Chris Parker
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  • Haha I have enough nurses here, Katie is a midwife and but that is not the same thing I think haha. No see cossetting is a prolongation. I need to fight. Can I fight with you Christopher Christopher? :D I have heard you are a good fighter, is that right? Fighting is cathartic and but I cannot do anything cept lie about here like some old lady. I hate this. Help me. Fight me. I need something to fight against and all I have is mollycoddling I sm sick of it. I would fight you first Christopher. then you can take pity on me. Bah! You are not here? What am I to do then? Ah I speak with you soon Jenna pupici pupici xxx
    Hey Chris, I just wanted to say byebye. I am going to hospital tomorrow and so I just want you to take care of yourself until I am back, yes? I have enjoyed our to-and-fro so much :) You are a good guy with everything to offer, I wanted you to know that :) Just, wishes from me to you for everything you rightly deserve and for the knowledge to know how to take it, Jenna :)
    Hey yo what is all this you are telling me bout your schoolgirls and whatnot?? I do not even think I want to know anything bout your proclivities my friend. I do not know how you took that leap of logic, I was only wanting to know your age since you had been calling me "young", and you appear broadly learned and interesting to me that is all! Will you not talk with me about something else proper instead? I was enjoying your musings until then. Anyways, hope you are good and stuff.
    There is no age in your profile that is why I am asking :) I think you are enticingly wise for 24 and but in some ways you are a lot more and in some ways exactly that :) Anyways, I am not good at guessing I think. And you know about the ranks of angels too, wow. See that is what I am talking about there. You appear very widely read and that is very interesting to me because then you are at the thinnest top end of the bell curve in my experience. Anyways I do not know what to say now, so, well just have a super w/e and stuff, whatever you are up to. What -are- you up to? Speak to you soon, wishes, Jenna :)
    No, I just trust the OED definition usually :D And so you started Facebook when you were AT school or did you work there?? I am just trying to picture what age you are? I cannot tell from you little picture thing :) Oh I do not appreciate ego-fluffing, cos when it is all nicely fluffed, then what? Having your ego fluffed is certainly not something an altruist would do! :) Uh-oh, not this again, haha, no I am just being tangential, but that is ok since you are a convexity and me a straight line ;) Creating better than discovering? I guess if you feel you can create better things than have ever been created before for you to discover! Me I am not so very creative. I am guessing you are though :) Thank you for the cherub. I do carry my own angel with me at all times though. I will send her your way if you ever need :) Wishes, Jenna :)
    Haha, now why am I not surprised that your hero is Machiavelli :) I do not think you are at all machiavellian though, are you?? Facebook? Hmm, well I would say I was too old for all that and but maybe I am just as bad as everybody else collecting surreptitious friends, haha, though do you not find that it becomes tiresome trying to sort the sparsity of wheat from the glut of chaff?? I find that facebook/myspace/twitter people guys and girls seldom seek any bigger concept off me than superficial flattery ego-fluffing or inane chitchat. Maybe your experience of it is all good?? I still like good ol myspace for new bands though. I like discovering :) Haha, Capri, well I have love fluttering around my heart wherever I go, it alights just where it pleases :) Aww, joyous and treasured? that is sweet of you to say such a thing to me, thank you :) And I hope that you reap the harvest of your own considerate nature too :) Wishes, Jenna :)
    Oh I do not know about less typical or more typical male aspects. I think you are only going by the stereotype, no? You mean that you embrace your female side? Well that is good too, though not too much! Can I ask something, you seem to have mostly girl friends. Do you have guy friends? You have only ever mentioned friends that are girls. Anyways I do not want to be nosey, I am just asking. And but yes, I am not as well versed on Italian history as you I think, still, I found Florence captivating. Capri is beautiful too though - a place for lovers I think. I love the lilt to everything there :) Well hope you are good today? Wishes, Jenna :)
    Holly Golightly was coquette and not much more in the film. Book was different! Still I absolutely adore the character, much more intelligent and independent than stereotypically modern female leads, guns or not. I had not heard of that film R&C, just the play: a little hippie trippy for me I think? And is that what you normally would watch? Kurosawa and Rosencrantz & Guildenstern? Well you are an arty fellow then, a renaissance man? Haha and a model too? You would be David for Michelangelo then? Florence is a beautiful city. I think you would enjoy it very much, beautiful river and aged bridges and pretty people and goodness, a history to get lost in, the Medicis and whatnot. Anyways, hope you good? Jenna :)
    Yes I have said before I only get the image you portray, see? You put yourself across a certain way that is all :) And what, are you like a stand-up?? That be cool. Favourite film ah well you would not have heard of it because it is not in English or anything like it ha! Ones you would know Breakfast at Tiffanys, Taxi Driver, recently Once and which I gave you a little song from on that song thread here, bet you did not even look, huh. I like lots of stuff, too many to mention and but fav you would not have heard of, soz :) And you? Mawsha rawts firims, you rike? You buy? I seyu mawsha rawts firims fiddy-fi dorra, yes? OK fiddy? .. OK foi-fi dorra fyna roffa :D Sorry, must be the sun. I have not seen it in a while and it is shorting my neural nets, bzzzzzzt :) Do not touch me I am charged with static, bzzzzzt :) Yes, well, you good? Jenna
    Hmm, Hermes eh? Well I could not accept the implication that my personality is reducable to which finger I choose to wear jewellery, still I am happy to be Hermes leading the dead, winged sneakers, ha. I think you are up to parlour tricks with that maybe and but I am sure there are plenty of girlie-type girls who would be head-over-heels for lines like those :) Good luck, cos I am not criticising if that is how you work it! :) "Charlie" was good and I adored Freddy Highmore in August Rush. Still I have a soft spot for Mr Wilder though having met him after Laughter on the 23rd Floor. He was a truly courteous and sweet man (we were still at school at the time). And as for your reserve, well there is of course the risk of finding no buyer for your goods, haha, that reminds me of the scene in Groundhog Day - though maybe you would be Phil Connors and not the cameraman :D Wishes 2u, Jenna
    Ah you trade electrical gadgetry. No, that is not the best field for a boy who likes engaging with ladies I think! Though I bet when you DO meet a gadget girl, there must be sparks, ha :) Goodness I would disappoint you bout the rings, I do not wear any! And do you wear rings? I think hands are beautiful to see and to touch and do not need adornment. Sorry :) And much as I do like Johnny and I think his version was nearer to the book, the original film with all its post 1960s trippery is my choice, in places scary even (Dahl was very subtle about his horror!) And your preference is?? Haha, I am sure I have some of those very items for you to sell right here in my flat :D. Goodness to think I have been sitting on a goldmine all along, haha. You make me laugh :) Thank you :) Aw I think you would surely appreciate over time long as you do not overprice yourself beyond what your market will bear :) You take care, yes? Jenna
    Coincidence? Ah you are playing right into my soothsaying hands, mwah :D Or, um, yes, coincidence :) So besides yourself, what are you selling? Cashmere and fine spices? Opium? Smuggled Faberge eggs? Ah if it is the latest bestest plumbing fixtures then that is ok, I could not even feign an interest, soz :) Tell me something else interesting instead :) I think I might have taken you for a sales guru - it is the confidence thing; you called it arrogance and see I am not arguing :) Kiss Kiss is not the Roald Dahl that I know. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for me. Or Matilda. Both remind me of school :) Well hope you are good? Me I am surviving though some days are harder. You have a marvellous w/e, yes? Wishes, Jenna :)
    You are a sales guru? They say people buy the salesman over the product. Your debonnaire manner must earn you top sales every month I am sure :) Ah if you flex your vocab as strongly as you flex your ninjutsu then ignorant people will take you as aloof. I am not good at much and but I enjoy finding my level with people and I do not care what level that might be :) I do like your answer to my question. I had not thought of it like that - content in the present and aspiring into the future. That is clever, thank you :) and I am so pleased you can be content in the present as separate from an infinity of discontent. Ah I do not want to get morbid with you, hey you do not have to edit your replies, I will take them straight out! Haha, you are right bout Roald Dahl's Twits see that is what I call widely read :) Though you said "brevity of the Twits" and that to me would make a wonderful band name. I think they would be indie :) Wishes to you my friend :) Jenna
    I am not thankful because there is a need rather because I want to :) And verbosity for its own sake is gratuitous you are right, when you have le mot juste then that is better I think. WB Yeats made exhortation to "think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people" :) Maybe. Maybe when he was around! Today's language can be so pedestrian. I would choose verbosity over Twitterspeak anydays :) So you have my permission :) And thank you again for being kind to me. Whether or not I deserve it, I do appreciate it :) I am glad you like my angel, she is very protective :) Ah chocolate like all its base contemporaries is a pitiful ephemeral high.. Hmm.. Tell me something, will you? To what extent are you a contented person? Sorry for randomness, still you could have expected no better :) Well, I hope you are succeeding in your endeavours. I am sure you are. I do not see you as failing much :) Take care you too, Jenna :)
    No, I do not have ulterior beyond idle chat :) I just like that you are engaging and I think you have a good heart and I can see why you would have so many gf :) Plus you have been courteous to me and have not once condescended or treated me as if I am stupid or do not matter and so thank you. I guess we all appreciate different things :) Aw I am glad you are good. Me I am ok, so-so, pensive, you know? That is a lot of things to be I think, pffft. Hey thank you for keeping in touch :) Jenna
    My dear Helen, thank you and but I already have my base pleasures adequately covered. I have become too indurated to crumble at anything. Only were I to encounter a true altruism would I be enamoured and but true altruism is a holy grail because each of us has ulteriors; none of us can give without expecting, no matter how freely we imagine our gift, see? :) Hope you are good. Jenna :)
    Ah my lovely Helen I am not tempted by fantasies or imaginary pleasures, only real ones and but those need not necessarily be tangible. In fact I think the tangible ones are basest, whereas the intangible ethereal ones are the most lofty and worthy of aspiring to indulge. I am sustained against the base need for chocolate on my tongue and the sensation of driving inordinately fast in my car by the idealistic notion of one day being able to find a sublime altruism. Though mostly I do not believe it, the pleasure for me is in the search :) Until then, like so many, I must lower myself to psychochemical effects in consumable substances and the spin of epinephrine up the M25 in the small hours. Squalid, I know. Still, we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars *sighs*
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