Training Log

If you want to talk about training and ask me questions that’s fine but please don’t make it into a 3 page debate on the oral history of pancakes and their origins.
Oh dear, you're miffed. What we were discussing was actually interesting.
Training Log attempt again last time I got thread jacked

Steel Log and Low camber bar - Log Press and Spider Bar – Ryan Minney

It got initially off tangent due to your putting it in the "Japanese Martial Arts" section, despite having no relevance... I'd probably recommend asking the mods to put it in a more appropriate section, and perhaps giving some idea as to why you're in a position to give advice and answer questions (that's not saying you're not, but it'll certainly help the thread go the direction you want it to).
If you want to talk about training and ask me questions that’s fine but please don’t make it into a 3 page debate on the oral history of pancakes and their origins.
pancakes go back to neolithic times and we're almost certainly mankind's first go baking bread this for the first time made wheat available as a food source and and probably steered mankind away from Hunter gathering. it's therefore one of the most important discoveries in the history of our species
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I use the training log books of Lanny Basham. They are more about overcoming ‘mental blocks’ to ones performance, but I find keeping a log of the number of repetitions, what I’ve ‘discovered‘ in a training session etc very useful. Things like goal statement are a little awkward for a Brit to come up with so I use it for different purposes! Here’s an example -