Why is their so much disrespect for Karate? And what can we do to stop it?

Besides jab and cross, does Karate have hook, uppercut, and overhand? Also does the concept of "1 step multiple punches" exist in Karate?

IMO, some TMA striking skill are just too linear without 3 dimensional striking. If one always trains 2 dimensional linear punches, he may not feel comfortable to deal with 3 dimensional punches such as jab/cross, hook, uppercut, overhand.

Yes, karate has those and more.
Attacking may be the wrong word. But yes, I am focusing on the poster's experiences. He is making a claim. Which he cannot validate as he has not had any experience with hard contact martial arts. And he is not claiming what is/isn't hard contact, or what styles do/don't do hard contact. He is claiming that A) hard contact impacts his ability to function afterwards (presumably in terms of being sore), and B) per his words prepare you right, meaning not hospitalizing you. Youtube videos don't really go into that, so the only way for him to validate his claims is to have done those things. Which he has not, has no intention to do, and has no intention to do even basic research about, while making his claims.

Also, there is a point to focusing on a poster's points, rather than the poster. But when the poster continuously makes claims on a variety of topics, never providing any evidence of any of it and always backtracking his points, it seems pretty pointless to actually address his points themselves. Essentially the same as arguing with a five year old about economics-you can do so, but it's an exercise in futility.

Sort of. A five year old isn't automatically wrong about economics because he is five.

Rat isn't wrong because he hasn't sparred hard. He is wrong because he is wrong.
Sort of. A five year old isn't automatically wrong about economics because he is five.

Rat isn't wrong because he hasn't sparred hard. He is wrong because he is wrong.
The reply was fallicious and a strawman, the logs are there i have stated my case. I am washing my hands of the affair, and you should probbly try to as well. it serves no purpose but to posion the well.

Just going to note the notion that you need any qulficiation, or needed to be punched in the face to know the effects of it, or know the pros and cons of such is just completely ludicrious as well. You dont have to be shot or have a fancy degree to know bleeding hole bad, and missile proppelled at speed can equal death and does equal maiment.

i think the reply you quoted also rests my case it was fallcious from the start, and i correctly called it.