Shaolin Kempo Technique Archive


Black Belt
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
Cape Cod
I'm hoping to start a Shaolin Kempo Technique Archive.


Well, for starters, I hate the 'secret club' method of training. You can't see / know what's ahead until you've tested (and often paid a fee). I think it would be healthier to take a 'top down' look at the whole art, and make a judgement.

But some guy is going to use this and set himself up as a Master fraudulently!!!

Folks have been doing this for years without this information, so at least they will be more accurate frauds. I mean, so far all it seems to require is a green belt and the ability to set up a school in the middle of nowhere. For best result, get some mail order rank, and as a bonus, find some old MA senior and get him to give you a 7th Dan.

Now the students will be able to know what to expect, so the frauds will have to work harder instead of making stuff up.

With this in circulation folks can be judged on their ability to do the material instead of whether or not they know combination #100.

This is going to ruin the art!

It doesn't seem to have ruined shotokan. Their syllabus has been publicly available for ages.

Where will it be?

Well, I'm going to host it on my little homepage that comes with my internet service, but I hope it will outgrow that spot and I'll have to find a better place. For space reasons, it will only be text for now. Eventually an online video library will be nice.
Hand Sword said:
Don't worry about it. There are plenty of sites that list the EPAK techniques as well. There's nothing wrong with sharing info. Good Stuff!

Thanks for the supportive feedback. I'm going to contribute what I have, and I hope that those with more will contribute as well.

I think it's funny what passes for beginner vs. advanced in any given art. I was watching Larry Tatum's purple belt tape (really enjoyed that one) and saw him do 'leaping crane' and was intrigued to find that it was nearly identical to SKK's combination #40 (DM#40 for USSD folks). You get #40 at about 3rd black.

Technically I should say #40 is like leaping crane as I am pretty sure leaping crane existed before the mid 1970's. As of 1974 or so SKK only had about 30 combinations.
CTKempo Todd said:

Great Idea and I'd be happy to help with anything you need..

Thanks Todd. Hopefully we'll be able to get together and compare notes soon.
It's nice to find another Cape Cod kenpoist. I'm looking forward to seeing your list grow. My system is a combination of Villari's combinations and forms and Parkers techniques. I have a collection of Villari's shaolin escape techniques and would like to know where they fit into the system.
The escapes are very simple, basic techniques. One would be for a two handed gi grab. The kids I teach call it the "Hug and Poke." With the attacker's hands holding your jacket, you press down with both of your forearms onto his forearms and pin them to your chest, basically hugging his arms to you. Then you drive a spear hand poke into the attacker's throat with whichever hand you have on top of your pin. Drive the poke straight back until the attacker's head is over his own heels and then press downward. That will cause him to fall to the ground on his back.

There are a bunch of these quick and easy techniques and they work great. A buddy of mine was starting classes with me a while back. He started with his girlfriend. I am 5'6" tall and he is 6'3" tall. I told him to grab my gi so I could show them this technique. He was showing off a little by grabbing me harder than he needed to, so I performed the technique a little harder than I needed to, to get the point accross. He fell onto his back with a loud choking sound which was followed by a few choice curse words while he was laying on the ground rubbing his throat. Good times.
I've added two pages of kempo techniques, grouped by source up in the archive. More to come, but I've been pretty busy.


Hey, how many New England Kenopkas does it take...

...oh, never mind :D

Welcome to MT, Fnorfurfoot!

Matt said:
Thanks for the supportive feedback. I'm going to contribute what I have, and I hope that those with more will contribute as well.

I think it's funny what passes for beginner vs. advanced in any given art. I was watching Larry Tatum's purple belt tape (really enjoyed that one) and saw him do 'leaping crane' and was intrigued to find that it was nearly identical to SKK's combination #40 (DM#40 for USSD folks). You get #40 at about 3rd black.

Technically I should say #40 is like leaping crane as I am pretty sure leaping crane existed before the mid 1970's. As of 1974 or so SKK only had about 30 combinations.

Now I don't feel so bad about butchering Leaping Crane. Migosh that technique gives me nightmares.

Archive looks great. Nice job!
Does anyone out there have the 50's? I am missing 52, 56, & 58, but my real problem is I think I might have two mixed up. I need someone to help me with 53 and 57. It's been a while since I learned them and I'm not sure if I have the right number for each technique.

Without explaining the whole technique in detail, one has you trap the punch then strike the attacker's throat with a cross knife. Left hand reaches behind the attacker's head to expose the throat for a right knife hand strike. Then both hands break the neck.

The other has you parry the strike with your left hand followed by a left front kick to the stomach or groin. Left knife hand strike to the neck along with a right knife hand strike to the body. Right knee to groin or stomach while both hands sort of hug attacker. Right foot lands backwards and you turn around while hugging attacker. This throws attacker to the ground. Kneel down with your right knee pressing against attacker's ribs. Right crane's beak to throat and left crane's beak to groin.

I'm sure that there are variations to those moves but if they sound familiar to anyone, please help me out. Thanks.
Matt said:
I've added two pages of kempo techniques, grouped by source up in the archive. More to come, but I've been pretty busy.



Looks great Matt!! Looking over some of the pages brought back some memories of my SKK days. Thanks for taking the time to put this info up!!:)

MJS said:
Looks great Matt!! Looking over some of the pages brought back some memories of my SKK days. Thanks for taking the time to put this info up!!:)


My pleasure, and again, I want to recognize the contributions of the folks who submitted some items (Ben & David), as they helped speed up the process and broadened the offering.

Glad you enjoyed it, and I hope to get more up later this summer.

Hand Sword said:
For SKK info, my friend told me to try There is a chat room there, where some SKK masters are online. They might be able to help with some info.

the site does not seem to offer a great deal of info. If Matt does not know...Try asking kenpo joe or T.Ingargiola or Joe Shuras

This is a wonderful idea Matt. I will check it out now.

Matt said:
I'm hoping to start a Shaolin Kempo Technique Archive.

Love the site Matt. Thanks for sharing!



Well, for starters, I hate the 'secret club' method of training. You can't see / know what's ahead until you've tested (and often paid a fee). I think it would be healthier to take a 'top down' look at the whole art, and make a judgement.

But some guy is going to use this and set himself up as a Master fraudulently!!!

Folks have been doing this for years without this information, so at least they will be more accurate frauds. I mean, so far all it seems to require is a green belt and the ability to set up a school in the middle of nowhere. For best result, get some mail order rank, and as a bonus, find some old MA senior and get him to give you a 7th Dan.

Now the students will be able to know what to expect, so the frauds will have to work harder instead of making stuff up.

With this in circulation folks can be judged on their ability to do the material instead of whether or not they know combination #100.

This is going to ruin the art!

It doesn't seem to have ruined shotokan. Their syllabus has been publicly available for ages.

Where will it be?

Well, I'm going to host it on my little homepage that comes with my internet service, but I hope it will outgrow that spot and I'll have to find a better place. For space reasons, it will only be text for now. Eventually an online video library will be nice.
marlon said:
This is a wonderful idea Matt. I will check it out now.

Thanks Marlon, I appreciate the kind words.

Also, I found some animal techniques I had typed up, so coming soon:
Tiger / Leopard / Snake / Crane / Dragon.


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