What nonfiction book are you currently reading?

Finished David Kushner's "Masters of Doom" a few days ago. Pretty interesting. About the people behind id Software, creators of Doom, Quake, and the classis Wolfenstein 3-D.

Deterring Democracy - Noam Chomsky

Although it was written 11 years ago, there are some spooky parallels to what has been going on in Iraq & Afghanistan over the past two years in the first 60 pages.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Robert Hughes' "The Fatal Shore."

Good to see somebody else who likes Chomsky's arguments.
Stalin's Last Crime
The Plot Against The Jewish Doctors, 1948-1953
Originally posted by RCastillo
Stalin's Last Crime
The Plot Against The Jewish Doctors, 1948-1953

What's this about? I don't think I know the incident(s).
Originally posted by arnisador
What's this about? I don't think I know the incident(s).

It was of his favorites that died while under the care of several physicians. It's coming down to who really killed him, the doctors due to poor medical decisions among themselves, or did Stalin have a hand in it to help eliminate those that had fallen out of favor with him.
Nice to see somebody else likes Robert W. Smith's books besides me.

By the way, the new Russell Crowe movie, "Master and Commander," is taken from the first in a series of absolutely wonderful seafaring books, set around the Napoleonic Wars, by Patrick O'Brien. I can't say enough good things about them...
By the way, the new Russell Crowe movie, "Master and Commander," is taken from the first in a series of absolutely wonderful seafaring books, set around the Napoleonic Wars, by Patrick O'Brien. I can't say enough good things about them...


I've got Master and Commander sitting on my bookshelf, its the next one in line....

Rereading Living The Martial Way by Forrest Morgan.
Great book! Also reading Man of the Century a biography of John Paul II.
