The Bible, Faith & Martial Arts


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Wes Yager
MT Senior Moderator-
I saw great Thor riding his chariot across the sky yesterday, swinging mighty Mjolnir with crackling thunder and blessing us with rain. Tis`true I tell you!

It is still time to give up your silly desert religions, join the true faith where you get to party with valkyries for eternity and fight giants every day rising anew the next morning in Vallhalla with yesterday`s wounds gone. Beats sitting on a cloud playing the harp I tell you.

I'm convinced, where do I sign up?
Na we have eyewitness accounts of Jesus his life, his death and his resurrection
I will resurrect (sorry) this thread in order to say that this statement is incorrect.

There is actually no proof of any kind of the existence of Jesus. There are no eyewitness accounts; the earliest gospel was written some 40-odd years after his supposed death. The biggest argument is that there is absolutely no contemporary mention of him. The Romans were anal about record keeping. If Jesus had been half the pain to the Romans as the New Testament makes him out to be, Pilate would have documented his execution, if for no other reason than to cover his own butt with Caesar.

We can find lists of the names of gladiators killed in the arenas from that time frame. It's an interesting point to ponder: why can we find absolutely nothing about Jesus in that same time frame?

Food for thought.
This is why it's called a faith or a belief, because nothing you, I ,Hitchens, Harris or Neil Degras Tyson says will change anyone's mind about the subject.

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