The Coming Dictatorship, and the Constitution

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My understanding from an tech stand point is go to any major internet location google what ever and where ever thier main location is lest say 10th floor the NSA has a complete floor above or below and everything goes through them thats how they monitor certain phrases or words and keep profiles on lots of stuff that was public information some time ago

Damn thread necromancy. Don't you have something better to do??? This discussion is dead, nobody should ever discuss it again.
Counting down to seeing thread locked because politics are banned here and this thread now has major potential to become a huge hatefest full of vitriol.......... :stop:
In light of the necromancing of hot button constitutional and political discussions - I'm going to scramble some eggs, fry a bootload of bacon, have a second cup of coffee and squeeze some oranges.

Then I'm going to read this whole thread, turn my buttocks in the general direction of Washington, salute with quick, but heart felt, butt slapping......and have more bacon and juice. :)
And I..... have a headache......but before I leave this thread never to return to it.....

Admin's Note:

This thread is closed. If you wish to discuss political matters, take it elsewhere.
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