikipedia, it allows fighters to use their techniques with extreme...
  6. R

    Looking for a training partner in the NoVa/DC area

    Hello, Tang Soo Do and GoJu Ryu practitioner here. Looking for a training partner to practice with. Don't care what style you are since all styles have something you can learn from. Really just looking for someone who enjoys body conditioning, bunkai and sharing/exchanging knowledge...
  7. P

    A practical discussion on endurance and its limits

    I competed in shotokan karate, junior MMA and kickboxing as a kid (10-14) with fairly good results for the chubby bastard I was for the first 2 years My endurance was always sh*t, getting gassed out in the warm-up jog sometimes, but what I lacked in endurance and work ethic I made up in heavy...
  8. T


    Hi, I practise shukukai karate and bjj, just moved in to a new house with a smallish garden. I want a really heavy bag to condition fists shin etc or just something I can kick and punch elbow etc to achieve the desired results. Any suggestions of something I can use or buy to condition all my...
  9. Retrofit

    Kyokushin Conditioning Tips

    Hi, I practice Kyokushin Karate, I have just reached my first grade (10th kyu) and I realised that soon, within 6 months or so, the real though fighting begins at my dojo. I must become better to join them, but when I do, I want to be ready. Not only physically and mentally, but conditioning...
  10. O

    Training for tendons, ligaments, and joints.

    As you might know the tendons, ligaments, and joints are very important not only for martial arts but for an active lifestyle. I haven't found a way to nurture and enhance said tissue to prevent injuries and improve myself, does anyone knows about an approach to exercising said tissue? I...
  11. Anarax

    Muscular Women Double Standard

    In the US there is a very prevalent double standard for muscular women. This goes beyond personal preference or what an individual finds attractive. As a society we seem to shun the look of a muscular woman and discourage it. This can be seen in television, movies, magazines, etc. Let's narrow...
  12. NinjaChristian

    Knuckle vs Skull...

    How much conditioning does it take to be able to punch someone in the head without serious injury? If you punch someone in the top of the head coming down, does conditioning matter, or will your knuckles just break?