who is your sensei?


3rd Black Belt
Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Little Tokyo
mine is sensei rick m. tew. naturally there are instructors under him but he is the "an-shu/founder" of rtms. hence the name!;)
Shihan John Ang, as well as instructors under him (sensei,Jonin,Chunin,Renshi) etc.
Mine is American Ninjutsu under a guy named Robert Bussey
well i trained under people who has trained under him
I looked it up on here and found that people seam to be rather iffy on him.
I never met nor heard of the guy but all the high ranks in my school seam to warship the guy he comes to are yearly camps so ill get to met the guy next year

The people that trained under him to wear the RBWI patch

Accoring to the school history he ended his teaching awail back and a group of the black belts started a new school a few years back call PPC Personal Protect Concepts

lets see what it booklet says....

he pioneered Togakure Ryu in 1979...he recieved his teaching licence from Soke Masaaki Hatsumi and is the 34th successor of the Togakure Ryu Ninjustu tradition

He left in 1988 and started RBWI

and in June of 1997 he retired and disbanded RWBI

and then that July PPC was founded in texas by former RBWI instructors who wanted to keep there ties togeather current

Thats what the booklet says :p
AnimEdge said:
Mine is American Ninjutsu under a guy named Robert Bussey
well mine was too. just from what i have read in your post i see similarities. is robert bussey still giving classes? i thought he renounced ninjutsu. anyway glad to see you here. i would like to see your school in action and see how many things are similar.
i respect robert bussey for all he has done for ninjutsu. if it wasn't for him or skh none of us americans might ever have heard of ninjutsu.
From what i know he is not, i could give you the names of the ones that currently teach but uh i forget there names, the Arligton Schools website is:
so maybe you know those poeple, i dont know um :p
the Mansfield one or whatever the school i go to is called :p cuz its at a gym, the site will be up as soon as i get them to let me make one whitch hopefully will be in talks tonight :p

I never met the guy nor really heard of him but like i said the high ranks in my class love the guy even to where i heard storys that the black belts that actually trained under RBWI and had the logo wail in other countrys where treated like celberties(sp) from fellow Ninjas :p Jugding by the skill of the black belts in my class and the storys the tell he seams like a great guy, he is suposto be at our camp next year sence we didnt have one this year

i was just rambling in the last post becouse i googled him and there was some long post about his credentials or whatever on this site
Bussey no longer does Ninjutsu nor has he since the late 80's. Due to conflicting religious beliefs and philosophical differences on combative applications he left to forge a new system in personal protection and survival systems.

I trained with Bussey at the Headquarters in the early 90’s before he moved to California. And I trained again with him when he moved back. He now run an organization called Robert Bussey & Associates http://www.robertbussey.com

Part of this organization teaches Person Protection called “Power to Protect” which is more in line with the combatives concepts as opposed to the martial arts concepts.

I currently train in RWTB http://rwtb.net/ ran by Jim Rosenbach former president of RBWI and Mr. Bussey’s highest ranking Black Belt. There are 12 schools in this organization around the Midwest and a new branch will be opening in the New York area by the end of the year. We follow Bussey’s original concepts of RBWI.

There is a discussion board http://com4.runboard.com/brwtbforum feel welcome to browse.

Scott Harrison

Omaha, Nebraska

[email protected]
My stuff said he stoped around 97ish and a group of there instructors came down to Texas and started PPC whitch is where im at, i wish i could tell you there names but im coming up blank, theres a girl and like 3-4 guys or so
Hello all,

Been gone for awhile. Work has been extremely hectic. Anyhow, good to be back. To answer the question and get to know some new folks:

My sensei is An-Shu Stephen K. Hayes from Dayton, Ohio.

AnimEdge, good to see you here.
I've had the pleasure and good fortune to train under Manaka Unsui Sensei of the Jinenkan.

Now we've opened our own school in West Los Angeles, and enjoy spreading the same knowledge to our growing student base here.

If you're local, we'd love to have you stop by, if even just to say "Hi."

Peter Steeves said:
I've had the pleasure and good fortune to train under Manaka Unsui Sensei of the Jinenkan.
peter, welcome to martial talk. look around and have fun. your imput i'm sure will be fun.

Hi Peter,

Welcome, Look forward to your posts.

My instructors...

American Kenpo, Bryan Hawkins (USA)
Toshindo, An Shu Stephen K Hayes (USA)
Budo Taijutsu, Shihan Bill Atkins (USA)
Full Contact Karate/Muay Thai, Howard Brown (UK)
Wado Ryu Karate, Ron Partridge (deceased-UK) Tatso Suzuki
Kempo Karate, Grandmaster Bob Rose (UK)
