San Soo question.


Purple Belt
Jan 8, 2023
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Hi everyone, I'm a kali guy but I've been practicing ah soo and I'm thinking about starting training fut ga at home with my brother. My brother has no san soo background but is a high level kickboxer, I'm curious if he could learn the fut ga or if he needs to do ah soo first. I'm really excited to learn fut ga it looks awesome. I trained ah soo by myself and did distance training(I know not the best way to do it, but there's no kfss schools in my area) if anyone could give me some input I'd appreciate it, thanks.
Ok I got an answer from my master. I'm gonna paraphrase in case anyone has this question in the future so they can get an answer. It's possible someone is good enough to go straight to fut ga, but it's very rare. My instructor had a group of somewhat intermediates not brand new but not high level and he tried teaching them fut ga , they came from a school that didn't teach these techniques or even the ah soo, they wanted to learn fut ga so he started teaching it to them and it was too hard for them even at their level of intermediateish. So while it might be possible for someone to learn fut ga if they are very experienced it's always recommended for them to learn ah soo or basic 45 first. The ah soo is the foundation and without it it would be very difficult to learn fut ga without proper basics, fut ga is syncing the hands with the feet and if you don't have a solid foundation it's not a great idea to jump straight to fut ga most of the time.
Ok I got an answer from my master. I'm gonna paraphrase in case anyone has this question in the future so they can get an answer. It's possible someone is good enough to go straight to fut ga, but it's very rare. My instructor had a group of somewhat intermediates not brand new but not high level and he tried teaching them fut ga , they came from a school that didn't teach these techniques or even the ah soo, they wanted to learn fut ga so he started teaching it to them and it was too hard for them even at their level of intermediateish. So while it might be possible for someone to learn fut ga if they are very experienced it's always recommended for them to learn ah soo or basic 45 first. The ah soo is the foundation and without it it would be very difficult to learn fut ga without proper basics, fut ga is syncing the hands with the feet and if you don't have a solid foundation it's not a great idea to jump straight to fut ga most of the time.
Good day! I recently moved to Southeast Missouri and have been looking for San Soo artists. I have study San Soo for many years in Southern California. I saw your post about San Soo and wondered if you had time for a phone call? Please let me know.
And actually, San Soo happens to be one of those kung fu styles that does everything it can to avoid San Shou or any other kind of full contact.

So much so that if you find even light San Soo sparring videos you'll see the comment sections are full of "that's not San Soo" because 99% of them believe in the "my Buddhist art is too deadly" goofiness.
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Hi everyone, I'm a kali guy but I've been practicing ah soo and I'm thinking about starting training fut ga at home with my brother. My brother has no san soo background but is a high level kickboxer, I'm curious if he could learn the fut ga or if he needs to do ah soo first. I'm really excited to learn fut ga it looks awesome. I trained ah soo by myself and did distance training(I know not the best way to do it, but there's no kfss schools in my area) if anyone could give me some input I'd appreciate it, thanks.
come from FMA and started teaching a Master level San Soo individual. He was easy to teach, because he would pick up on the concepts fairly easily. Periodically he would attempt to counter or interject something on his own. I found it pretty easy to counter him and put him in vulnerable positions. He stopped our time together, due to what I believe was ego issues. This was my only personal experience with San Soo.
I know that there is a zillion FMA variations out there and I don’t know how extensive your experience is. I suppose my question is how does your FMA work with San Soo or FUT GA? After watching a few FUT GA videos I would think that you’re already there or very close to it.
Good day! I recently moved to Southeast Missouri and have been looking for San Soo artists. I have study San Soo for many years in Southern California. I saw your post about San Soo and wondered if you had time for a phone call? Please let me know.
Hi, that's awesome that you study san soo it's a great art! I personally did a home study course and got feedback by sending videos to my master in California. It got to be a pain so I stopped training it, but the most important thing I got out of it was the mindset. If there was a school closer to me I'd still train it but that's not the case. I now train tae kwon do. I'd be down to talk to you on the phone if you want, but like I said I was a beginner doing a home study course and you're probably a black belt or close. Probably not much you can learn from me. Pm me if you want my number.
Hi, that's awesome that you study san soo it's a great art! I personally did a home study course and got feedback by sending videos to my master in California. It got to be a pain so I stopped training it, but the most important thing I got out of it was the mindset. If there was a school closer to me I'd still train it but that's not the case. I now train tae kwon do. I'd be down to talk to you on the phone if you want, but like I said I was a beginner doing a home study course and you're probably a black belt or close. Probably not much you can learn from me. Pm me if you want my number.
Fut Gar is part of the 5 Family Style from Ark Y Wong. Choy, Li Fut, Mok, Hung are the 5 families. I learned 2 Fut forms, but would need to relearn one of them. One's long and the other is short. I teach online if you are interested. I am certified by my teacher with 44 years experience.
Fut Gar is part of the 5 Family Style from Ark Y Wong. Choy, Li Fut, Mok, Hung are the 5 families. I learned 2 Fut forms, but would need to relearn one of them. One's long and the other is short. I teach online if you are interested. I am certified by my teacher with 44 years experience.
Which forms?

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