Thank you (all members, admins, and moderators MT)


Green Belt
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
This is just a very humble thank you from me to all of those here within the Martial Talk community.

First, I would like to address my attitude and demeanor when I came to MT.
I humbly admit that I was misguided, ill-informed, arrogant, and bull-headed when I first arrived. I believed that my way was the only way.

But something hit me when someone brought this to my attention (could it have been you, Professor John Bishop? Or perhaps an individual from your school? Perhaps it was a quote that I found by Mr. Emperado, or one of the founding fathers of Kajukenbo. Whoever it may be, the gentleman was a wiseman).
Something that I found went along these lines:
"If you come here with a thick head and a full cup, then you will certainly not learn anything; but if you empty your cup and come with an open mind, you will certainly learn and leave with possibly even more knowledge than you ever had before."
What a great quote, I must say. That quote alone gave me quite the influence..

So again, I humbly admit that I was absolutely wrong when I came here with the attitude and demeanor that I had before. It was not 100% clear to me that there are truly individuals with great knowledge as well as experience here at Martial Talk.
I attempt no explanation, as I feel explanations that aren't asked for are merely what we call excuses; but I will admit that I have been very... cynical to the internet and all who are on it.
I always felt that those who spend hours at a time per day on an internet forum or chat site probably had no experience, much less, the time to actually train in the martial arts.
For that, I am sorry.

What I will explain is that regardless of my actions, I will give myself a second chance here at Martial Talk, as all of you have (with much thanks to Mr. Bob Hubbard and the rest of the admin/moderator team) - and actually treat Martial Talk as if it were a true dojo. There are many individuals here with much more time, training, and overall experience than myself, and even individuals with less experience that I may still learn from.

With all of that said; I would like to make amends and befriend each and every one of you, and would also like to thank all of those who have helped (or at least have tried to) in the past. I feel that after everything else, I have finally found my "nitch".
I understand that it may take time for some, but the offer remains.

Thank you, sincerely.

Aries Kai

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