Chris Parker
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  • Christopher I am so sorry to hear about that and but I am very pleased that you have a positive disposition for that is how you make things happen even if you do not realise it! Rien de neuf? :)
    Christopher, I am hoping u are still here. I would like to know if your new job is going well?? I hope you are good :)
    Christopher the free spirits cannot be lassoed any more than the mind can be kept from wandering I think? Anyway some tethers cannot be easily let go of if one changes one's mind so maybe that is not something you would wish for either. As for llamas for why are you mentioning this? Farmers are loyal to their llamas yes, that is understood though even farmers are allowed companions when the herding is done. And you know Miss K is looking after the llama for a while as I have more stupid stuff next week. I mentioned this at some point previously?? Anyway, back to the hedonism... :D
    Ah now you cannot be calling me for a young person, I am an old lady now haha :D Aw I am so glad that you are fixed up and ship-shape Christopher, that is a piece of good news to me and thank you for sharing it! And but you are stircrazy because you are in limbo between things or something else?? Are you not occupying your time well in your cultural endeavours and undiluted hedonism for the next 19 days? I wish I were in that position :) I hope everything else is ok. Please let me know what is what. Me? champagne and caviar? Nope I am not a highlife girl at all. My pleasures are not so instantly achieved. Nor so rapidly regurgitated lol :D Keep me in your loops, Jxo
    Promotion? then it is a better beginning than the old end! I am very proud of your positive inclination and how it has given you its dividends Christopher. Congratulations! I will raise a glass to you and to your continued success (though there will probably be only blitzed fruit in it!) And thank you for keeping me up to date so I do not worry over your absence. I wish you well for your first post-paperwork days. I hope you have your shiny shoes shined :)
    That is good news Christopher. If we are only waiting on time before things work out then that is as sure as done :) Yay for you indeed!! :D Please let me know how you go?
    Hello my dear, sweet sane Christopher. I hope you have concluded your search for someplace worthy of your skills. I hope this place will allow you brightness to shine through. I'm going to go hide on the other side of the looking glass till it's safe to come out. You can find me, as allways. I'll try to explain, you've been there with me though so I won't need to explain much. These headaches are getting worse.
    I am glad for that news of potentials Christopher. Promise you do not be sitting on your hands!! You are a martial artist and well used to thinking quickly. Seize your opportunities and assess your situations rapidly yes? I hope your martial art as applied to everyday life is not just a lipservice mister! :) You have my wishes that your potentials convert into actualities! I hope your loops do not get too twisted neither. Please promise to keep me informed, I have perhaps wagers on your success more than you know.
    I hope there is something better even than before. For each of us it is true as the poem says Christopher, I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.
    OK yes I am glad you are keeping upbeat. Tomorrow is a whole other day of opportunities. Keep every option open Christopher and good things will come through. I hope you are able to get your head straight over what is important. You have my wishes, Jx
    Goodness Christopher, that is no small thing for you to be dealing with. I will not say I am sorry as I do not want you to be sad. If it is not naive to say then I think this can be an opportunity. Please be positive even if it is counterintuitive. Good things will be attracted to you if in your mind it is foregone. Have faith, and if not, I will have enough for us both. Let me know when you are sorted. It will be no long wait, I know for certain.
    I guess if an author assumed in their novel that I will pick up plot from what they have half-penned then they assume that I have more wit than I actually have and in which case if an author hides the truth in their white spaces then it is truth that remains unaccessed by the reader no? And surely Christopher, you do not take as a sign of anything, the sartorial state of your harem potentials? They could be exquisite Boticelli sylphs under charity shop tat and you would not know anything of it then is that not so? And I would not share pictures no more as people think they know you when they see your picture and that is not always welcome I am sure you follow. Tell me something nice Christopher, what is good with you these days? I hope you have had a good weekend and are looking forward to something special this week?
    Well I cannot hear the voices in your head from here Christopher and but it is a notion of mine that sometimes between the lines there is nought cept free white space for the interpreter to paint whichever picture pleases them. Ha you are titillating yourself with heeled shoes? Surely men should not permit theirselves to be so easily manipulated by those superficialities of femininity? Here is me imagining you sought a provoking discourse when all you required was a shot of me in my Red or Dead heels? lol.. Men! :D
    I think it is a testament to the imprecision of trope (or rather the imprecise choice of trope) that meanings can be subject to misinterpretation. Fortunately Christopher, one may have more insight than the evidence of five senses would suggest possible. Provided openness in all ways is maintained I suppose. And yes the compromise on shoes is that strappy is fine provided they are closed-toed. There is something about the feet of other people on display I do not find attractive and I can only describe podiatry as an unfathomable career choice. I would not turn my nose up were they offering a free foot massage though lol.
    With a phrase I do believe you truly have a spidey sense Mr Parker and know not how. Nonetheless, to pressing matters of nail polish palettes lol. Ah I suspect you are asking out of mere conversational duty rather than a considered interest in the accessorising ways of dumb Londoners. You are right though, red is very "statement" I wear when I feel fun otherwise deeper, darker tones bring the truer inside to the outside. As for toesies, well I am no strappy shoe fan you know so only on special occasions. Oh how interesting must this be for you Christopher lol. And well I hope if you are playing the field as it were, you do not do so with glitter make up wearing groupies lol for that will be your downfall I think! :D
    Yes that is a clever way to see it Christopher. I have always thought similarly that boundaries must sometimes be broken to establish that the limit is set in the proper place :) And yes, it is easier to diagnose "rightness" or "wrongness" in oneself. I think the mistake too many make is in extrapolating that diagnosis from theirself to someone else. Everyone from teachers, to doctors and judges and priests are paid to extrapolate by their own diagnosis of theirself, no? Anyway what am I thinking of glitter and sequins and sparkly nail paint :D That is more my thing and let it not be thought otherwise ha :D I hope your kindly soul looks upon you favourably this weekend Christopher! A bientot
    You are thinking of low-minded things when your words I thought came on higher currents? Does this imply duplicity Christopher?? I hope not. Best to be forthright I say. Then there are no misapprehensions :) I am with you on self-diagnosis though and I am happy your seams are secure. Ah I do not imagine you need much to make you feel pretty and but I shall not flatter you by speaking to it! :D I welcome your glitter and sequin advocacy though. It shows a fearlessness Christopher. I like that :) I hope your injury is not harming your couturing skill at least! :D
    Well Christopher, I am glad you agree with my saying and fear no misinterpretation for I never type what I believe you would not fathom. Self-diagnosis and self-healing I have found is invariably the more accurate than the anachronistic wisdom of the family doctor provided we are armed with all the facts, which I think we are often not. So I hope you heal well and manage to put your digit to whatever employ it was previously. Hoping the rest of your glue is holding Christoher! :)
    You are more widely read in English than I Christopher, I could never quote these things verbatim. I remain impressed. And but you have broken your finger? Yes, I have done this also right index and there is a slight kink even still. Not that there is anything wrong with a slight kink of course provided it remains in the finger and nowhere else. The healing meditations must be done locally; best I can convey from afar is a thought and a wish, or a prayer if you are so inclined. I hope when you say you refuse to do anything about it, that at least you have gone for xray and to have them bind it to your ring finger to ensure it remains kink free. Best way. See to it Christopher, you do not want this to keep you out of action!!
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