Pressure Points - Kidney Meridian

Rob Broad

Master of Arts
MTS Alumni
Dec 12, 2003
Reaction score
Sarnia , Ontario, Canada
Even though has posted the information about pressure points, we want to make sure everyone knows that if they do attempt to manipulate them they do so at their own risk. It is suggested that the Pressure Point information found on be only used for reference material, and that you seek out a qualified instructor to learn this material from.

Please use this material responsibly.
KD 1: YONGQUAN (Gushing Spring)
In the depression appearing on the sole of the foot when the foot is in plantar flexion, approximately at the junction of the anterior and middle third when the sole is divided into thirds from the base of the 2nd toe to the heel. The point is between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones in the aponeurosis of the sole, medial to the point are the tendons of the flexor digitorum pedis, longus & brevis, and the 2nd lubricalis pedis muscle. In it's deep position it lies in the interossei plantares muscle.
As I have never been taught that KD 1 is a dim-mak point, I will not cover any damage that a strike here might cause. However, as an emergency point its powers are great. It releases stored Qi to the body, thus causing a kind of kick start. If for instance a person has received a strike or has been involved in a motor accident and is dead and CPR is not working, it is probably because the trauma to the system has been so great that the body’s Qi has been drained leaving none to start the heart and respiratory functions. KD 1 is like having an extra battery in your car when the main one has failed. You can get at this stored Qi by applying a very hard one knuckle punch to KD 1 or by sticking something sharp into the point causing it to bleed. Then go back and try the CPR There have been instances where this method has worked in starting the heart, only to have the patient die later because the trauma was just too great. One of my students, a surgeon, has even used this method in surgery where all efforts had failed to revive a patient, he rushed around to the patient’s foot and stuck his scalpel up into KD 1 starting the heart! He was written up in medical journals for this.
KD 2: RANGU (Burning Valley)
Anterior and inferior to the medial malleolus, in the depression on the lower border of the tuberosity of the navicular bone, anterior and inferior to joint of the navicular, in the abductor halluces muscle.
This is a fire and yong point. (Spring or stream point). All yong points cause great damage to the rest of the body. Apart from local pain, a strike here could cause instant diarrhoea, so make sure you are in front of the recipient! Being the fire point of the water channel it usually creates a balance in yin and yang in the system. However, a strike using adverse Qi, will cause the reciprocal effect causing confusion and adverse energy states which will cause disease to enter the body. It will weaken Kidney Yang which will cause the whole system to become weak.
KD 3: TAIXI (Great Creek / Bigger Stream)
In the depression between the medial malleolus and the tendo calcaneus, level with the tip of the medial malleolus.
Extreme local pain resulting in Qi drainage and black out in the immediate using a hard strike. A hard strike here along with one, again to KD 10 will cause the legs in particular to become weak. It will weaken Kidney jing and thus weaken the whole body also in the long term causing disease later in life. This strike will also damage the kidney’s function of capturing Qi and storing it for emergency use. This is one of the most frequently used healing kidney points.
KD 4: DAZHONG (Big Goblet)
Posterior and inferior to the medial malleolus. in the depression medial to the attachment of the tendo-calcaneus.
This point when struck will impede the flow of Yang Qi throughout the system thus causing great weakness instantly. It creates a feeling of fullness in the head to the point of exploding.
KD 5: SHUIQUAN (Spring)
1 cun directly below KD 3, in the depression anterior and superior to the medial side of the tuberosity of the calcaneum.
This is a xie cleft point and as such in the healing area will clear blockages by inserting a great amount of Qi into the system. However, when struck using adverse Qi, this point will cause instant Qi drainage, thus causing the recipient to fall down. Local pain is great with this strike.
KD 6: ZHAOHAI (Shining Sea)
1 cun below the medial malleolus of the ankle, at the insertion of the abductor hallucis muscle.
This is a particularly painful strike causing immediate Qi drainage. This strike will cause mind confusion immediately. It is the ‘master’ point of the Yin Qiao Mai, and is the coupled point of the Ren Mai (Conceptor Vessel). However, the strike must be right on the point. It will also cause mental illness later in life especially if used with its set up point!
KD 7: FULIU (Returning Column / Current)
2cun directly above KD 3, on the anterior border of the tendo calcaneus, posterior to the tibia. at the inferior part of the soleus muscle and in the medial part of the calcaneus .
This is a metal and jing point. This point when struck will damage the kidneys through damaging the kidney jing. The recipient will feel an immediate rising of heat into the head which can cause knock out or extreme nausea from damaged kidneys. This is one of those points that can cause damage later in life. This point will also have an affect upon the lungs and will drain energy from the body.
KD 8: JIAOXIN (Crossing Letters)
2 cun above KD 3. 0.5cun anterior to KD 7, posterior to the medial border of the tibia.
This is another kidney point that will cause mental problems as well as sleeping problems. I have personally known of three people who have been struck at KD 8 during kick boxing matches and have not been able to sleep for days afterwards. Combine this with KD 7, (hard not to) and you have a most devastating strike. In the immediate, it will cause brain confusion.
KD 9: ZHUBIN (House Guest)
On a line drawn between KD 3 and KD 10, this point is located about 5cun above KD 3, at the lower end of the belly of the gastrocnemius around 2cun posterior to the medial margin of the tibia. Where the gastrocnemius forms the calcaneus tendon, under the soleus muscle.
This is a xie cleft point (accumulation point) so the Qi damage is great. It will cause immense pain in the immediate and will cause mind problems in the end. The kidneys will be damaged and when struck hard enough will cause knock out. Especially if used with its associated set up point.
KD 10: YINGU (Yin's Valley)
On the medial side of the popliteal fossa, level with BL 40, between the tendons of semitendinosus and semimembranosus when the knee is flexed.
A water and ‘he’ point. This point is a very dangerous point. It can cause kidney failure immediately and also a slow decay of the kidneys. It will cause the ‘seat of power’ to be attacked via its connection to CV 17, thus causing an immediate knock out or weakening of the body. Can also cause impotence immediately or later. Can be used with other kidney or bladder points to do great damage to the Kidneys. It can also affect the heart as well as the "Dai Mai" meridian thus causing communication between ‘upper and lower’ to be damaged. So this point is not one to be played round with!
KD 11: HENGGU (Horizontal Bone)
5cun below the umbilicus, on the superior border of the symphysis pubis, 0.5cun lateral to CV 2.
This is the first of the Kidney points to connect to "chong Mai" or the life force meridian. It also connects to CV meridian and has an affect upon lower heater. The kidneys are obviously affected from this strike causing immediate local pain and knock out. A strike to this area is sometimes worse than a strike directly to the groin. Kidney damage at a later time also.
KD 12: DAHE (Great Clarity)
4cun below he umbilicus, 0.5cun lateral to CV 3. Innervation: The branches of the subcostal nerve and the iliohypogastric nerve.
This point has an affect on the emotions and mind. The immediate affect is mind confusion caused by the emotions being confused. This is a good time to make a follow up strike! Qi drainage at a high level is also felt at this point and knock out will occur when a hard strike is taken. The emotional disorders caused by this strike will also show up physically, like extremely tense lower body, with sexual problems etc.
KD 13: QIXUE (Qi's Orifice)
3cun below the umbilicus, 0.5cun lateral to CV 4. Innervation: The subcostal nerve.
This point, apart from being very dangerous physically as it is in an area where there is little physical protection, also has an affect upon the life force meridian and upon the total energy of the body. Qi is drained greatly at this point, so an immediate knock down. And long term lack of energy etc. A strong strike will cause knock out or even death.
KD 14: SIMAN (Four Full)
2cun below the umbilicus, 0.5cun lateral to CV 5. Innervation: The 11th intercostal nerve.
The instant you are struck here, you will feel a shot of pain go straight over to the centre line. This is the tantien being attacked via the "Chong Mai" meridian. If the strike is very hard, death will occur in about four minutes after a knock out immediately.
KD 15: ZHONGZHU (Middle Flow)
1 cun below the umbilicus, 0.5cun lateral to CV 7. Innervation: The 10 intercostal nerve. Irrigation is the same as for KD 12.
Again, we see this point affecting the life force meridian or Chong Mai. The strike will begin at KD 15 but shoot straight across to Chong Mai. This strike has less of an affect upon tantien as it is higher up and more protected by muscle. However, a good hard strike will cause a rising of Qi to the whole neck area causing the recipient to feel like he has been choked!
KD 16: HUANGSHU (Vital's Hollow)
0.5cun lateral to the centre of the umbilicus. Innervation: The 10th intercostal nerve and irrigation is the same as for KD 12.
This point is a shokanten point of Shao Yin. So normally it will balance the fire and water of the system, (Yang & Yin). So when it is struck, apart from the damage to the Chong Mai, it will also have a psychological affect with alternate joy and fear. Will also cause extreme fatigue through the brain thinking that a Qi drainage has occurred.
KD 17: SHANGQU (Trade's Bend)
Location: 2cun above the umbilicus, 0.5cun lateral to CV 10. Innervation: The 9th intercostal nerve and Irrigated by the branches of the superior and inferior epigastric arteries and veins.
Immediate knock down from Qi drainage and air cavity. Ie., there are two types of choke knock outs. Air cavity strike where the person is deprived of air. Blood Cavity strike, there the person is deprived of blood to the brain causing a knock. This strike shocks the whole of the stomach area from the tantien right up the neck. Hard enough will cause death. It is possible however, using "iron shirt" qigong to build up this area to resist attacks. Not just a muscular build up as in ‘rippling abs’, but a sinewy build up causing a sort of ‘barrel’ of protection around the whole stomach area.
KD 18: SHIGUAN (Stone Hinge)
3cun above the umbilicus, 0-5cun lateral to GV 11.
Again, this point is connected to the chong mai or life force meridian, so a strike here will cause knock out through the Qi drainage from the seat of power, the diaphragm. It also causes an increase of yang Qi to the head which will also cause a knock out from the opposite reason.
KD 19: YINDU (Yin's Metropolis)
4cun above the umbilicus, 0-5cun lateral to CV 12.
As we get closer to the area of the solar plexus or CV 14, the damage gets greater. So this point’s damage is verging on the very dangerous. A strike here shocks the whole upper body causing a knock out from Qi drainage and air knock out. The diaphragm is attacked so the loss of power is great and the fight has finished. A strong strike here will cause death!