The Bible, Faith & Martial Arts

Why is a belief in magic any different than what you believe in?

Because calling it magic is used as a derogatory term to put down religion. You can believe in whatever you want but calling it magic ad a means to be "cute" well that's not needed
Science is an ongoing process, theories are produced based on the available evidence and when evidence that disproves part or all of the theory it admits it and refines the theory or abandons it for a theory that fits the available evidence better, which is usually done by all those smart guys. It is a fallacious argument ... science has been wrong before so all science is therefore wrong has no basis in logic.
I've never said all science is wrong. I said I don't find matter+time+chance made humans a viable theory.
Because calling it magic is used as a derogatory term to put down religion. You can believe in whatever you want but calling it magic ad a means to be "cute" well that's not needed
It's like opposite day. You should go back and read your own words regarding political correctness or hire people today are over sensitive.
I've never said all science is wrong. I said I don't find matter+time+chance made humans a viable theory.

I find it extremely improbable, viable (obviously, anthropic principle), but improbable. What would really increase that improbability and very much lessen the viability is to throw in to the mix a very complex supernatural agency that set it all in motion. Perhaps there was an evolution of supernatural agencies? Still incredibly improbable, but a slight improvement.
It's like opposite day. You should go back and read your own words regarding political correctness or hire people today are over sensitive.

I don't need to read anything. Purposely making fun of religion I find offense. I'm allowed to find some thing offensive or do I need to run it by you first? Perhaps I am over sensitive on the topic perhaps I'm not. You will notice however I didn't call for anyone to be banned or to be quiet I just said if we are going to have a grown up conversation we can actually talk like grown ups
I find it extremely improbable, viable (obviously, anthropic principle), but improbable. What would really increase that improbability and very much lessen the viability is to throw in to the mix a very complex supernatural agency that set it all in motion. Perhaps there was an evolution of supernatural agencies? Still incredibly improbable, but a slight improvement.
So then what do you think happened?
I don't need to read anything. Purposely making fun of religion I find offense. I'm allowed to find some thing offensive or do I need to run it by you first? Perhaps I am over sensitive on the topic perhaps I'm not. You will notice however I didn't call for anyone to be banned or to be quiet I just said if we are going to have a grown up conversation we can actually talk like grown ups
I said magic, but my intent was not to make fun of anything.

You can be offended, but you sure do get judgy when the shoe is on the other foot.
A similar question; where did God come from and what was going on before the first day of creation?

That is a good question,
I haven't thought of that question, but I too want to know that answer but one problem certain I'm not sure how or where that answer might be found, and I'm almost certain that none of us truly know.
I said magic, but my intent was not to make fun of anything.

You can be offended, but you sure do get judgy when the shoe is on the other foot.
I didn't judge anyone. I just know how topics like this can quickly go down hill and get locked and so far it's been a good thread and I'd like to keep it that way and keep it open. Resorting to making fun and comparing Jesus to zombies and religion to magic is a fast track down hill to a locked thread
Steve i also wasn't implying you were trying to make fun of anything but that's one of the go to insults when this topic comes up.
Because calling it magic is used as a derogatory term to put down religion. You can believe in whatever you want but calling it magic ad a means to be "cute" well that's not needed

Magic: the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.

Out of curiosity, and because this is the first time I've heard this complaint about the word magic, what is the politically correct term to use in its place so as not to offend?
I don't think anyone here would disagree that Magic is almost always ostensible, unless we are speaking of Gods works, which would not be magic, but a miracle. :)
Magic: the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.

Out of curiosity, and because this is the first time I've heard this complaint about the word magic, what is the politically correct term to use in its place so as not to offend?
That is not the definition we see in an anthropology class; so, it would follow that some people have heard it different. :)
Many Wiccans believe in magic, a manipulative force exercised through the practice of witchcraft or sorcery.
Wicca - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i do not think the word magic is offensive to wiccans. this is where the term would and should be applicable. if there is any offense then it is a predjudice against pagans and wiccans. to feel that one does not want to be considered equal to or compared to "those pagans".

now outside of religion the word magic can be a description of a "magic Show" like David Copperfield would do.
Wicca - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i do not think the word magic is offensive to wiccans. this is where the term would and should be applicable. if there is any offense then it is a predjudice against pagans and wiccans. to feel that one does not want to be considered equal to or compared to "those pagans".

now outside of religion the word magic can be a description of a "magic Show" like David Copperfield would do.
Show is the key term. :)
Magic: the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.

Out of curiosity, and because this is the first time I've heard this complaint about the word magic, what is the politically correct term to use in its place so as not to offend?
Most people think of Magic as a trick or illusion. In other words magic isn't real. A magician is an actor and a trickster. So when speaking of religion and talking a magic it's normally done in a negative way similar to the ever popular sky beings or sometimes magic sky beings. As for a political correct term I don't know what your trying to describe. What is it you think is "magic" in the first place?
here are some questions i have for the Christian faith
how old is earth?
what about dinasours?
Noah, do you have any idea how many species there are on the planet. how long it would take to get them on the ark and the size of the ark that would be required? do you know how much water there is on the planet in comparison to solid matter and what covering the earth would do to the atmosphere?
what happened to YHWH 's wife..asherah?
why do you only belive in one God when Judaism was originaly a polytheism religion?
Wicca - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i do not think the word magic is offensive to wiccans. this is where the term would and should be applicable. if there is any offense then it is a predjudice against pagans and wiccans. to feel that one does not want to be considered equal to or compared to "those pagans".

now outside of religion the word magic can be a description of a "magic Show" like David Copperfield would do.

I would think of you told a Wiccan what they believed in was magic t he y may take offense to it for same reason I said before. Magic isn't real it's a trick or illusion. You can by magic sets at Toys R us. They are childish games
here are some questions i have for the Christian faith
how old is earth?
what about dinasours?
Noah, do you have any idea how many species there are on the planet. how long it would take to get them on the ark and the size of the ark that would be required? do you know how much water there is on the planet in comparison to solid matter and what covering the earth would do to the atmosphere?
what happened to YHWH 's wife..asherah?
why do you only belive in one God when Judaism was originaly a polytheism religion?
When they placed God outside of space and time (God of Abraham) he didn't need a wife and kids. :)