Questions for Rick Tew Part 3


Rick Tew

Hello This is Rick Tew founder of Tew's Martial Science - American Ninjitsu

My Web sites are:

And a few others that are not really required for learning more about my programs or teaching.

I usually don't spend any time on posts or message boards as they are usually filled with peole answering questions purely based on what they think as opposed to what they know.

It is my belief that condemnation without investigation is a bar to all knowledge.

What has made me a success in the martial arts is the dedication to stand on my own two shoulders. I sell myself and my system with action not text.

I want to make it very clear that I am OPEN to communication and will always do my best to answer any questions and clear up any curiosity regarding our way of martial arts.

Message boards are great, but if you actually want to learn more about the system then please do your best to contact us for details.

As far as the Home Study Program goes it is only $300. and all the testing is FREE. The videos are easy to learn and we usually have a lot of free videos on our Web site. They were taken down for a few months and will be put back up.

Unlike other home study programs we offer more than just the sale of a few videos. You get direct communication with your instructor or instructors so you can truly be on the right track. Home Study is nothing compared to coming to our CMS Adventure program but it is also far cheaper. You get what you pay for.

Also our home study program has a 3 day return policy so you can order it and if you don't think it is for you - just return it. I suggest you order a few programs and in those few days you can see what is right for you.

Please do not compare or associate me with Van Donk, Ashida Kim, Frank Dux or even Bussey who never should be questioned. I have spent time training in RBWI, Dux Ryu and even in Hatsumi's organization when I wanted to be a bujinkan ninja and thought they could offer me a serious challenge.

What we offer is what you see in the movies. What you read about in books on the Ninja. We actually have you training hard core to be a warrior. Not just put on some tabi shoes and stand around indoors pretending you are a AUTHENTIC Ninja. You can read many articles that explain most of what our views are.

We are NOT right for everyone. If you want traditional ninjutsu / ninjitsu then you need to search somewhere else. In the martial arts we expect you to learn to fight full contact as well as master the sword.

This text will pull out some people that just want to debate or argue. I don't waste time on non-issues so please stick to questions that are realistic and not just childish banter.

Thank you for your time and have a great day!

Rick Tew
Rick Tew said:
Hello This is Rick Tew founder of Tew's Martial Science - American Ninjitsu

What we offer is what you see in the movies.

Thank you for your time and have a great day!

Rick Tew
Thank you Mr. Tew, that is plenty of Information for me.


Where do I sign up to be a Hollywood Ninja?
Movie Ninjas huh?

What belt do you have to be to learn how to Morph?
Are turtles involved at any point?
How long before I can be like Sho Kashugi or Michael Dudakoff?

Rick Tew said:
In the martial arts we expect you to learn to fight full contact as well as master the sword.
Good for you that sword you're using in the "sword kata" vids isn't a full length katana...
Rick Tew said:
Hello This is Rick Tew founder of Tew's Martial Science -
Thank you for joining in our community here.

Rick Tew said:
I usually don't spend any time on posts or message boards
But yet, something provoked you to post here.

An interesting post by the way, noticeably riddled with Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) ques, regularly used by salesmen. Looks more to me like a free billboard space for "Rick Tew's Roo", rather than an attempt to add to the discussion.

Rick Tew said:
Message boards are great, but if you actually want to learn more about the system then please do your best to contact us for details.
Some people on this board DID try to contact you. They were met with half baked answers and more NLP ques from the salesman at your ninja club.

Rick Tew said:
Ashida Kim, Frank Dux or even Bussey who never should be questioned.
Ashida Kim and Frank Dox have been proven to be frauds, so why shouldn't they be questioned?

Rick Tew said:
What we offer is what you see in the movies.
So then you admit what you are selling are acting lessons?

Rick Tew said:
We are NOT right for everyone.
Classic NLP statement. By not being "right for everyone", it makes your product look "elite"...whether it really is or not...
Rick Tew said:
What has made me a success in the martial arts is the dedication to stand on my own two shoulders.
Feet not working, or were you just mixing metaphors? ;)

Oh man you guys are ruthless =) I am in the same boat as all of you regarding homestudy and Tew Ryu...BUT. I will come to Mr. Tew's defense since it does not seem as anyone else will (Save for Enson of course :))

At least he is here. He knew he would get hit by MAJOR trashing and thrashing and yet he is here. Give him that.

I think you guys are all missunderstanding and taking his comments on "what you see in the movies" out of context. OF COURSE he is not saying that he is training actors...why would he come here to say that? I believe that his saying that when you watch a movie with ninjas (think Last Samurai)you see actors portraying hardended warriors. What Mr. Tew is saying is that his training actually produces the hardened warriors that hollywood attempts to portray. If I were going to take issue with anything it would be the next sentence where he essentially questions the efficacy of traditional training as compared to his (read into the indoor/outdoor comment).

Kizaru...I believe that Mr. Tew was saying that Bussey should not be questioned, he was not refering to Kim or Dux in this way. To them he simply asked to not be associated with them. With regards to Dux that seems strange, if you train under the guy then your are cannot change the past.

Regarding NLP (sales speak)...of course...he basically jumped into a tank of pirahnas here, he needs to sell his art to defend it.
Let me first say that NOTHING can replace a qualified instructor. Video tapes cannot see how you are training and make the necessary corrections. Video tapes can add to your training of things you already know. For example if you do a certain kata it can be helpful to watch a senior on video tape perform it to improve what you already know, similar to checking your notes, but won’t replace an actual teacher in front of you.

Unfortunately Tew tries to replace the teacher with tapes.

Therefore, selling video tapes as the primary source of learning is ridiculous not to mention insulting to any real martial artist.

For some reason, which I don’t know why, Tew you remind me of a cross between the car salesman that Bill Paxton played in the movie “True Lies” and Mr. Haney from the TV show “Green Acres”. Mr. Haney was the junk salesman that called himself an “Antiques dealer” and went around trying to sell people things like lamp shades saying it was Napoleon’s hat, glass door knobs were diamonds and so on.

Maybe it’s because only uninformed or just plain old fashioned people would believe the stuff you are shoveling on your website to be true.

In one way it’s unfortunate for those that are new to martial arts and just don’t know better but in another way it’s fortunate since what you do just makes people that practice real ninjutsu look better.
Rick Tew said:
I want to make it very clear that I am OPEN to communication and will always do my best to answer any questions and clear up any curiosity regarding our way of martial arts.

Then perhaps you should have started with this thread instead of intruding and spamming several others that had little, if anything, to do with you. If you check, the above thread is in the "Horror Stories" section and is there because of the evasions that people recieved when trying to get serious answers from you and your orginization.

If you are truely serious about what you write above (instead of merely trying to do a tap dance and drum up new students with your tales of how macho you are) then perhaps you should go to the thread I posted a link to and start to answer the many, many questions that were ignored or evaded by you and your orginization up to now. Then we can get back to talking about the benifits and drawbacks of home video training in this thread.
Rick Tew said:

Please do not compare or associate me with Van Donk, Ashida Kim, Frank Dux or even Bussey who never should be questioned. I have spent time training in RBWI, Dux Ryu and even in Hatsumi's organization when I wanted to be a bujinkan ninja and thought they could offer me a serious challenge.

This text will pull out some people that just want to debate or argue. I don't waste time on non-issues so please stick to questions that are realistic and not just childish banter.

Thank you for your time and have a great day!

Rick Tew
I am pretty sure people wouldn't compare you to Van Donk, I don't want to debate or argue, so I will skip the childish banter and ask "realistic" questions(as opposed to unrealistic ones).

You said you have spent time training in "Hatsumi's organization". How much?

You said you thought "it" could offer you a serious challenge when you wanted to become a bujinkan ninja. Maybe I am wrong but that seems to imply it didn't challenge you, so in what way do you feel it is too easy? Was there anything that you found at all difficult?

Do you feel that charging 300 dollars for a home study course that teaches people to move like Van Damme in bloodsport(ie stretching course) is a responsible sale?

Movie martial arts is movie martial arts, convincing people they are safe when they are not is REALLY irresponsible in my opinion.

Thanking you in advance for your response "Warrior" Tew.
RRouuselot said:
Therefore, selling video tapes as the primary source of learning is ridiculous not to mention insulting to any real martial artist.
What about students that do not have access local training? I think that "ridiculous" and "insulting" are a bit strong.

I have family that live in rural MT and the nearest studio is an hour away.
tsdclaflin said:
What about students that do not have access local training? I think that "ridiculous" and "insulting" are a bit strong.

I have family that live in rural MT and the nearest studio is an hour away.
I don't think that "ridiculous" and "insulting" are a bit strong compared to what I was going to write.
Having lived in the US for some time I noticed you can’t throw a stick in the air without it landing on some sort of MA school.

As for travel time…….some of my students travel over 2 hours one way to come to class. I used to travel over 90 minutes one way to study with a sword teacher that I really liked.

If you really want something and think it’s worth it then 1 hour is a small price to pay.

I guess it depends on if MA are a Hobby, or a Life Choice.
Hey There,

tsdclaflin said:
What about students that do not have access local training? I think that "ridiculous" and "insulting" are a bit strong.

I have family that live in rural MT and the nearest studio is an hour away.

In rural MT, at least in the summer time, one hour away is local training. Myself, when I was a kid I rode my bike 8 miles each way to go to Karate class and later to an eskrima class. Although it never got too cold here in Sac, it did get hot, 110+. When I lived in SoCal I drove 35 miles from West LA to Buena Park during rush hour to train 2 to 3 times a week for four years. My Sifu in Wing Chun rode public transportation 3 hours one way in Taiwan so that he could train. One hour is not really such a big deal.
Well, no reply from Super-Duper Sensei Rick "Green Ranger" Tew.
Guess his morpher broke or he locked himself outta his megazord.

Or, maybe he's reseaching some more high end movie ninja tricks in the Sho Kashugi DVD collection?

You know, in all seriousness....there is a real martial artist famous for fighting dressed like a turtle...he's an FMA guy, Datu Shishir. But, he learned real arts from real martial artists. Not some chop-saki kung fu flick. I really feel sorry for Tews students. They'll be in a street fight, try tossing a smoke bomb and going "invisible" and then wonder why they are leaking red water. Maybe their next of kin can get a refund?

Tew Ninjitsu, the Tae Bo of blank pajamas.

*Fart* *Poot* *Gag*
I Varnish!
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Ah well, my thanks in advance doesn't appear to be warranted, and I asked serious questions too!! Maybe he is busy with his money orders.
Bester said:
Well, no reply from Super-Duper Sensei Rick "Green Ranger" Tew.
Guess his morpher broke or he locked himself outta his megazord.

Or, maybe he's reseaching some more high end movie ninja tricks in the Sho Kashugi DVD collection?

You know, in all seriousness....there is a real martial artist famous for fighting dressed like a turtle...he's an FMA guy, Datu Shishir. But, he learned real arts from real martial artists. Not some chop-saki kung fu flick. I really feel sorry for Tews students. They'll be in a street fight, try tossing a smoke bomb and going "invisible" and then wonder why they are leaking red water. Maybe their next of kin can get a refund?

Tew Ninjitsu, the Tae Bo of blank pajamas.

*Fart* *Poot* *Gag*
I Varnish!

Would you expect anything less from the “Flying Ninja Squirrel Poster Child”?
Shogun said:
Did'nt someone say he fought in MMA? records anyone?

just curious. if it happened, it shouldnt be a big deal to show proof.

Yes, I believe that it was Enson, and to-date, there was never a reply.


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