What Are Your favourite Movie Lines or Speeches?


Senior Master
MT Mentor
Apr 30, 2006
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Do you have any favourite movie lines or speeches that inspire you, motivate you, make you feel good, give you goosebumps?

Thank you so much for sharing, Jenna xo

I think this "draw the line" is one of my favourite movie speeches from Star Trek First Contact, yes I know I know! *contains a swear*


Do, or do not. There is no try.
--Master Yoda, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
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Randal Graves: All right, look, there's only one "Return," okay, and it ain't "of the King," it's "of the Jedi."

Hobbit Lover: Oh, Star Wars geek.

Randal Graves: Oh, I'm the geek? Look at you two whipping out your preciouses.

Elias: You'll have to excuse him, he's not "down" with the trilogy.

Randal Graves: Oh, what the **** happened to this world? There's only one trilogy, you ****ing morons.

Yeah. That's so me right there.
"Vegan Police!"

"Is Gelato not vegan?"

"It's milk and eggs, *****."

From Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.

My dh and I are fully loaded with quips from movies, that's just my latest fave.

Classic quotes we love come from Star Wars (There is no try), Dune (Usul has called a big one. Again, it is the legend), Better off Dead (Go that way, fast. If something gets in your way, turn), and Big Trouble in Little China (I have come to kick *** and chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of bubblegum). Can you tell we're nerds?

Joe Pesci at his best.
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Found a new favourite the other day....

(From Original Sin, with Antonio Banderas and Angenlina Jolie)

Luis (Antonio): "Julia, I just killed a man!"

Julia (Angelina): "I just bought a hat. But I don't dwell on it. I don't say over and over again "I just bought a hat. I just bought a hat". It doens't matter".
It's been a long time since I watched Scent of a Woman, Don and I had utterly forgotten that amazing scene. Thank you for reminding me of it and that I should take the time to view that film once again.
From The Last Samurai: Katsumoto: I have introduced myself. You have introduced yourself. This is a very good conversation.

From The 13th Warrior:
Herger the Joyous: When they come, we form a circle in the center of the room, backs to one another.
Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan: I am not a warrior.
Herger the Joyous: Very soon, you will be.
Wow these are fantastic. Big Don I had forgot about Scent of a Woman too. And elder wow Billy Jack! this is totally new to me and one I will look up! Clerks, Goodfellas, Last Samurai, Big Trouble in Little China and a little Angelina man these are fantastic! Thank you all!

"These go to eleven!" :D

One of my new favorite scene and quote.
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It's been a long time since I watched Scent of a Woman, Don and I had utterly forgotten that amazing scene. Thank you for reminding me of it and that I should take the time to view that film once again.
Anytime, Suke, I've got to watch it again too.
The old Kung Fu TV show was absolutely marvelous in the philosophy it espoused.

Caine: Yet, as a man I sometimes greatly fear that I may fail.
Poe: If that is our destiny, you cannot change it. But do not go in fear, Grasshopper. Fear is eternal darkness. Go instead with inner strength. For it is like a deep river, into which all streams flow. It increases, always moving forward. And soon, there is nothing that can stand in its way.
Master Kan:Avoid, rather than check. Check, rather than hurt. Hurt, rather than maim. Maim, rather than kill. For all life is precious, nor can any be replaced.
. And elder wow Billy Jack! this is totally new to me and one I will look up! Clerks, Goodfellas, Last Samurai, Big Trouble in Little China and a little Angelina man these are fantastic! Thank you all!

Here's some more-was the big line in 7th grade: "I just go berserk!"

Oh, one of the best lines ever. I bet everyone remembers this one.

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Scarlet: Rhett, Rhett wherever will I go? Whatever will I do?

Rhett: Frankly Scarlet I don`t give a damn.

Star Wars (Yoda uses the force to lift Luke`s fighter out of the swamp)

Luke: I don`t believe it!

Yoda: *sigh* That is why you fail.