Question regarding going back to training Karate (health wise)


White Belt
Mar 14, 2024
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Hey all,

I've been training Karate for 10 years and it's always been my greatest love of all.
I used to train 3-4 times a week and haven't trained for about three months due to some stress in life and work and I barely moved from my couch/ chair. I completely sank mantally.
There's nothing more that I want right now than going back to training and seeing my second family again in the Dojo.
However, I've lost a lot of weight, then gained a bit back but still not feeling fit or strong enough, if at all. Not even for Kata which is my speciallty.
I'm trying to find a middle ground and want to ask - would you recommend simply going to training or doing it gradually somehow?
I want to give my all again like before, but I don't think that it's a good idea to go drastic.
At the same time I don't want to insult my coach saying that I'm limited in movement and afraid of injury.
Anybody who could advise me what I should do, how to train and for how long in order to get back to full power?

Thank you in advance and I appreciate all answers,

I think this honestly depends on your mental state more than anything. If you think you're going to burn out mentally and end up back where you are, take it slowly. If you think it'll help pull you out of your funk, or if you're already feeling better, go back to what you were doing.
But you can always ease back the physicality if it ends up being too much, and no instructor worth their salt is going to be offended if you say you need to build your fitness back and are worried about overtraining/injury.
Welcome to Martial Talk, Dee. :)

You love Karate training and love your Dojo. Life took it away from you for a bit, which can and does happen to most of us at times throughout the years.

Go back to what you love. No need to go drastic, just go back. You’ve lost weight, people will recognize that, especially the Instructor. They’ll get it.

Just go, bro. Go have some fun. A good dojo is a beautiful thing to have.

And please keep us posted.
I want to give my all again like before
The reality is that your "all" will change over time for any number of reasons. Ultimately, age gets us all. Understand what your "all" is currently, be be happy to do that. Even if you are just going to class and doing the first part of one kata.... start there. Being around and in a good dojo will get your mind back into it. Eventually, part of a kata will be half a kata, then a full kata and soon back into class.

An Aikido instructor I know has a saying that I will paraphrase: Train always. Sit when you can no longer stand, rest fully when you are dead. He is older, many of his students are older.... they still train, limitations and all.... they do what they are able, even if that is sitting and watching the class, until they can get back on the mat.
Jump right in and without fear! You’ll love it!
I want to give my all again like before, but I don't think that it's a good idea to go drastic.

Listen to your body. Know that its complaints might be delayed. You might be all pumped up with adrenaline in the dojo, but you might regret it later.

... and your coach won't be insulted if you want to work within your physical limits at the time.